BISLCSS - FYP team from University of Macau

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Time Frame


Increase the product awareness and brand image



Penetrate new target market

Increase market share from 20% to 40%

Increase nutrition advice features from 50% to 70%

Include restaurants, supermarkets as new users

24 months


12 months


12 months



Receive better services and comprehensive nutrition advices

Reduce journal data entry procedure from 5 steps to 3 steps

At least 5 nutrition tips per day compared with 2 originally

Nutrition advices come from diet, sport and medical three aspects compared to 1 originally

6 months


6 months


6 months



Increase revenue



Reduce cost of regular updating database

Charge $5 monthly each customer will increase revenue by 15%

$0 food database updating cost any more

24 months



6 months



Eliminate process of updating food database

No food database update process which will done by restaurants and supermarket themselves

6 months



Increase awareness of healthy life style

Increase No. of customer by 20%

24 months


The original existing nutrition systems of the company provide customer the general functions which could also be found in other competitors’ products. As our proposed new features added nutrition system launches, the outstanding specialty would attract new customers to increase market share from 20% to 40% based on original pie, which would be achieved within 2 years. And, as new type of users involved in our proposed system, target market will penetrate into restaurants and supermarkets.

By improving the data entry efficiency of reducing the input procedure from 5 to 3, and giving more nutrition tips and reminders, our proposed system would definitely become more and more attractive. Moreover, we change our charging type from software renting payment one time forever to monthly payment. The overall revenue would increase by 15% in 2 years’ time.

As restaurants and supermarkets taking part in our proposed system, they’ll update their food database regularly all by themselves in order to attract customers for competition, we eliminate the database updating process, which would decrease the maintaining cost and data updating errors that would increase the efficiency of system’s operation.

From social perspective, the more customers using our system, the more aware of healthy life style in the society. This is our prospect in long-run.

posted on 2006-10-04 22:04 BISLCSS 阅读(218) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

