First they ignore you
then they ridicule you
then they fight you
then you win
    -- Mahatma Gandhi
Chinese => English     英文 => 中文             
随笔-221  评论-1047  文章-0  trackbacks-0

在Grails0.6+中,配置稍有不同,详见 朝花夕拾——Groovy & Grails


1,创建Grails应用程序,我将它命名为legacy:grails create-app legacy
2,创建一个域类User:grails create-domain-class User
class  User { 
    String userId
    String password
static  constraints  =  {
false , maxSize: 16 )    
false , maxSize: 45 )

4,生成与域类User相关的所有Grails应用程序工件(artifact):grails generate-all User

class  DevelopmentDataSource {
boolean  pooling  =   true
//  将这行注释掉
// String dbCreate = 'update'  //  one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
//  url和driver要正确
   String url  =   " jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/legacy_dev "
   String driverClassName 
=   " com.mysql.jdbc.Driver "
   String username 
=   " root "
   String password 
=   ""   //  这里为您的密码 :)

<? xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<! DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
          "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"

< hibernate-configuration >
< session-factory >
< property  name ="connection.driver_class" > com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </ property >
< property  name ="connection.url" > jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/legacy_dev </ property >
< property  name ="connection.username" > root </ property >
< property  name ="connection.password" ></ property >
< property  name ="connection.pool_size" > 1 </ property >
< property  name ="dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect </ property >
< property  name ="current_session_context_class" > thread </ property >
< property  name ="cache.provider_class" > org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider </ property >
< property  name ="show_sql" > true </ property >
< property  name ="" > validate </ property >
< mapping  resource ="User.hbm.xml" />
</ session-factory >
</ hibernate-configuration >

<? xml version="1.0" ?>
<! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

< hibernate-mapping >
< class  name ="User"  table ="user" >
< id  name ="userId"  column ="user_id"  type ="java.lang.String"  length ="16" >
   <generator class="assigned" /> 
<property name="password" column="password" type="java.lang.String" length="45" /> 

(试验代码时,请不要在Edit User页面中更新用户的userId,否则出发生异常,因为‘主键’不可更改。
在自己的应用程序中,可以disable掉Edit User页面中的User Id文本域)

class  UserController {
    def index 
=  { redirect(action:list,params:params) }

//  the delete, save and update actions only
//  accept POST requests
    def allowedMethods  =  [delete: ' POST ' ,
' POST ' ,
' POST ' ]

    def list 
=  {
if ( ! params.max)params.max  =   10
        [ userList: User.list( params ) ]

    def show 
=  {
// [ user : User.get( ) ]
        [ user : User.findByUserId( ]

    def delete 
=  {
// def user = User.get( )
        def user  =  User.findByUserId(
if (user) {
=   " User ${} deleted. "
else  {
=   " User not found with id ${} "

    def edit 
=  {
// def user = User.get( )
        def user  =  User.findByUserId(
if ( ! user) {
=   " User not found with id ${} "
else  {
return  [ user : user ]

    def update 
=  {
// def user = User.get( )
        def user  =  User.findByUserId(
if (user) {
=  params
if ( {
// redirect(action:show,
else  {
' edit ' ,model:[user:user])
else  {
=   " User not found with id ${} "

    def create 
=  {
        def user 
=   new  User() 
=  params
return  [ ' user ' :user]

    def save 
=  {
        def user 
=   new  User() 
=  params
if ( {
// redirect(action:show,
else  {
' create ' ,model:[user:user])


< html >
< head >
< meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
< meta  name ="layout"  content ="main"   />
< title > User List </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< div  class ="nav" >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< href ="${createLinkTo(dir:'')}" > Home </ a ></ span >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< g:link  action ="create" > New User </ g:link ></ span >
</ div >
< div  class ="body" >
< h1 > User List </ h1 >
< g:if  test ="${flash.message}" >
< div  class ="message" >
</ div >
</ g:if >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
                           <g:sortableColumn property="id" title="Id" />
< g:sortableColumn  property ="userId"  title ="User Id"   />
< g:sortableColumn  property ="password"  title ="Password"   />
< th ></ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< g:each  in ="${userList}" >
< tr >
< td > ${it.userId?.encodeAsHTML()} </ td >
< td > ${it.password?.encodeAsHTML()} </ td >
< td  class ="actionButtons" >
                            <span class="actionButton"><g:link action="show" id="${}">Show</g:link></span>
< span  class ="actionButton" >< g:link  action ="show"  id ="${it.userId}" > Show </ g:link ></ span >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ g:each >
</ tbody >
</ table >
< div  class ="paginateButtons" >
< g:paginate  total ="${User.count()}"   />
</ div >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >

< html >
< head >
< meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
< meta  name ="layout"  content ="main"   />
< title > Show User </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< div  class ="nav" >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< href ="${createLinkTo(dir:'')}" > Home </ a ></ span >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< g:link  action ="list" > User List </ g:link ></ span >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< g:link  action ="create" > New User </ g:link ></ span >
</ div >
< div  class ="body" >
< h1 > Show User </ h1 >
< g:if  test ="${flash.message}" >
< div  class ="message" > ${flash.message} </ div >
</ g:if >
< div  class ="dialog" >
< table >
< tbody >
                        <tr class="prop">
                              <td valign="top" class="name">Id:</td>
                                    <td valign="top" class="value">${}</td>
< tr  class ="prop" >
< td  valign ="top"  class ="name" > User Id: </ td >
< td  valign ="top"  class ="value" > ${user.userId} </ td >
</ tr >
< tr  class ="prop" >
< td  valign ="top"  class ="name" > Password: </ td >
< td  valign ="top"  class ="value" > ${user.password} </ td >
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >
< div  class ="buttons" >
< g:form  controller ="user" >
                 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${user?.id}" />
< input  type ="hidden"  name ="id"  value ="${user?.userId}"   />
< span  class ="button" >< g:actionSubmit  value ="Edit"   /></ span >
< span  class ="button" >< g:actionSubmit  value ="Delete"   /></ span >
</ g:form >
</ div >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >

< html >
< head >
< meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
< meta  name ="layout"  content ="main"   />
< title > Create User </ title >          
</ head >
< body >
< div  class ="nav" >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< href ="${createLinkTo(dir:'')}" > Home </ a ></ span >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< g:link  action ="list" > User List </ g:link ></ span >
</ div >
< div  class ="body" >
< h1 > Create User </ h1 >
< g:if  test ="${flash.message}" >
< div  class ="message" > ${flash.message} </ div >
</ g:if >
< g:hasErrors  bean ="${user}" >
< div  class ="errors" >
< g:renderErrors  bean ="${user}"  as ="list"   />
</ div >
</ g:hasErrors >
< g:form  action ="save"  method ="post"   >
< div  class ="dialog" >
< table >
< tbody >

< tr  class ='prop' >< td  valign ='top'  class ='name' >< label  for ='userId' > User Id: </ label ></ td >< td  valign ='top'  class ='value  ${hasErrors(bean:user,field:'userId','errors')}' >< input  type ="text"  name ='userId'  value ="${user?.userId?.encodeAsHTML()}" /></ td ></ tr >
< tr  class ='prop' >< td  valign ='top'  class ='name' >< label  for ='password' > Password: </ label ></ td >< td  valign ='top'  class ='value  ${hasErrors(bean:user,field:'password','errors')}' >< input  type ="text"  name ='password'  value ="${user?.password?.encodeAsHTML()}" /></ td ></ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >
< div  class ="buttons" >
< span  class ="formButton" >
< input  type ="submit"  value ="Create" ></ input >
</ span >
</ div >
</ g:form >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >

< html >
< head >
< meta  http-equiv ="Content-Type"  content ="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
< meta  name ="layout"  content ="main"   />
< title > Edit User </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< div  class ="nav" >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< href ="${createLinkTo(dir:'')}" > Home </ a ></ span >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< g:link  action ="list" > User List </ g:link ></ span >
< span  class ="menuButton" >< g:link  action ="create" > New User </ g:link ></ span >
</ div >
< div  class ="body" >
< h1 > Edit User </ h1 >
< g:if  test ="${flash.message}" >
< div  class ="message" > ${flash.message} </ div >
</ g:if >
< g:hasErrors  bean ="${user}" >
< div  class ="errors" >
< g:renderErrors  bean ="${user}"  as ="list"   />
</ div >
</ g:hasErrors >
           <div class="prop">
          <span class="name">Id:</span>
          <span class="value">${user?.id}</span>

< g:form  controller ="user"  method ="post"   >
               <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${user?.id}" />
< input  type ="hidden"  name ="id"  value ="${user?.userId}"   />
< div  class ="dialog" >
< table >
< tbody >

< tr  class ='prop' >< td  valign ='top'  class ='name' >< label  for ='userId' > User Id: </ label ></ td >< td  valign ='top'  class ='value  ${hasErrors(bean:user,field:'userId','errors')}' >< input  type ="text"  name ='userId'  value ="${user?.userId?.encodeAsHTML()}" /></ td ></ tr >
< tr  class ='prop' >< td  valign ='top'  class ='name' >< label  for ='password' > Password: </ label ></ td >< td  valign ='top'  class ='value  ${hasErrors(bean:user,field:'password','errors')}' >< input  type ="text"  name ='password'  value ="${user?.password?.encodeAsHTML()}" /></ td ></ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >

< div  class ="buttons" >
< span  class ="button" >< g:actionSubmit  value ="Update"   /></ span >
< span  class ="button" >< g:actionSubmit  value ="Delete"   /></ span >
</ div >
</ g:form >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >

好了,整个处理过程已经呈现给大家了,希望对大家有用 :)

附:朝花夕拾——Groovy & Grails
posted on 2007-06-06 19:45 山风小子 阅读(4101) 评论(5)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Groovy & Grails