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SCWCD Exam Study KitcontentType 的敘述
The contentType attribute specifies the MIME type and character encoding of the
output. The default value of the MIME type is text/html; the default value of the
character encoding is ISO-8859-1. The MIME type and character encoding are
separated by a semicolon, as shown here:
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>

This is equivalent to writing the following line in a servlet:

这样是否说明,如果使用SetCharacterEncodingFilter来过滤所有的request的话,就不需要在每个JSP页面加上<% @page>指令了?<%@ page contentType>指令了?

The pageEncoding attribute specifies the character encoding of the JSP page. The
default value is ISO-8859-1. The following line illustrates the syntax:

<%@ page pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" %>

JSP 2.0 Spec 的JSP.4.1pageEncoding的叙述

Describes the character encoding for the JSP page.

For JSP pages in standard syntax, the page character encoding is determined
from the following sources:

• A JSP configuration element page-encoding value whose URL pattern matches
the page.

• The pageEncoding attribute of the page directive of the page. It is a translation-
time error to name different encodings in the pageEncoding attribute of
the page directive of a JSP page and in a JSP configuration element whose
URL pattern matches the page.

• The charset value of the contentType attribute of the page directive. This is
used to determine the page character encoding if neither a JSP configuration
element page-encoding nor the pageEncoding attribute are provided.

• If none of the above is provided, ISO-8859-1 is used as the default character

the character encoding for the JSP page是什么意思呢?


1. 从JSP“翻译”成*,此时JSPC根据pageEncoding来读取JSP(注意是读取),然后把它翻译成统一的utf-8 JAVA源码(.java).。如果pageEncoding设定错了,此时出来的中文已经是乱码了。

2. 从Java源码编译成Java ByteCode,此时JavaC将utf-8编码的Java源码编译成同样utf-8的二进制码(.class).

3. Tomcat或者其他应用服务器载入并执行Java ByteCode,并使用contentType设定的的字符集来输出结果(html页面)。


1. JavaWorld@TW:page指令:contentType VS. pageEncoding
2. Matrix:jsp,db,apache中文乱码的解决方案

posted on 2005-10-19 17:41 Kevin 阅读(1022) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 编程技巧

