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可以从 eclipse.org 网站 ( http://www.eclipse.org/downloads ) 下载,可以发现『最新』与『最好』的版本,这两种版本通常不一样,基本上有五种版本 或建置 (build) 可供下载:

n     释出版 (Latest Release builds)  E.g.,3.1.2

               Releases are builds that have been declared major releases by the development team - for example "R1.0". Releases are the right builds for people who want to be on a stable, tested release, and don't need the latest greatest features and improvements. Release builds always have an "R" at the beginning of the name i.e. R1.0, R2.0 etc. Non-release builds are named according to the date of the build - for example 20011027 is the build from Oct 27, 2001.

Eclipse开发团队所宣称的主要稳定版本。Release builds经过完整测试,并具有一致性、定义清楚的功  能。它的定位就跟上市的商业软件一样。

n     稳定版 (Stream Stable  builds) E.g., 3.2RC7

         Stable builds are integration builds that have been found to be stable enough for most people to use. They are promoted from integration build to stable build by the architecture team after they have been used for a few days and deemed reasonably stable. The latest stable build is the right build for people who want to stay up to date with what is going on in the latest development stream, and don't mind putting up with a few problems n in order to get the latest greatest features and bug fixes. The latest stable build is the one the development team likes people to be using, because of the valuable and timely feedback.

Release build新一级的版本,经由Eclipse开发团队测试,并认定它相当稳定。新功能通常会在此过渡版本出现。它的定位就跟商业软件的beta版一样。

n       整合版 (Stream Integration  builds) E.g., I20060614-0843

      Periodically, component teams version off their work in what they believe is a stable, consistent state, and they update the build configuration to indicate that the next integration build should take this version of the component. Integration builds are built from these stable component versions that have been specified by each component team as the best version available. Integration builds may be promoted to stable builds after a few days of testing. Integration builds are built whenever new stable component versions are released into the build.

此版本的各个独立的组件已经过Eclipse开发团队认定具有稳定度,但不保证集成在一起没问题。若集成在一起 够稳定,它就有可能晋升成Stable build

n    当日最新版( Stream Nightly  builds) E.g., N20060617-0010

                 Nightly builds are produced every night from whatever has been released into the HEAD stream of the CVS repository. They are completely untested and will almost always have major problems. Many will not work at all. These drops are normally only useful to developers actually working on the Eclipse Project.


 n   维护版 (Stream Maintenance Build) E.g.,. R2_1_maintenance R2.1 or R2.1.2

Maintenance builds are produced periodically to incorporate fixes into an existing release. They are typically built from tagged plug-in and feature pojects in a maintenance stream of the CVS repository (i.e. R2_1_maintenance). Maintenance builds are promoted to a minor or service release (i.e. R2.1 or R2.1.2) after development teams have deemed one to be stable following one or more test-fix pass cycles.

posted on 2006-06-18 19:18 追球者 阅读(5923) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 技术文摘

