Installing the help system as an infocenter
You can allow your users to access the help system over the Internet or an intranet, by
installing the infocenter and the documentation plug-ins on a server. Clients view help
by navigating to a URL, and the help system is shown in their web browser. The
infocenter help system can be used both for client applications and for web
applications, either of which can have their help accessed remotely. All features
of help system except infopops and active help are supported.
The infocenter help system allows passing number of options that can be used to
customize various aspects of the infocenter. The following options are supported:
These steps are for the help system integrator and are not meant to address all the possible scenarios.
It is assumed that all your documentation is delivered as Eclipse plug-ins and, in general, you are
familiar with the eclipse help system.
- Download the Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary driver from
- Install (unzip) the driver in a directory, d:\myApp. This will create an eclipse sub-directory,
d:\myApp\eclipse that contains the code required for the Eclipse platform
(which includes the help system).
How to start or stop infocenter from command line
The class has a main method that you can use to
launch infocenter from a command line. The command line arguments syntax is:
-command start | shutdown | [-eclipsehome eclipseInstallPath]
[-data instanceArea] [-host helpServerHost] [-locales localeList]
[-port helpServerPort] [-dir rtl] [-noexec] [platform options]
[-vmargs JavaVMarguments]
To start an infocenter on port 8081 issue a start command by running
java -classpath d:\myApp\eclipse\plugins\ -command start -eclipsehome
d:\myApp\eclipse -port 8081
To shut the infocenter down issue a shutdown command by running
java -classpath d:\myApp\eclipse\plugins\ -command shutdown -eclipsehome
Using the infocenter
Start the web server. Point a web browser to the path "help" web application running on a port
specified when starting the infocenter. On the machine the infocenter is installed, this would be
How to start or stop infocenter from Java
When including infocenter as part of another application, it may be more convenient to start it
and stop using Java APIs instead of using system commands. Follow the steps if it is the case:
- Make sure d:\myApp\eclipse\plugins\ is on your app classpath.
The class you use to start, and shut down the infocenter
- Create an array of String containing options that you want to pass to the infocenter. Typically,
the eclipsehome and port options are needed. String[] options = new String[] { "-eclipsehome", "d:\\myApp\\eclipse" ,
"-port", "8081" };
- In your application, create an instance of the Help class by passing the options.
Infocenter infocenter = new Help(options);
- To start the help system:
To shut the infocenter down:
Making infocenter available on the web
Eclipse contains a complete infocenter and does not require other server software to run.
However, in unsecure environment like Internet, it is recommended infocenter is not accessed
directly by clients, but is made available through an HTTP server or an application server.
Most servers come with modules or servlets for delegating certain request to other web
resources. For example, one may configure a proxy module of Apache HTTP Server to
redirect requests made to to
http://internalserver:8081/help that runs an infocenter. Adding the lines
LoadModule proxy_module modules/ApacheModuleProxy.dll
ProxyPass /myproduct/infocenter http://internalserver:8081/help
ProxyPassReverse /myproduct/infocenter http://internalserver:8081/help
to conf/httpd.conf file of Apache server running mycompany web site accomplishes this.
Some versions of Apache HTTP server, may contain AddDefaultCharset directive enabled in
configuration file. Remove the directive or replace with
AddDefaultCharset Off
to have browsers display documents using correct character set.
Running multiple instance of infocenter
Multiple instances of infocenter can be run on a machine from one installation. Each started
instance must use its own port and be provided with a workspace, hence -port
and -data
options must be specified. The instances can serve documentation from different set of plug-ins,
by providing a valid platform configuration with -configuration
If -configuration
is not used and configuration directory is shared among multiple infocenter
instances, with overlapping set of locales, it must be ensured that all search indexes are created
by one infocenter instance before another instance is started. Indexes are saved in the configuration
directory, and write access is not synchronized across infocenter processes.
[Optional] Installing a minimal set of plug-ins
The infocenter does not require the entire Eclipse Platform package. It is possible to run the
infocenter with the following plug-ins (located in the eclipse\plugins directory):
Some documentation plug-ins may have dependencies on other plug-ins, usually by specifying required
plug-ins in their plugin.xml. The dependent plug-ins need to be installed on the infocenter as well.
Additionally, plug-ins that were designed for earlier than 3.0 version of Eclipse implicitly require an org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility
being present plug-in to work.
Infocenter plug-ins can be updated without restarting the infocenter, using commands explained
in Updating a running infocenter from command line topic. To use this functionality, the minimal
set of plug-ins must include org.eclipse.update.core
See Help System Preferences for more information on customizing help system.
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