First they ignore you
then they ridicule you
then they fight you
then you win
    -- Mahatma Gandhi
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直接升级到Grails0.5.6即可 :)

虽然从Grails0.5.5和Grails0.5之间的版本号上看,并没有什么显著的变化。其实Grails0.5.5 fix了将近200个issue。




Grails0.5.5 Release Notes


  • [GRAILS-805] - Define behaviour for existing tests left in grails-test/
  • [GRAILS-806] - Have functional tests automatically flush and delete all GORM objects between test methods


  • [GRAILS-1246] - sortableColumn tag and non default actionName
  • [GRAILS-1247] - Integration testing of Services fails with "Could not synchronize database state with session" error
  • [GRAILS-1249] - pluginContextPath contains wrong path
  • [GRAILS-1251] - reloading broken in when using subpackages
  • [GRAILS-1255] - SortableColumn tag outputs params attribute within <th> element
  • [GRAILS-1259] - A grails generated war cannot be run under a standalone web app server (e.g. tomcat) environment
  • [GRAILS-1261] - Regression: Integration tests are not injected by services (and other beans)
  • [GRAILS-1262] - Plugin itself is not loaded when running or testing plugin project
  • [GRAILS-1264] - PackagePlugin script includes excessive files in classpath, causing ZIP errors to be reported
  • [GRAILS-1266] - Upgrade script shows unit/integration instead of test/integration in printlns
  • [GRAILS-1267] - Grails upgrade no longer overwrites plugins/core/taglib files
  • [GRAILS-1269] - Upgrade overwrites custom url mappings
  • [GRAILS-1270] - Regression: bindData(target, params, excludeList) no longer binds anything
  • [GRAILS-1273] - g:form outputs servlet context URI twice when using url=[....] attribute


  • [GRAILS-78] - Create central pool of Validators for domain objects
  • [GRAILS-299] - redirect causes id to appear as parameter rather than in the url
  • [GRAILS-529] - Refactor unit test support into abstract base TestCase and add refresh SessionFactory feature
  • [GRAILS-734] - When checking out a project from SVN which has plugins installed, they may not work (cannot see classes in src/java) until stop/clean/start(ed) again
  • [GRAILS-778] - Add support to add methods to interfaces using ExpandoMetaClass
  • [GRAILS-952] - Make URL mapping support named parameter syntax for increased conciseness
  • [GRAILS-985] - GSP syntax errors reported as "app_rails_xxx" - should be "grails"?
  • [GRAILS-1173] - Prune emptry directories from plugins when packaging
  • [GRAILS-1224] - allow file names in grails urls (patch to
  • [GRAILS-1260] - Show URL of localhost app in StatusFinal event when run-app completes

New Feature

  • [GRAILS-46] - Add the ability to expose Grails service classes in a pluggable way

Grails0.5.5 RC1 Release Notes


  • [GRAILS-783] - Fix reloading of spring & hibernate configuration
  • [GRAILS-784] - Implement reloading of user plugins in plugin projects
  • [GRAILS-786] - Implement general mechanism for the addition of new artifacts with requiring a server restart
  • [GRAILS-788] - Create grails-test/unit and grails-test/integration directories for integration and unit tests
  • [GRAILS-807] - Make tests generate reports automatically (console output is hidden otherwise)
  • [GRAILS-873] - Stop all files in plugin project being zipped
  • [GRAILS-874] - Stop packaging plugin tests
  • [GRAILS-875] - Stop packaging plugin webtests
  • [GRAILS-878] - Investigate whether or not plugins should have a plugins/ dir within them
  • [GRAILS-881] - Prevent copying of datasources etc that cause app start failures if duplicated
  • [GRAILS-968] - Don't include CVS or .svn dirs in plugin ZIP
  • [GRAILS-991] - Add test base classes / meta magic to provide custom test features for different artefacts i.e. TagLibTestCase
  • [GRAILS-1020] - Slightly overhauled the german locale concerning the &uuml; and the language
  • [GRAILS-1028] - Add a script such as _Install.groovy that is run when plugin is installed, so it can create project dirs etc, and also _Upgrade run during grails upgrade
  • [GRAILS-1155] - Cache downloaded plugins to ${user_home}/.grails/plugins
  • [GRAILS-1156] - Cache result of list-plugins
  • [GRAILS-1157] - Change plugin's distribution zip to contain only lowercase symbols
  • [GRAILS-1158] - Implement generating of plugin.xml with plugin meta-information from *GrailsPlugin.groovy
  • [GRAILS-1159] - Implement 'plugin-info' script to show full information about plugin hosted at Grails server
  • [GRAILS-1160] - Implement http proxy configuration for all tasks which communicate with web (install-plugin,list-plugins,etc)
  • [GRAILS-1178] - Document new plugin installation system (release distribution, *GrailsPlugin.groovy convention properties, etc)
  • [GRAILS-1207] - Provide conventional property to specify database cleaning order


  • [GRAILS-383] - createLink with id:0
  • [GRAILS-517] - Interceptors that invoke closures in other classes do not see dynamic properties/methods
  • [GRAILS-535] - New controllers aren't recognized without a server restart
  • [GRAILS-576] - Cannot inject services into domain classes
  • [GRAILS-675] - Requests for nonexistent views/actions with punctuation in case NullPointerException
  • [GRAILS-727] - GORM super class strange behavior on count() method
  • [GRAILS-838] - Multi-part upload are not bound
  • [GRAILS-910] - Quartz jobs hide exceptions
  • [GRAILS-936] - datePicker will never default to the noSelection
  • [GRAILS-977] - TagLibUtil.outToString exception
  • [GRAILS-997] - g:timeZoneSelect won't run.
  • [GRAILS-1033] - Concurrent issues in SimpleGrailsController
  • [GRAILS-1042] - deep inheritence broken
  • [GRAILS-1047] - Sitemesh layout does not work for the application top level index.gsp
  • [GRAILS-1069] - Exceptions in Jobs result in NoSuchMethodError
  • [GRAILS-1104] - Regression: Some new class incompatibility (similar to the Quartz problem?)
  • [GRAILS-1106] - bug in g:richTextEditor
  • [GRAILS-1111] - Reverse url mappings: mappings with specified controller must take precedence over default mappings
  • [GRAILS-1113] - When using a unidirectional List mapping you cannot save the many side of the relationship
  • [GRAILS-1116] - grails not happy with GROOVY_HOME defined (may be Windows-only)
  • [GRAILS-1120] - isNotNull restriction not working in criteria builder
  • [GRAILS-1122] - grails test-app Target uses the production environment
  • [GRAILS-1123] - <g:link> tag creates wrong link when 'id' parameter is 0
  • [GRAILS-1125] - Jar changes are not reflected in Eclipse after an upgrade
  • [GRAILS-1126] - 'createArtifact' task should also search a template for artefact in plugin's 'src/templates/artifacts' directories
  • [GRAILS-1129] - content in does not show properly.
  • [GRAILS-1138] - Regression: params are not encoded by RegexUrlMapping
  • [GRAILS-1141] - grails run-webtest does not startup grails correctly
  • [GRAILS-1145] - inconsistent reverse URL mapping
  • [GRAILS-1147] - changing locale by passing in lang param only changes locale for the request and not the whole session
  • [GRAILS-1150] - Date validation does not fail if year is blank (with date picker allowing noselection on year)
  • [GRAILS-1151] - should return the ID of the session
  • [GRAILS-1153] - URL mapping filter throws a NPE when no controllers are available
  • [GRAILS-1154] - Each time a plug-in project is run it creates a nested plugins directory with all static resources in it
  • [GRAILS-1161] - URL mapping not reverse mapping properly
  • [GRAILS-1162] - actionSubmit and actionSubmitImage throw exceptions instead of correct error message if value attrib missing
  • [GRAILS-1165] - toString() not inherited properly
  • [GRAILS-1166] - startGrails.bat uses groovy-starter.jar from GROOVY_HOME, not GRAILS_HOME
  • [GRAILS-1167] - Grails doesn't support existing hibernate domain objects with non-public constructors
  • [GRAILS-1168] - Exception thrown when using existing hibernate domain model with mapped abstract parent class
  • [GRAILS-1169] - Grails doesn't support existing hibernate domain objects with value-object collections
  • [GRAILS-1171] - has no effect...
  • [GRAILS-1180] - Binding date values to command objects does not work (at least not the same way it works for domain class instances)
  • [GRAILS-1184] - BeanCreationException on Grails startup
  • [GRAILS-1185] - Closures on Domain Objects Cause Hibernate Exception
  • [GRAILS-1189] - Regression: metaclass change mean "request" not available to methods (not closures) of a taglib
  • [GRAILS-1190] - Regression: Error pages require layout with same name as controller
  • [GRAILS-1191] - GSP rendering never completes if encounters missing closing } in attribute value
  • [GRAILS-1195] - Command objects don't bind date fields
  • [GRAILS-1196] - findByLastnameOrFirstname
  • [GRAILS-1205] - Submit images in forms do not always work, sometimes resulting in 404 for URI /controllerName/actionName.y
  • [GRAILS-1206] - Cannot get top-level URIs to map to controllers
  • [GRAILS-1209] - notEqual Validator does not work
  • [GRAILS-1213] - Exception thrown when existing hibernate domain class has private identifier field
  • [GRAILS-1216] - Regression: No longer possible to override default.XXX error messages in application
  • [GRAILS-1218] - Unique constraint doesn't work with unique:['field1','field2'] syntax
  • [GRAILS-1219] - Problem with unique constraint
  • [GRAILS-1220] - Problem running test-app and console when using plugins that contain java src
  • [GRAILS-1222] - Grails App does not run well on the Tomcat, but run well on the Jetty within Grails
  • [GRAILS-1225] - Hibernate Mapping and Subclass Issues
  • [GRAILS-1233] - Setting datePicker detault="none" causes exception instead of leaving fields unselected
  • [GRAILS-1235] - g:select with valueMessagePrefix outputs key instead of message value if message value in bundle is specified but blank
  • [GRAILS-1236] - Event hooks completely broken, cannot load Event scripts
  • [GRAILS-1245] - Can not persist object to db from grails console


  • [GRAILS-72] - Add dependency injection for domain classes using autowiring
  • [GRAILS-206] - Add create-domain-controller command
  • [GRAILS-221] - Add support for Controllers to be placed in sub-folders/packages.
  • [GRAILS-376] - Organizing domain classes in subfolders
  • [GRAILS-475] - afterInterceptor should pass model as well as view and should not proceed further if return value is false
  • [GRAILS-567] - Namespacing required for taglib functions
  • [GRAILS-609] - Disallow definition of custom SessionFactory bean in resources.xml
  • [GRAILS-718] - Make unit tests automatically delete and flush domain objects before each test is executed
  • [GRAILS-847] - Improve directory structure of grails-test
  • [GRAILS-932] - Let's use installDojo.groovy the current version of the DOJO framework
  • [GRAILS-974] - Multiple domain objects per request no way to bindData
  • [GRAILS-1112] - Aphabeticise "grails help" output
  • [GRAILS-1172] - Custom validator constriant can take 'errors' object as argument....
  • [GRAILS-1181] - Allow access to actual request URI and request URL from controller
  • [GRAILS-1198] - log entry for auto reload
  • [GRAILS-1226] - Add OS X specific classpath to when running under Darwin
  • [GRAILS-1229] - GrailDataBinder Improvement
  • [GRAILS-1242] - Add compile start/compile end events to Gant scripts
  • [GRAILS-1252] - Implement a way to check if Grails application was started successfully

New Feature

  • [GRAILS-1210] - Add mechanism to inject new paths into rootLoader classpath from scripts
  • [GRAILS-1241] - Add new Grails icons to main distro so that plugins and scripts can use them


附:朝花夕拾——Groovy & Grails
posted on 2007-06-16 13:39 山风小子 阅读(2298) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Groovy & GrailsOthers