event = {
id = 5011 #事件的编码,不要重复。
random = yes ( yes/no/X% ) #事件是否具有随机性:yes是,no否,写数字是指有*%的几率发生。注意在写得时候是不需要%的。例如几率为百分之八十,直接写“random = 80”而非“random = 80%”
persistent = yes #事件是否可以多次发生。否的话这一行不需要。
country = CHI #事件的所属国家
name = "EVT_5001_NAME" #事件名称
desc = "EVT_5011_DESC" #事件的描述
picture = "defence" #事件图片
style = 0 #未证实,没见过其他格式,照搬
trigger = {} #事件的条件,下面具体阐述
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 } #事件发生的最早事件
offset = 21 #检查时间是否发生的周期数
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1985 } #事件不再发生的时间
action_a = {
name = "A" #选择的名称
command = { } #事件的影响。见下
action_b = { } #其他的选择项。
action_c = { }
action_d = { }
and #两个或多个条件需要同时满足。
or #两个或多个条件满足一个即可
not #这些情况不能存在
event = x (事件编码) #事件已经发生了
ai = [yes/no/country tag] #该国是否电脑玩家,或某国家是电脑玩家
exists = [country tag] #某国家存在
atwar = [yes/no/country tag] #该国是否处于战争,或某国处于战争
dissent = x ( >= x ) #不满度等于或大于等于*
leader = x #某将领存在
minister = [minister id] # 政府官员存在
ispuppet = [Country Tag] 某国是傀儡国
puppet = { country = [tag 1] country = [tag 2] } # 国家1是国家2的傀儡国
technology = x # 已经拥有某项科技
technology = { country = TAG value = x } # 某国拥有某科技
manpower = x (>=x) #人力资源等于或大于××
owned = { province = a data = tag } # 某国合法拥有某省 (data = -1 指任意一国 )
control = { province = a data = tag } # 某国控制拥有某省 (data = -1 指任意一国 )
alliance = { country =a country = b } # A国和B国是联盟
access = { country = [tag1] country = [tag2] } #A国允许B国军事通行
non_aggression = { country = [tag1] country = [tag2] A国和B国有互不侵犯条约
trade = { country = [tag1] country = [tag2] } # A国和B国有贸易
war = { country =a country = b } # A和B在打仗
year = x (>=x) 已经到了某年或超过某年
energy = x 能源为*
oil = x 石油为×
rare_materials = x稀有金属为×
metal = x金属为×
supplies = x 补给为×
belligerence = { country = [tag] value = X }某国好战性为××,如果是本国,country = [tag]不写
intel_diff = x 偶们的情报和敌淫的情报差距为×
government = [communist/fascist/democratic] 政府类型
ideology = [nazi国家社会主义/fascist法西斯/paternal_autocrat独裁/social_conservative社会保守/market_liberal贸易自由/social_liberal社会自由/social_democrat社会民主/left_wing_radical左翼激进/leninist列宁/stalinist斯大林] 意识形态
major = [yes/no] # 该国是否主要国家,包括ENG, FRA, GER, JAP, USA, ITA or SOV。偶没用过。。。。。。
headofgovernment = [minister id] 政府首脑是某淫
headofstate = [minister id] 政府元首是某淫
is_tech_active = [tech id] # 某科技是有效滴
flag = [name] #不懂鸟,没用过
local_flag = [name] #不懂鸟,没用过
guarantee = { country = [tag1] country = [tag2] } # A保证B的独立
lost_VP = { country = [tag] value = X } # 某国失去×%的固有领土VP
lost_national = { country = [tag] value = X } # 某国失去×%的固有领土
lost_IC = { country = [tag] value = X } # 某国失去×%的固有领土IC
domestic = { type = field value = x } 内战???没用过。。。。
division_exists = { type = [id type] id = [id id] } 某部队还活着
division_in_province = { id = { type = [id type] id = [id id] } province = X } 某部队在某地
axis = X # 轴心国拥有×的VP
allies = X # 同盟国拥有×的VP
comintern = X # 共产国际拥有×的VP
vp = X 拥有的VP为×
range = { min = x max = x } VP在××之内
[div type] = X # 某军事单位数为×
[div type] = { country = TAG value = X }# 某国某军事单位数为×
under_attack = [tag] # 某国被攻击
attack = [tag] # 某国进攻该国
difficulty = X # 难度。0-4,0最易
garrison = { country = [tag] province = [province] type = [air/land/naval] size = [number of divisions] area = [yes/no] } # 某一地区的部队数量??
land_percentage = { country = [tag] value = [value] } #陆军百分比?
naval_percentage = { country = [tag] value = [value] } #海军百分比
air_percentage = { country = [tag] value = [value] } #空军百分比?
country = [tag] #是某一国家
can_change_policy = { type = [policy] value = [delta] } #可以修改国策?
relation = { which = [tag] value = [value] } #和某一国家关系达到×
province_revoltrisk = { province = [id] value = [value] } #某省分的游击队几率为×
incabinet = [id] #某内阁官员在任
army = [divisions] #。。。。。
day = [number] #到达某月的某天
nuke = [number] #核弹数量
type = endgame 游戏结束
type = extra_tc value = X 获得额外×的TC
type = alliance which = [tag] 同某国结盟,-1为随机
type = inherit which = [tag] 吞并某国,-1为随机
type = trigger which = [event id] 引起另一个事件,被引起的事件不必编写其他条件
type = capital which = [prov id] 迁都
type = secedeprovince which = [tag] value = [prov id] 割让领土给另一国
type = control which = [tag] value = [prov id] 从别的国家获得省份
type = sleepevent which = [event id] 某个事件不再发生
type = steal_tech which = [country tag/-1] 窃取蓝图,-1为随机 # Steals a random tech. Results in a blueprint.
type = gain_tech which = [tech id/-1 /-2 ] # 获得蓝图,-1为随机科技,-2为正在研究的科技
type = belligerence which = [country] value = X # 好战度变化,没有country默认为当前国家
type = relation which = [country] value = X # 改善同某国关系
type = set_relation which = [country] value = X # 设定同某国的关系为×
type = civil_war # 内战,向所有控制了该国固有领土的国家开战
type = civil_war which = [rebel country tag] # 某国内战
type = set_leader_skill which = [leader id/-1] value = [new value] 设置某个将领的技能,最高为10
type = dissent value = [value to add] 不满度
type = resource which =[resource type] value = X # 增加资源的理论日产量,%
type = supplies value = [value to add] where = [prov] # 某地的补给变化,无where默认为首都
type = oilpool value = [value to add] where = [prov] # 某地的石油变化,无where默认为首都
type = metalpool value = [value to add] 金属
type = energypool value = [value to add] 能源
type = rarematerialspool value = [value to add] 稀有金属
type = money value = [value to add] 钞票
type = province_keypoints which = [province id/-1] value = [keypoints to add] 增加某地的VP
type = peace which = [country tag] value = [0/1] # 和平,0为全面和平,1为单方面和平
type = war which = [country tag] 开战
type = manpowerpool value = [value to add] # manpower 人力
type = relative_manpower value = [%] # 人力增长率
type = make_puppet which = [country tag] 使某国成为傀儡
type = transport_pool which = [country] value = X 运输船
type = escort_pool which = [country] value = X 护航队
type = peacetime_ic_mod value = X(%) 和平时期TC修正
type = end_puppet # 结束自己的傀儡省份
type = domestic which = [democratic/political_left/free_market/freedom/professional_army/defense_lobby/interventionism] value = X
# 改变内政方针
type = set_domestic which = [democratic/political_left/free_market/freedom/professional_army/defense_lobby/interventionism] value = X # 设定内政方针
type = tc_mod value = X(%) # TC修正,最有用了 +数是增加,-减少
type = tc_occupied_mod value = X(%) # 占领区TC修正
type = attrition_mod value = X(%) # 消耗惩罚
type = supply_dist_mod value = X(%) # 补给距离修正
type = repair_mod value = X(%) # 维修修正
type = research_mod value = X(%) # 科研修正
type = scrap_model which = [div type] value = [model] # 部队类型过期
type = allow_building which = [building type] # 允许建设基础设施
type = building_prod_mod which = [building type] value = X% # 基础设施建设修正
type = convoy_prod_mod which = [escorts/transports] value = X% # 运输护航船建设修正
type = radar_eff value = X(%) # 雷达效率
type = info_may_cause which = [tech id] # 允许研究秘密武器
type = activate which = [tech id] # 激活科技,必须在随机事件中
type = task_efficiency which = [task type] value = X #任务效率变更
type = add_prov_resource which = [prov id/-1/-4] value = X where = [energy/metal/oil/rare_materials] # 增加某地资源产量,-1是随机,-4是有核反应堆的地区。
type = max_reactor_size value = X # 最大反应堆
type = abomb_production # 可以生产核弹
type = double_nuke_prod # 核弹生产速度翻倍
type = country which = [tag] 成为另一个国家
type = addcore which = [prov id] 增加某省的VP
type = removecore which = [prov id] 减少某省的VP
type = setflag which = [keyname] 。。。。。。
type = clrflag which = [keyname] 。。。。。。
type = local_setflag which = [keyname] 。。。。。。
type = local_clrflag which = [keyname] 。。。。。。
type = vp value = X # 额外的VP
type = research_sabotaged 破坏研究
type = regime_falls 政府垮台
type = allow_dig_in 部队可以挖坑
type = coup_nation which = [country tag] 某国政变
type = access which = [country tag] # 军事通行
type = sleepteam which = [tech team id] # 沉睡科技组
type = waketeam which = [tech team id] # 唤醒科技组
type = sleepminister which = [minister id/-1] 沉睡政府官员
type = sleepleader which = [leader id/-1] 沉睡领导淫
type = switch_allegiance which = [unit id type/-1/-2/-3] value = [unit id id] where = [country tag] # 部队叛变,-1为随机陆军,-2为随机海军,-3为随机空军
type = delete_unit which = [unit id type/-1/-2/-3] value = [unit id id] # 部队被火星人劫走
type = independence which = [country tag] value = [0/1] when = [0/1] # 国家独立,value 0 本地部队叛变,1继续效忠。when 0 政体普通 1 政体民主
type = ai which = [file name] # 开关某国的ai文件
type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type] 增加建造的师和加强旅
type = construct which = [building type] where = [prov id/-1/-4] value = [additional size] # 增加某地的设施,-1为随机,-4为已有该设施的省份
type = add_corps which = [name] value = [land/air/naval] when = [leader ID] where = [province_ID] 增加一个军团,之下的师进入这个军团,没有设置该句,进入冰箱
type = add_division which = [name] value = [div type] when = model where = [brigade type] # 增加师
type = activate_division which = [div id type] value = [div id id] [where = province] when = [0/1] # 激活师,0进入冰箱
type = remove_division which = [div id type/-1] value = [div id id] # 从scenario移走某师?
type = remove_division which = "Exact Name" value = [country tag] # 从指定国家scenario移走指定师
type = damage_division which = [div id type/-1] value = [div id id] where = X # 最大兵力变化
type = disorg_division which = [div id type/-1] value = [div id id] where = X # 最大士气变化
type = end_access which = [country tag] # 结束军事通行
type = leave_alliance 离开联盟
type = end_non_aggression which = [country] where = [country] # 打破互不侵犯条约
type = non_aggression which = [country] where = [country] # 签署互不侵犯条约
type = end_trades which = [country] where = [country] # 结束所有贸易协定
type = end_guarantee which = [country] where = [country] # 结束保证独立
type = guarantee which = [country] where = [country] # 保证独立
type = allow_convoy_escorts 允许海上运输
type = end_mastery which = [country tag] # 结束对另一个国家的傀儡
type = convoy which = [startprov] value = [endprov] when = [resource_bits] 1=oil, 2=metal, 4=energy, 8=rare_materials, 16=supplies 建立运输队
type = deactivate which = [tech id] # 某科技无效
type = gas_attack # 允许毒气攻击
type = gas_protection # 允许毒气防御
type = max_positioning which = [div type] value = X #最大配置 堆叠惩罚
type = min_positioning which = [div type] value = X #最小配置
type = free_ic/free_oil/free_supplies/free_money/free_metal/free_energy/free_rare_material/free_transport/free_convoy/free_manpower #不晓得是虾米
type = songs #换音乐
type = lock_division which = [id type] value = [id id] # 锁定部队
type = unlock_division which = [id type] value = [id id] # 解锁部队
type = change_policy which = [democratic/political_left/free_market/freedom/professional_army/defense_lobby/interventionism] value = X #改变内政方针,同手动更改,即短时间内不可变更
type = start_pattern which = [id type] value = [id id] where = [prov id] when = [raining/snowing/storm/blizzard] # 三国志里的天变
type = add_to_pattern which = [id type] value = [id id] where = [prov id] when = [raining/snowing/storm/blizzard]# 增加某地不会出现的天气,比如在赤道下雪
type = end_pattern which = [id type] value = [id id] # 结束某地的天气
type = set_ground which = [prov id] value = [clear/muddy/winter] 改变某地的土地状况
type = counterattack value = x 反击率
type = assault value = x 突击率
type = encirclement value = x 包围率
type = ambush value = x 伏击率
type = delay value = x 迟滞率
type = tactical_withdrawal value = x 战术撤退
type = breakthrough value = x 突破率
command = { type = surprise which = [naval/land/air] value = [X] # 奇袭几率修正
command = { type = intelligence which = [us/them] value = [X] # 情报效率
command = { type = army_detection which = [us/them] value = [X] # 侦查效率
command = { type = AA_batteries value = [X] # 空防效率
type = hq_supply_eff value = X(%) # 司令部补给效率
type = sce_frequency value = X # 司令部的战术发生几率
type = enable_task which = [task type] 可以执行某任务
command = { type = [new_model] which = [division or brigade type] value = [The model number] } 新单位型号
command = { type = activate_unit_type which = [division or brigade type] } 某单位可以附加某加强旅
command = { type = deactivate_unit_type which = [division or brigade type] } 某单位不可以附加某加强旅
command = { type = nuclear_carrier which = [flying_bomb/flying_rocket] } 战略和火箭可以运核弹
command = { type = missile_carrier which = [submarine] } 潜艇可以发射核弹
command = { type = minisub_bonus value = [X] # 袖珍潜艇单位修正,没见过
command = { type = [unit value] which = [land/division type/brigade type]value = [additive value modifier] 增加陆军军事单位的属性}
# unit value如下:
command = { type = [air_attack/strategic_attack/tactical_attack/naval_attack/air_defense/build_cost/build_time/manpower/speed/surface_detection/air detection/transport_capacity/supply_consumption/fuel_consumption/range]
which = [air/division type/brigade type]
value = [additive value modifier]} 空军单位属性
command = { type = [naval_attack/air_attack/shore_attack/naval_defense/air_defense/build_cost/build_time/manpower/speed/surface_detection/air detection/visibility/transport_capacity/supply_consumption/fuel_consumption/range]
which = [naval/division type/brigade type]
value = [additive value modifier] 海军单位属性
command = { type = [desert_attack/desert_defense/mountain_attack/mountain_defense/hill_attack/hill_defense/forest_attack/forest_defense/swamp_attack/swamp_defense/urban_attack/urban_defense/river_attack/shore_attack/paradrop_attack]
which = [division type/brigade type]
value = [X] 陆军地形攻防效率修正
command = { type = [desert_move/mountain_move/hill_move/forest_move/swamp_move/urban_move/river_crossing]
which = [division type/brigade type]
value = [X] # 陆军地形移动修正
command = { type = [frozen_attack/frozen_defense/snow_attack/snow_defense/blizzard_attack/blizzard_defense/rain_attack/rain_defense/storm_attack/storm_defense/muddy_attack/muddy_defense]
which = [division type/brigade type]
value = [X] 陆军天气攻防效率修正
command = { type = [frozen_move/snow_move/blizzard_move/rain_move/storm_move/muddy_move]
which = [division type/brigade type]
value = [X] 陆军天气移动修正
command = { type = [snow_attack/rain_attack]
which = [interceptor/escort/multi_role/strategic_bomber/tactical_bomber/torpedo_plane]
value = [X] 空军天气攻防效率修正
command = { type = [snow_move/blizzard_move/rain_move/storm_move]
which = [interceptor/escort/multi_role/strategic_bomber/tactical_bomber/torpedo_plane/transport_plane]
value = [X] 空军天气移动修正
command = { type = [snow_attack/rain_attack]
which = [battleship/cruiser/destroyer/carrier/submarine/transports]
value = [X] 海军天气攻防效率修正
# Weather naval-movement modifiers
command = { type = [snow_move/blizzard_move/rain_move/storm_move]
which = [battleship/cruiser/destroyer/carrier/submarine/transports]
value = [X] 海军天气移动修正
command = { type = night_move/night_attack/night_defense
which = [division type/brigade type]
value = [X] 夜间效率修正
command = { type = industrial_multiplier which = [energy_to_oil/oil_to_rare_materials] value = [X] 工业能源转化效率
command = { type = industrial_modifer which = [total/supplies]value = [X] # 工业和补给生产效率
[ic, coastal_fort, land_fort, flak, infrastructure, air_base, naval_base, radar_station, nuclear_reactor, rocket_test]
[attack, rebase, strat_redeploy, support_attack, support_defense, reserves, anti_partisan_duty, air_superiority, ground_attack, runway_cratering, installation_strike, interdiction, naval_strike, port_strike, logistical_strike, strategic_bombardment, air_supply, airborne_assault, convoy_raiding, asw, naval_interdiction, shore_bombardment, amphibous_assault, sea_transport, naval_combat_patrol]
[oil, metal, energy, rare_materials, supplies, money]
event = {
id = 70174
random = no
country = ger
trigger = { random = 33 exists = SWE not = { war = { country = SWE country = GER } } }
name = "来自瑞典的物资和志愿者 "
desc = "一些支持德国的其它国家的民众自发捐赠了物资, 其中一些人要求作为志愿者加入我们的军队。 "
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1939 }
offset = 45
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1947 }
action_a = {
name = "德国的战车不可阻挡!"
command = { type = oilpool value = 5000 }
command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 5000 }
command = { type = supplies value = 10000 }
command = { type = manpowerpool value = 25 }
command = { type = dissent value = -5 }
posted on 2009-11-14 21:07
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