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    JBoss jBPM is a flexible, extensible framework for process languages.
    jPDL is one process language that is build on top of that common framework. It has serval advantages:
        1.It is an intuitive process language to express business processes graphically in terms of tasks, wait states for asynchronous communication, timers, automated actions,... To         bind these operations together;
        2.jPDL has minimal dependencies and can be used as easy as using a java library; can also be used in environments where extreme throughput is crucial by deploying it on a J2EE clustered application server;

2.The jPDL Kits


The starter kit is a download that contains all the jBPM components bundled in one easy download. The download includes:

  • runtime, the core jbpm component including the libs and this userguide.
  • server, a preconfigured jboss application server.
  • designer, the eclipse plugin for authoring jBPM processes graphically.
  • db, the jBPM database compatibility package (see below).
  • bpel, a reference to the JBoss jBPM BPEL extension.

3. Advantages of JBOSS JBPM

    3.1   The JBOSS jBPM has a graphical process designer, which can as a n eclipse plugin;
    3.2   The JBOSS jBPM core componet is based on J2SE, so it can be used in any java environment like e.g. a webapplication, a swing application, an EJB, a                 
    3.3   The JBOSS jBPM console web application supplys a central user interface for interacting with runtime tasks generated by the process executions, and
            administration and monitoring console to inspect and manipulate runtime instance;
    3.4   The JBoss jBPM identity component;
    3.5   The JBoss jBPM scheduler monitors and executes timers that are scheduled during process executions(Configuring the scheduler servlet to spawn the monitoring thread or Starting up a separate JVM with the scheduler main);
    3.6   The JBoss jBPM database compatibility package;
    3.7   The JBoss jBPM BPEL extension is a separatly packaged extension that extends jBPM with support for BPEL;
posted on 2008-02-03 14:33 Eric-1001c 阅读(151) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JBPM

