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Guice support in DWR

Guice is the hot new dependency injection framework from Bob Lee and others at Google. DWR is a system for remoting Java server-side objects as JavaScript client-side objects in a way that is natural on both the client and server sides.

I'd been using DWR with Spring to wire together all the components of the BoxPop on-line ticket sales web application for almost a year and I was pretty happy with the combination. Then a few weeks ago, just as I was considering how to make the webapp more easily configurable, to support rapid administration and self-configuration of many customers, Josh Bloch suggested I take a look at Guice, and I suddenly realized just how fragile and unmaintainable was all that XML I had written for DWR and Spring.

Of course I could use Guice without integrating it with DWR, but one of the things that had always bothered me about DWR (and many other tools, not just DWR) was that everything -- remoted objects, data transfer objects, extension classes -- has to be concrete and public, with a public parameterless constructor, and everything works through setter injection, which makes things difficult. I want to work in terms of interfaces, with implementation classes that have final fields for injected state.

Guice looked like a way to have it all: easy remoting with type-safe (pure Java) configuration. I wrote a Guice integration package for DWR, and Joe Walker signed me on as a DWR contributor so I can help maintain it as part of the DWR distribution. The package Javadoc describes how to use it along with a simple example.

I'm still in the early stages of applying it to the BoxPop web sales application, but already the power of Guice has made things simpler. Each customer (where a customer is ticket-selling entity, like a theater) is associated with a domain where all their data -- seat charts, performance information, pricing information, patrons and their reservations, and holds on seats -- is maintained. When a user visits the web store to buy tickets, the link contains a domain name, e.g., "t3" for Theatre Three. Before Guice support, I had devised a complicated system using reflection and proxying to route the user request to the appropriate service object. It was so involved that I had trouble explaining it to my partners, both smart people. Not being able to explain something is a bad code smell.

With Guice-injected remoted objects, I can define a new scope, domain scope, where the details of providing the appropriate domain-specific service object are neatly encapsulated and managed by Guice. All I have to do is write something like this in my binding code:

bindRemotedAs("Tix", WebstoreService.class) // interface
.to(WebstoreServiceImpl.class) // impl
.in(DomainScopes.DOMAIN); // scope

where the interface looks like this:

public interface WebstoreService {
PerformanceAvailability getPerformanceAvailability();

Only the methods of WebstoreService are exposed to the world, even though the implementation class might have other public methods. With the Guice support, I don't need to specify which methods to expose. As usual with DWR, on the JavaScript side I can write things like:

callback : function(availability) {
exceptionHandler : ...

Because Guice has Spring integration, I can migrate my existing Spring-based code smoothly. Because it has JNDI integration, I can rewrite the code that manages the domain-specific configuration to use whatever LDAP back-end I like, instead of having to maintain an assortment of XML files and registry settings. We've already had problems with syntax errors in the XML configuration files, so this will save us a lot of heartache.

Guice also has support for AOP Alliance method interceptors, which means that on most of the occasions when I would feel most tempted to use AspectJ, I can stick to pure Java. Not that I have anything against AspectJ, but it's a different language and one more thing to worry about. I want to save it for the occasions when I really need it (as was the case for another submodule of our project).

posted on 2007-04-14 03:18 山风小子 阅读(780) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: AjaxGuice