- $和$$只能用于document,如果可以自己传入element参数就好了
- Array和Enumerable的each方法,不可以使用调用类的this变量,如果可以有第三个参数作为调用类就好了
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2007-04-11 11:24 JohnLee 阅读(170) |
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HTML is a technology that handles structure. CSS is a technology that handles decoration. Use them in right way and make your code better.
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2007-03-06 20:07 JohnLee 阅读(115) |
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HTML, who knows it? The web server, the app server or the browser? Have you ever thought of this? Web server knows nothing. App server only knows Java, C# or other dynamic language code. That is browser who knows the HTML. So what we do is just to generate the HTML formated stream and send it to browser.
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2007-03-05 13:25 JohnLee 阅读(108) |
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自从WebWork爆出加入Struts的新闻猛料之后,对Web Framework的世界产生了很大的影响,所有人都在讨论关注这个话题。
那么,现在在选择Web Framework的时候,我们应该选择WebWork还是Struts呢?还是无论你选择哪个,到最后如果换成StrutsTi的话,还是要完全重头再来呢?
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2005-12-05 09:41 JohnLee 阅读(196) |
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