[翻译:陈市明 摘自:http://drupal.org/node/82926] To focus this tutorial, we'll start by creating a block module that lists links to content such as blog entries or forum discussions that were created one week ago.这份指南将教会我们如何在一个drupal的结点上创建block content,创建链接和回复信息。
首先在drupal的安装路径下创建目录sites/all/modules/onthisdate(呵呵 当然先得创建目录sites/all/modules哈)。在目录sites/all/modules/ onthisdate下创建一个文件,命名为onthisdate.module。在drupal 5.x中,目录sites/all/modules放置的是一些非核心模块。这个使得你在升级核心模块的时候更加方便,无需担心你之前定制化。
/* $Id$ */
01. Getting started
Drupal 5.x
To focus this tutorial, we'll start by creating a block module that lists links to content such as blog entries or forum discussions that were created one week ago. The full tutorial will teach us how to create block content, write links, and retrieve information from Drupal nodes.
Start your module by creating a folder in your Drupal installation at the path: sites/all/modules/onthisdate You may need to create the sites/all/modules directory first. Create a PHP file and save it as onthisdate.module in the directory sites/all/modules/onthisdate. As of Drupal 5.x, sites/all/modules is the preferred place for non-core modules (and sites/all/themes for non-core themes), since this places all site-specific files in the sites directory. This allows you to more easily update the core files and modules without erasing your customizations.
/* $Id$ */
As per the Coding standards, omit the closing ?> tag and use the longhand <?php tag. The $Id$ string will help keep track of the revision number and date when you commit the file to CVS.
All functions in your module that will be used by Drupal are named {modulename}_{hook}, where "hook" is a pre-defined function name suffix. Drupal will call these functions to get specific data, so having these well-defined names means Drupal knows where to look. We will come to hooks in a while.
The module is not operational yet: it hasn't been activated. We'll activate the module later in the tutorial.