在EJB3中,所有的服务对象管理都是POJOS(e.g., session beans)或者是轻量级组件(e.g., message driven beans).
1:Stateless Session Beans(EJB3中已经不再有HOME接口了)
Define the session bean interface
要定议一SESSION BEAN,首先必须定义一服务接口包含它所有的业务逻辑方法(define the service interface containing all its business methods.)SESSION BEAN的接口没有注释,客户通过EJB3的窗口来获取此对象接口。
public interface Calculator
public double calculate (int start, int end, double growthrate, double saving);
The session bean implementation
public class CalculatorBean
implements Calculator, RemoteCalculator {
public double calculate (int start, int end,
double growthrate, double saving) {
double tmp = Math.pow(1. + growthrate / 12.,
12. * (end - start) + 1);
return saving * 12. * (tmp - 1) / growthrate;
Remote and local interface
一个SESSION BEAN可以继承多个接口,每个接口对应不同类型的客户端,默认的接口是“LOCAL”,也就是运行在EJB3窗口的同一个JVM中,比如说,以上的BENAS和JSP页面都运行于同一个JBOSS JVM中。也是继承ROMOTE接口,远程客户通过远程调用此接口,此接口一般除了LOCAL中的方法外,不有些别的方法(相对LOCAL而言),比如对服务端的说明。如下 :
public interface RemoteCalculator {
public double calculate (int start, int end, double growthrate, double saving);
public String getServerInfo ();
The session bean client
一旦此BEAN部署到了EJB3的窗口,也就已经在服务器中的JNDI注册中已经注册(Once the session bean is deployed into the EJB 3.0 container, a stub object is created and it is registered in the server's JDNI registry.)。客户端可以通过在JNDI中对此接口的类名的引用来实现对其方法的引用。客户端代码(JSP中哦):
private Calculator cal = null;
public void jspInit () {
try {
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
cal = (Calculator) ctx.lookup(
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
public void service (Request req, Response rep) {
double res = cal.calculate(start, end, growthrate, saving);
and @Remote
@Remote ({RemoteCalculator.class})
public class CalculatorBean implements Calculator, RemoteCalculator
public double calculate (int start, int end, double growthrate, double saving)
double tmp = Math.pow(1. + growthrate / 12., 12. * (end - start) + 1);
return saving * 12. * (tmp - 1) / growthrate;
public String getServerInfo ()
return "This is the JBoss EJB 3.0 TrailBlazer";
and @Remote
public interface RemoteCalculator
{ // }
总结:本节主要学习了如何开发sessionless bean ,有时间继续讨论sessionful bean.