BISLCSS - FYP team from University of Macau

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1. Project Name: Nutrition System

2. Project Team:

3. Project Description: Introduction, Objective

4. MOV

       a. Identify the Desired Area of Impact

       1> Customer – care health; achieve the user’s health goal

-        Amount of PDA device user; amount of nutrition system users.

-        Help customer take care of health, and take of disease

       2> Financial

-        cost source: web server, nutrition information suppliers, registry capital(fixed cost), variable cost

-        assume 3 year

       3> Social


       4> Strategic

-        Create the brand image


5> Operational

-        Let the users do less data entry 20% reduced, improve the entry efficiency

-        Convenient to let the users know their health condition

-        Restaurant can get data from the system, users’ preference

       b. Identity the Desired Value of the IT Project




       c. Develop an Appropriate Metric

              - create the brand image


       d. Set a Time Frame



5. Alternatives

       5.1 Pure online

       5.2 Pure PDA

       5.3 Internet-enabled PDA + server

Total cost of ownership

Total benefit of ownership

posted on 2006-09-28 00:18 BISLCSS 阅读(276) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

