Set => 用于设置name属性指定的set方法或字段的值,在查找方法中会有各种尝试:1. 尝试当前值实例作为参数的set方法;2. 使用Class实例的TYPE字段作为参数类型的set方法;3. 尝试查找public类型的字段;4. 尝试所有只有一个参数的对应的set方法;5. 尝试是否可以将其转换成Set或数组类型的参数;6. 尝试装箱后的参数。
Put => 要使用该方法,配置类型必须继承自Map接口,使用name属性作为key,获取其值实例,调用put方法。
Call => 指定class属性表示调用其静态方法;读取所有的Arg子节点(Arg节点必须紧跟Call节点),并且解析这些Arg的值类型,name属性指定方法名,在返回后如果其他节点定义,则使用它们配置返回的实例。
Get => 使用name属性指定的get无参数方法,如果没有找到get方法,则从name属性指定的字段中获取值,如果还有子元素,则对返回的实例进行配置。
New => 创建一个class指定的类实例,可以使用Arg指定构造函数参数。如果有除了Arg以外的节点定义,则使用它们对新创建的实例配置。
Array => 创建数组实例,type指定数组类型,支持以下列举的所有的值类型,使用Item指定它的元素。
Ref => 为传入的ref引用实例配置。
Property => 从传入的propertyMap中获取值,可以指定default属性。可以通过定义子元素继续配置返回的值。
Map => 创建新的Map实例,使用Entry/Item, Item指定key、value的值。
可以使用XmlConfiguration,给定一个或多个Properties、XML文件参数,在Command Line中直接启动Jetty服务器。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!--
This is the document type descriptor for the
org.eclipse.XmlConfiguration class. It allows a java object to be
configured by with a sequence of Set, Put and Call elements. These tags are
mapped to methods on the object to be configured as follows:
<Set name="Test">value</Set> == obj.setTest("value");
<Put name="Test">value</Put> == obj.put("Test","value");
<Call name="test"><Arg>value</Arg></Call> == obj.test("value");
Values themselves may be configured objects that are created with the
<New> tag or returned from a <Call> tag.
Values are matched to arguments on a best effort approach, but types
my be specified if a match is not achieved.
--><!ENTITY % CONFIG "Set|Get|Put|Call|New|Ref|Array|Map|Property"><!ENTITY % VALUE "#PCDATA|Get|Call|New|Ref|Array|Map|SystemProperty|Property"><!ENTITY % TYPEATTR "type CDATA #IMPLIED " > <!-- String|Character|Short|Byte|Integer|Long|Boolean|Float|Double|char|short|byte|int|long|boolean|float|double|URL|InetAddress|InetAddrPort| #classname --><!ENTITY % IMPLIEDCLASSATTR "class NMTOKEN #IMPLIED" ><!ENTITY % CLASSATTR "class NMTOKEN #REQUIRED" ><!ENTITY % NAMEATTR "name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED" ><!ENTITY % IMPLIEDNAMEATTR "name NMTOKEN #IMPLIED" ><!ENTITY % DEFAULTATTR "default CDATA #IMPLIED" ><!ENTITY % IDATTR "id NMTOKEN #IMPLIED" ><!ENTITY % REQUIREDIDATTR "id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED" ><!--
Configure Element.
This is the root element that specifies the class of object that
can be configured:
<Configure class="com.acme.MyClass"> </Configure>
--><!ELEMENT Configure (%CONFIG;)* ><!ATTLIST Configure %IMPLIEDCLASSATTR; %IDATTR; ><!--
Set Element.
This element maps to a call to a setter method or field on the current object.
The name and optional type attributes are used to select the setter
method. If the name given is xxx, then a setXxx method is used, or
the xxx field is used of setXxx cannot be found.
A Set element can contain value text and/or the value objects returned
by other elements such as Call, New, SystemProperty, etc.
If no value type is specified, then white
space is trimmed out of the value. If it contains multiple value
elements they are added as strings before being converted to any
specified type.
A Set with a class attribute is treated as a static set method invocation.
Get Element.
This element maps to a call to a getter method or field on the current object.
The name attribute is used to select the get method.
If the name given is xxx, then a getXxx method is used, or
the xxx field is used if getXxx cannot be found.
A Get element can contain other elements such as Set, Put, Call, etc.
which act on the object returned by the get call.
A Get with a class attribute is treated as a static get method or field.
Put Element.
This element maps to a call to a put method on the current object,
which must implement the Map interface. The name attribute is used
as the put key and the optional type attribute can force the type
of the value.
A Put element can contain value text and/or value elements such as Call,
New, SystemProperty, etc. If no value type is specified, then white
space is trimmed out of the value. If it contains multiple value
elements they are added as strings before being converted to any
specified type.
Call Element.
This element maps to an arbitrary call to a method on the current object,
The name attribute and Arg elements are used to select the method.
A Call element can contain a sequence of Arg elements followed by
a sequence of other elements such as Set, Put, Call, etc. which act on any object
returned by the original call:
<Call id="o2" name="test">
<Set name="Test">Value2</Set>
This is equivalent to:
Object o2 = o1.test("value1");
A Call with a class attribute is treated as a static call.
Arg Element.
This element defines a positional argument for the Call element.
The optional type attribute can force the type of the value.
An Arg element can contain value text and/or value elements such as Call,
New, SystemProperty, etc. If no value type is specified, then white
space is trimmed out of the value. If it contains multiple value
elements they are added as strings before being converted to any
specified type.
New Element.
This element allows the creation of a new object as part of a
value for elements such as Set, Put, Arg, etc. The class attribute determines
the type of the new object and the contained Arg elements
are used to select the constructor for the new object.
A New element can contain a sequence of Arg elements followed by
a sequence of elements such as Set, Put, Call, etc. elements
which act on the new object:
<New id="o" class="com.acme.MyClass">
<Set name="test">Value2</Set>
This is equivalent to:
Object o = new com.acme.MyClass("value1");
Ref Element.
This element allows a previously created object to be referenced by id.
A Ref element can contain a sequence of elements such as Set, Put, Call, etc.
which act on the referenced object:
<Ref id="myobject">
<Set name="Test">Value2</Set>
Array Element.
This element allows the creation of a new array as part of a
value of elements such as Set, Put, Arg, etc. The type attribute determines
the type of the new array and the contained Item elements
are used for each element of the array:
<Array type="java.lang.String">
<Item><New class="java.lang.String"><Arg>value1</Arg></New></Item>
This is equivalent to:
String[] a = new String[] { "value0", new String("value1") };
--><!ELEMENT Array (Item*)><!ATTLIST Array %TYPEATTR; %IDATTR; ><!--
Map Element.
This element allows the creation of a new map as part of a
value of elements such as Set, Put, Arg, etc. The type attribute determines
the type of the new array and the contained Item elements
are used for each element of the array:
<Item><New class="java.lang.String"><Arg>value1</Arg></New></Item>
This is equivalent to:
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("keyName", new String("value1"));
--><!ELEMENT Map (Entry*)><!ATTLIST Map %IDATTR; ><!ELEMENT Entry (Item,Item)><!--
Item Element.
This element defines an entry for the Array or Map Entry elements.
The optional type attribute can force the type of the value.
An Item element can contain value text and/or the value object of
elements such as Call, New, SystemProperty, etc. If no value type
is specified, then white space is trimmed out of the value.
If it contains multiple value elements they are added as strings
before being converted to any specified type.
--><!ELEMENT Item ( %VALUE; )* ><!ATTLIST Item %TYPEATTR; %IDATTR; ><!--
System Property Element.
This element allows JVM System properties to be retrieved as
part of the value of elements such as Set, Put, Arg, etc.
The name attribute specifies the property name and the optional
default argument provides a default value.
<SystemProperty name="Test" default="value" />
This is equivalent to:
--><!ELEMENT SystemProperty EMPTY><!ATTLIST SystemProperty %NAMEATTR; %DEFAULTATTR; %IDATTR;><!--
Property Element.
This element allows arbitrary properties to be retrieved by name.
The name attribute specifies the property name and the optional
default argument provides a default value.
A Property element can contain a sequence of elements such as Set, Put, Call, etc.
which act on the retrieved object:
<Property name="Server">
<Call id="jdbcIdMgr" name="getAttribute">
--><!ELEMENT Property ((%CONFIG;)*)><!ATTLIST Property %NAMEATTR; %DEFAULTATTR; %IDATTR;> 一个简单的例子(摘自:http://www.blogjava.net/xylz/archive/2012/04/12/372999.html):
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
<Set name="ThreadPool">
<New class="org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool">
<Set name="minThreads">10</Set>
<Set name="maxThreads">200</Set>
<Set name="detailedDump">false</Set>
<Call name="addConnector">
<New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
<Set name="host"><Property name="Inside in Jetty.host" /></Set>
<Set name="port"><Property name="Inside in Jetty.port" default="8080"/></Set>
<Set name="maxIdleTime">300000</Set>
<Set name="Acceptors">2</Set>
<Set name="statsOn">false</Set>
<Set name="confidentialPort">8443</Set>
<Set name="lowResourcesConnections">20000</Set>
<Set name="lowResourcesMaxIdleTime">5000</Set>
<Set name="handler">
<New id="Handlers" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection">
<Set name="handlers">
<Array type="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler">
<New id="Contexts" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection"/>
<New id="DefaultHandler" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler"/>
<Set name="stopAtShutdown">true</Set>
<Set name="sendServerVersion">true</Set>
<Set name="sendDateHeader">true</Set>
<Set name="gracefulShutdown">1000</Set>
<Set name="dumpAfterStart">false</Set>
<Set name="dumpBeforeStop">false</Set>
posted on 2014-05-24 22:12
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