BISLCSS - FYP team from University of Macau

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2006年10月26日 #

The following two databases are on the Web Server

Ø       User Account Database

u        User Information Table //user’s basic information

u        Disease Record Table // record the user’s disease information

u        Food Journal Table // record the user’s daily food information, including the supplement information, and this table will be renewed every half year.

u        Daily Summary Table // = [user + day + all nutrition factors], it’s the summary of Food Journal Table

u        Workout Journal Table // record the user’s daily workout information

u        Favorite Food Table // restore the Top 10 popular food of the corresponding month


Ø       Default/Pre-stored Database

u        Food // all nutrition factor

u        Disease // [sensitive factor + disease name], it matches the sensitive factor and disease

u        Restaurant // dish information, updated by each restaurant

u        Workout // all workout and exercise information

u        Supplement // supplementary nutrition factor, such as Vitamin C…


There is another database on the PDA side to store the corresponding user’s information, which includes the following tables.

u        User Information Table

u        Disease Record Table

u        Food Journal Table

u        Food Plan Table // the user can set his plan beforehand, if he forget to enter journal, system will apply the Food Plan

u        Food Calories Table // download from server, includes all the food calories, = [Food + Calories]

u        Sensitive Food Table // this is searched from server side, Disease Table. It records the user is sensitive to what factors.

u        Pill-taking Table // record the user’s pill-taking schedule


PDA side database stores the corresponding user’s information only. Server side database stores complete information.

posted @ 2006-10-26 23:22 BISLCSS 阅读(304) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏