Posted on 2007-09-29 19:36
kooyee 阅读(622)
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Welcome to the Eclipse Update Site. This site contains feature and plug-in versions for Eclipse project releases, published in the form expected by the Eclipse Update Manager (R3.0). Use the Update Manager's Feature Updates view to open this site ( to locate new and updated Eclipse project feature versions to download.
Welcome to the Eclipse Visual Editor Update Site. This site contains feature and plug-in versions for Eclipse Visual Editor project releases, published in the form expected by the Eclipse Update Manager (R3.0). Use Eclipse's Update Manager (Help->Find and Install...->Search for new features to install) view to open this site ( to locate new and updated Eclipse Visual Editor project feature versions to download.
Also, you will need to have first installed GEF and EMF before VE can be installed.
or in google search for the "pulg-in name update site". eg Visual Editor update site