由于0.5.5有个小bug给用户带来少许不便,虽然解决起来很方便,在我之前发表的随笔中也提到过,但Grails Team还是决定发布Grails0.5.6以方便大家的使用。
接下来的版本是:0.6,1.0RC1,1.0RC2,1.0(今年十月份左右发布),2008年Groovy & Grails会更好 :)
Release Notes - Grails - Version 0.5.6 - HTML format
- [GRAILS-603] - Something is causing the taglib output to flush - getting groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException error message output mid-page
- [GRAILS-802] - generate-all uses production environment
- [GRAILS-1276] - pluginContextPath on null object exception
- [GRAILS-1277] - g:javascript tag causes exception if no controller in url
- [GRAILS-1278] - Some scripts still refer to 'grails-tests' directory
- [GRAILS-998]
- Refactor bindData to remove 3 param form with "excludes" list and
replace with 3 param form that takes Map as 3rd param with "includes"
and "excludes" support
朝花夕拾——Groovy & Grails
posted on 2007-06-18 12:38
山风小子 阅读(1232)
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Groovy & Grails