----------------------vocabulary: celebrity lifestyles----------------
high salary
luxury goods
world travel
new career paths
advertisement campaign
perfect body
---------grammar focus---using voice for emphasis----------
"Star Struck" is a pharse we use to describe someone who gets very excited,
nervous or shy when coming close to meeting with a celebrity.
-------marilyn monroe------
autobiography states many truths about the star.
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2010-07-21 22:37 JavaCoffe 阅读(161) |
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------------------A blockbuster hit!-----------------------
types of films
blockbuster box office hit
cult film
straight DVD (not show in cinema)
independent film
---------------grammar focus----------------------------
I thought the acting was poor.
The story line was lacking any exciting twists.
----------------language point---------------------------
A blockbuster is a type of aerial bomb that if it explodes
destroys a large area.
In USA if we say a movie is a blockbuster then we mean the movie
was a huge hit or success.
lower budget film.
I feel the acting is better as the stars are still pretty down to the earth.
--------culture point: movie reviews
the people who write reviews take everything into consideration
and if the movie has famous stars who perform weakly then
the review will generally slate them.
Also ,if the movie has a huge budget for creating the film and the final product
is poor then again, the reviewers will be pretty harsh in their words.
It is very difficult for movies in the west world to get good reviews unless they
are absolutely out of this world.
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2010-07-20 23:04 JavaCoffe 阅读(262) |
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--------------------what's wrong---------------
deep in thought
exhausted: completely tired
furious:extremly angray
high strung
in great pain
nostalgic(not use commonly)
moody:change mood quikly
out of it: it is not focus on what they are doing
------------------------------grammar focus------------------------------
to "feel under the weather" is to feel sick or emotionally depressed.
if you are not too close to someone and they ask you what's wrong, you
could tell them you are "feel under the weather", you didn't need to go into details.
--------------culture point---------------------
Happy pills
some people say that America is a prozac Nation.
Prozac is commonly called "the happy pill",because it helps
get rid of depression.
Every year different brands of "happy pills" earn 5.5billion.
some people complain that it's not rignt for doctor to give everyone happy pills.
There are problems that cannot be ignored or hidden.
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2010-07-18 19:53 JavaCoffe 阅读(176) |
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i need to lose weight fast
vocabulary: fad diets
fad diets
zone diet
south beach diet
sugar buster
the pritikin weightlose breakthrough
cabbage soup diet
grapefruit diet
bevery hills diet
food pyramid
sugar fat
grammar focus
Not sleeping enought
can result in poor concentration.
Having too many things to do
can result in stress levels increasing.
Too much unhealthy food and not enough exercise can cause people to put on weight.
-----------------language point---------------------------
we often refer to them as "hellow legs".
This is because they eat loads and loads but never seem to put on weight.
H2O ,hydrogen,oxygen
hygrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.
Living things can not live without oxygen.
what about cabbage soup diet or the grapefruit diet.
i want to lose weight but i want to do it sensibly.
surely they can be that bad if you follow them properly otherwise they wouldn't so popular.
----------------------your own intake------------------------
we served some crakers and cheese as an appetizer.
main dishes
side dishes
------------------listening passage:who's to blame------
and metabolism will simply return to normal and cause you gain the weight again.
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2010-07-18 13:43 JavaCoffe 阅读(177) |
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clothes and occasions
suit tie,formal shoes,dress shoes,dress shirt
althletic wear
jersy(for basketball)
----------------------grammar focus------
"for" to indicate purpose
for work, i wear a company uniform.
for going out with my friends, i like to wear fashionable clothes.
n, he has no intention of changing his mode of attire.
v,the bride was attired in white.
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2010-07-10 22:29 JavaCoffe 阅读(176) |
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where is it?
hang out
i am hang out to bars with my friend.
night club(dance floor)
amusement park
there are ferris wheel, roller coaster in the amusement park.
---------------------grammar focus: prepositions
i put the keys
on top of the kitchen counter.
he is standing
above the pen.
he is hiding
below the table.
she is
across the street from me.
don't stand
next to the man cooking stinky tofu.
you are standing
beside your chair.
they are
by the super market.
i am stuck
between a rock and a hard place.
they are already
inside the nightclub.
------------------language point
between a rock and a hard place
-----------------culture point
24-hour dinners
A "dinner" is a small , informal restaurant found in many parts of US.
They are usually independently owned, and offer cheap but greasy food.
Many of them are open 24hours, which means that they're a popular hang-out spot
for young people who stay up all night.
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2010-07-10 22:04 JavaCoffe 阅读(138) |
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worldwide festivals
eater , diwali, hannukah, ramadan , pass over
eid, tanksgiving , spring festival, national day
----------------grammar focus:during, for,in,over,throughout--------------------------------
a stress free occasion
they came back after all the hustle and bustle and they wash and take bath,then went to bed.
-------culture point
america is still quite a young country made of up of various races,ethnicities and cultures
and most months of year will have some festival celebration that allows all americans to learn about
------------diwali festival---------------
diwali is an Indian festival also known as the festival of light, as it is common practice to light
small oil lanterns and place them around the house,garden ,balcony,and even on the roof tops.
throughout the various provinces in india .
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2010-07-10 16:17 JavaCoffe 阅读(166) |
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living on a shoestring
out flow
-------------grammar focus,repositions after adj
i am good at living on a buget.
he is worried about being able to get a promotion at the end of month.
they are sorry for not being able to help you in your time of need.
most people are worried about whether housing price will goes up or down.
------------language point
live on a shoestring
A "shoestring budget" refers to someone whose resource are limited to
the laces of his or her shoes.
it basically means being extremely poor.
Someone live on a tight budget can be said to be "living on a shoestring".
go the street stalls, and stay in youth hostel,make a day to day plan on where to go or what to do.
it was nice to meet people who were in the same boat.
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2010-07-10 13:38 JavaCoffe 阅读(185) |
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aisles and shelves
fresh produce,(produce here is noun,emphasis the pro pronociation)
freezer section, forzen section
deli , delicacies
bar code
shopping cart
checkout line
grocery store, detergant spong
grammar focus
packet/pack of chips/cigarettes
can of coke/soup
bottle of water/beer
box of chocolates/tissues
kilo/pounds/ounces of tomatoes
couple /few of bananas
jar of peanut butter
carton of milk
language point:
to put all your eggs in one basket means to risk everything on one person or one thing.
if all the eggs are in one basket and the basket breaks, all the eggs will broken.
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2010-05-20 22:40 JavaCoffe 阅读(228) |
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is rommance still alive
candle-lit dinner:
candle light is not strong ,it's a soft light.
flowers and chocolates
a bunch of flowers
a box of chocolates, a piece/bar of chocolate
vt,the mother cuddled the baby in her arms.
vi, she cuddled up to him to get warm.
love letters
teddy bears
it's a sample of love and affection
listening to jazz
he improvised a song about the football team's victory.
drinking wine
in china wine is called wihte wine , it's made of rice , compare with the west, the wine is made of grape.
going to the theatre
go to the theatre to watch a play(actor and actress they act ballet/music/operal)
go to the concert (hold in a big hall)
writing poetry
walk in the park
cooking a meal together
weekend trip
language point
"Head over heels" is a common phrase that people use to show that they are feeling in love.
can you tell the different between heel and ankle
culture point, date night
in Newyork city , monday night have been informally named "Date night"
and many single people go out for date either for fun(to meets some nice friends)
or more commly in search for romance and love.
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2010-05-17 23:00 JavaCoffe 阅读(203) |
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house decoration
peach blossom(fruit)
lily tree (flower)
make the house more comfortable
look good
install toilet
hook the pipe,turn the water on.
but we don't use install in any situation,
for example,put the wihiteboard togther.
pillow,which make our head feel comfortable
comforter , which keep us warm when we sleep. it's thicker than sheet
sheet , sheet is thin and was puted on the mattress
mattress is at the bottom these things but on the bed, and comforter is at the top of all.
it's besides the bed,was put againt the wall,we will put lamp ,alarm clock,
and it has drawer
sofa and chair are different, chair can only sit one person, sofa could sit more than one person.
has no backrest.
coffe table
table is always roud ,and people can sit around it,
desk always put against the wall.
dinning table
it's used for eating,have dinners, meals
arm chair
it has arm rest on it which is sth to rest your arm.
it has the door,we can keep sth in it,
a store shelf, a book shelf
it's a kind of furniture, you can put clothes , pants,shoes in it
closet is a part of the room and it was not big ,you can put your colothes in it
and walk in it ,and put clothes on in that room.
grammar focus
positional preposition
the coffe table goes in infront the coffe table
in front of
next to
on top of
across from : the shoe store is across from the bank.
Language point
"to maka a bed" does not mean to build it, but rather
to put the sheets,blankets, pillows in order after a night of sleep.
hook up with
i hook up with 3 gril at the same time.
safe, vault
the worker put a mental bans around the safe.
a bank vault
I'd like the table that folds into the wall when you're not using it.
I have shelves built into the wall too, to save the floor space.
culture point:Ikea
founded in sweden in 1943.
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2010-05-10 21:32 JavaCoffe 阅读(337) |
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did i overreact
personality traits
annoyed, this work really make me annoyed
stressed out ,my boss make me stressed out
confused, this problem make me confused
calm, please calm down, rational(logical),
stay calm
get upset, if this phrase use to describe a girl ,it always mean the girl is crying or bad mood
but if this phrase use to describe a man , it means he was lose his temper.
friendly generous serious, ambitious, honest , humorous,
industriou, an industrious and frugal family
grammar focus
talking about possibility
"can be" talk about reaction "if" or "when" a condition is met.
she can be very optimistic even when things go wrong
we can be very laid back if work is not too busy.
language point
hot headed means a person can get angry very easily and very quikly.
i am so annoyed today, my job is getting on my nerves.
my boss really stressing me out.
calm and collected
the asian react more calm and collected when they met some emegency situation.
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2010-05-06 22:16 JavaCoffe 阅读(162) |
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vocabulary,cultural do's and don'ts
write names in red ink
tip the waitor
bus boy , clear the table
bar tender, mix your drinks
valley parking
blow your nose in public
show the soles of your feet
touch someone on the head
eat food on the street
ask someone's salary
kiss someone's cheek to say hello
grammar focus
should , shouldn't do something
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2010-05-03 22:41 JavaCoffe 阅读(149) |
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sports fanatic
vocabulary:sports fanaticism
team colors uniform
go to stadium
watch the game
song chants
team spirit
grmmar focus: using not just
being vegetarian is not just about the animals, its about my health too.
dialogue: are you watching the game?
at the exact the same time
the art course stimulated me.
a sheet of metal was shaken to stimulate the noise of thunder.
scarf scarves
culture point: fanaticism
activity: create your own team chant
passionate about
when ti comes to major tournaments such as super bowl
paint their faces or dye their hair in the team colors
but rivalry between teams can be intense.
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2010-05-03 20:41 JavaCoffe 阅读(162) |
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the dating game
first date
blind date
single - casual- serious- couple
I'm bored.
He is boring guy.
go on a adventurous,means try new thing
she was in a serious relationship.
she wanted to be relationship, but........
grammar focus
using so for emphasis,to make a point stronger or clearer we can use:
So + adj
my first date was so romantic
her blind date was so disappointing
so much+ noun
that was so much fun
that was so much trouble
language point
get on like a house on fire, is a pharse used to mean that two people get along very well.
the girl came out the bath room with her skirt tucked into her underware.
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2010-04-20 21:57 JavaCoffe 阅读(152) |
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you look like your mother
i see/hear/touch/taste/smell
that look/sound/feel/taste/smell like
do you have any siblings you are similar to?
telling people apart
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2010-04-17 22:19 JavaCoffe 阅读(167) |
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mind you p's and q's
no elbows on table
don't hold up your chin by your hand.
ask politely to pass condiments.
tomato saurce,mustard saurce
condiments is something be added a litte bit to flavor the food.
eat with mouth closed
don't let others see what are you eating in your month.
don't make noises when chewing
chewing means use tooth to break out food
ask to be excused from table
don't talk with your mouth full
others can't hear clear what you have said,
and the food might spill out from your mouth.
don't start eating util everyone is at the table
wash hands before eating
you don't get sick and won't pass sick to others.
grammar focus: negative phrases for positive actions
you shouldn't slurp soup from the bowl
language point
if someone is eating messily,(make the food fell out from bowl or mounth on the table)
greedily(eat too much),
and without taking their time to enjoy eating we can say they are eating like a pig
(means not chewing and tasting , shovel the food quikly)
culture point:relax
most restaurants and dinner parties these days are fairly relaxed and more laid back than before.
formal banquet or formal restaurants are the only places where extreme etiquette may still be used.
the truth is ,these days,table manners are mainly used to teach children to be well-behaved at the dinner
utensil ,common utensil means the public utensil .
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2010-04-11 23:42 JavaCoffe 阅读(167) |
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In summary, you should avoid soft and hard parses as
much as possible because they inhibit the scalability of applications.
The result of a parse operation is a parent cursor and a child cursor stored in the
library cache.
The key information related to a parent cursor is the text of a SQL statement.
several SQL statements share the same parent cursor if their text is exactly the same
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2010-04-08 14:08 JavaCoffe 阅读(178) |
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Is that a No
gestures and meanings
shake head,side to side or left to right
shrug shoulders,
yawn,means sleepy tired,bored
cross arms, means angry,no
nod head , no
wave hands
cup ear
finger to mouth
furrow eyebrows
grammar focus:degrees of probability
a little likely
it might/may mean he's bored maybe it means he's bored
it could mean she's angry perhaps it means she's angry
it must mean he agrees it probably means he agrees
very likely
A common saying in English is "action speak lounder than words",
it means that what you do it more import than what you say.
i presented my project outline to her.
she didn't make eyecontact with me once during the entire meeting.
pick up what people are taking.
i don't mean to offend you.
referee make sure player follow the fule of the game.
body language varies quite a bit from country to country.
in Asia, when gesturing for someone to come here,you should do it with your palm down.
in the U.S.,however,that might be misunderstood as "go away" because come here is usually
done with palm up.
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2010-04-06 21:29 JavaCoffe 阅读(169) |
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It was silly
on of my collegues is about to leave.
this topic is mainly talk about insult sb,and the opposite is compliment
brave: fearless ,courage
MMA , mixed martial arts. it contains a lot violent.
sb like to do cruel things to others.
wicked: similar to cruel,
it is very wicked of the boy to tease the girl.
we will make some silly mistake at work.
eg: my boss often said some means word to his employees.
one of my friends is a mean person, may be his intention was good, he just want to ask to hurry up or other,
but he don't know how to express in a proper way.
child is a little selfish when they are small.
the judge must be fair to everyone in the court.
grammar focus
to describe your feelings about someone or a situation,you can use the following construction.
it+be+adjective + (of +object)+ infinitive
it was selfish of you to eat the last piece of cake.
it will(definit)/would(posibility or hypethetical situation) adj of sb to do sth.
you could say someone "thinks the world revolves around him or her" if this person
is very conceited or selfish.
I hope my future wife should have a sense of humor.
people in the west sometimes see Asians being reserved with their emotions,while they themselves
display what they feel very openly.
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2010-04-05 17:52 JavaCoffe 阅读(216) |
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say:people always use say
read: read books , read in mind
see spot run
pet:animal we keep it at house,we look after them.
street animal: the owner give it up,abandom,leave it on the street.
wild animal:
captive animal: not pet, look after by humans
poison, trap:slap them,
mouse, two mice , you can raise a cat to catch mice.
dog,rescue dog, guide dog lead blink
guinea pig
chick is a baby chichen.
duckling is a baby duck.
hole a hole on the key
mice live in the hole.
house train:
don't let the pet mass the house up.
walk the dog
answer the dog's nature call.
take a bath or shower/ or lip themself.
dog groomer,
women always go to hair saloon
man usually go to barber
pet shop:
it sells goods that pet needs,like pet foods ,clothes,medicine
doctor for pets.
grammar focus: consequence of words
if you don't walk the dog, it will get restless.
don't forget to feed your pet, or else it will die.
if you don't shower every day, you will become stink/smell.
language point:
his bark is worse than his bite.
when someone looks or acts tough,but really has a soft personality,you can say,........
what animal is he compared with?
dialogue: advice on pets
turtle : live in the water.
tortoise: live on the land.
what do you feed to you pets.
fish tank: aquarium.
sum laum: produce light and heat.
just make sure the turtle has a dry place to rest,or that its shell could rot.
pets are extremmly common in the US,and children are often grow up alongside a family pet, for whom they develop emotional attachments.
there are organizations that are dedicated to rescuing pets who are abused by their owners.
there are even "pet psychics" who specialize in communicating with animals.
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2010-04-02 21:20 JavaCoffe 阅读(264) |
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sb is muslim, he follow islam.
sb is christian , he follow christianity.
i don't order room service
i stay in a hotel ........when i travel............
my company pay for my........
stay: it means temporary.
i can't finish my work in oneday, so, i have to stay in hotel over night.
give personal information checkin person(clerk).
standard room,
double room (twins room)
suite(sound the same like sweet)
lobby:first floor, front door of the hotel
critical,critical room , means center system of a company , it awalys has sb in it.24h.
wake up call:
guarant to wake you up.
room service: only contain food and drinks
maid will clear you room, change your sheet every time, it's a standard service and free.
you may hang a sign(do not disturb) on the door.
grammer focus
propositions,use conntect words
i have a reservation for three nights, under james barclay.
put it on bill,(awalys contain extra service)
get through the exam.
get across city,blocks
motel is motor hotel, which is a kind of lodging.
dialogue: taking to the front dest
in:general time
at: certain time,specific
could you send a maid with some fresh towels.
we had a bit of an accident earlier.
(spill some milk,broke cups)
culture point:tipping
in west, it is customery to tip bellboys and doorman in hotels for carrying the luggage.
if you stay at a hotel for an extended period, it is also customary to leave a tip to the maid.
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2010-03-29 21:08 JavaCoffe 阅读(162) |
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before class
university of california at_______
california state college at_______
community college.
eg.university of california at... it aways need you have high SAT or GRE score to apply these school.
and they will do some research.
the second kind of school always public schools. every state have it's own school.
the last ,community college, it's only need 2 year to get the degree,and it's price it's low, after 2 year you could
apply better university.
can i use my card here
money and credit
verbs,deposite money, withdraw money
check , write numbers and words on that
maybe you will get bounce check.
eg. i put some money on my credit card
i charge late fee to your card.
i swipe card.
some debit card have loan future/function
30 day free interest
grammar focus: using voice for emphasis
she spends a lot of money on clothes and she puts all of her purchases on her store on her store cards and credit cards.
do you take plastic cards.
i got rid of use my credit card as they were too tempting and i was worried i would get into trouble.
posted @
2010-03-25 21:57 JavaCoffe 阅读(139) |
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i like traveling/to travel.
dessert/desert: i like to eat dessert.
local food/ snack
i ate some taiwan local food /snack food.
black pearl milk tea.
i live in dalian next to the ocean.
last week i went to taiwan for a vacation.
she likes eating,traveling and reading books.
===========before the class==============
red envelope
in the wedding or birthday,guest always give the host red envelope.
gag gift
gift certificate
gift card
You can buy anything you want that costs less than ¥200
greeting card:
it's a card that write something on it such as:Get well soon
gift tag: a small tag
gift registry:
it's a list make by bride or groom which list all present they want to buy and sent it to their friend.
then their friend can choose which present they want buy for the bride and groom.
gift basket
grammar focus:obligations
needn't have +done (past particple)
didn't have/need to do
you needn't have finished the whole task today, you just need finish in this week.
didn't have/need to do
you didn't need to lie for me
if someone thinks he is the best person in the world for somthing, we can say that
"he thinks he's God's gifts to man"
if someone is a doctor ,he thinks he is the best doctor in the world.we can say that
"he thinks he's God's gifts to medicine."
a blow up doll
he is earning six figures.
he bought me a all expense paid trip to Hawaii last year.
i bought him a blow up doll and taped a picture of his ex-girlfriend to it.
while i was in Hawaii, he hooked up with my girlfriend.
comfort my little dog.
hush puppies
culture point:Gifts in the west
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2010-03-23 22:49 JavaCoffe 阅读(119) |
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rock and roll
music and mood
listen music on radio/mp3/computer
rock music: it since 1950,before that ,it didn't have rock music.
R&B(rhythm and blue)
Jazz: saxophone bass.
Folk: similar with contrymusic(cowboy...)
others: religious songs(buddhism,buddyhist)
korean,do you speak korean.
chose, have chosen
Listening to the jazz music makes her feel relaxed.
cold temperature make me stay at home.
it means disorder,disoragan
earthquake makes people don't know where to go.
in English , a song is sometimes called a tune,to "carry a tune" does not mean to hold a song in your hands.
it's a way of saying "to sing".
we are only casual acquaintance.
strange,odd,weird friend.
concert: the musicians play in front of you.
compliment the mood or change the mood.
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2010-03-19 21:43 JavaCoffe 阅读(145) |
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He is not my type
(we also say we didn't click.)
work over time
personality,characteristic(usually we use the former one)
<<pride and prejudice>>
arrogant means somebody always said how great he /she is before others.
someone who is talktive/quiet
when two people with opposite personalitites get along well, we can describe it as "opposite attract".
this is usually used to explain why some people with opposite personalitites ends up in relationships together.
some westerners believe that their astrological sign-which is related to the month of their birthday-determines their personalities.
The Chinese have a familiar belief about the twelve zodiac animals .
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2010-03-17 23:55 JavaCoffe 阅读(196) |
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in a interview
i used to ........................
i used to response...........
i used designed................
eating out
fast food ,junk food
it's contain too much fat ,oil, sugar,do not contain fresh vegetables.
you need pay first in a fixed price , in that restaurant, there is many kinds of food put on many tables.
it has meat ,juice,barbecue,seafood,noodle,cookies,wine,icecream and so on。
you can eat all you can eat
bar and grill: beers and meat.
themed resturant:
emphasis it's style and culture
ex:equator,tropic restaurant,
seafood restaurant
fine dining: it means invite chef to cook by himself.
casual dining:
coffe house:hang out with friends
franchise the restaurant.
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2010-03-10 23:25 JavaCoffe 阅读(150) |
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first of all,you need speak slowly and say every words clearly.
book tickets in advance(ahead)
check the weather
research on line
have an itinerary
saving money
Budget accommodation(make a plan for which hotel to stay ,what resturant to eat in a lower price)
Youth hostel
travel by train or car instead of airplane
use public transportation
cheap airplane tickets
stick with (stay with)your tour group
carry emergency phone numbers
Don't go anywhere alone
carry a money belt
have copies of your passport
if you travel in summer,you should pack sunscreen
you ought to get vaccinated if you're going to a developing country.
someone who has traveled to many different places around the world can be described as globetrotter.
A "trott" is a kind of slow jog that horses often do.
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2010-03-08 23:02 JavaCoffe 阅读(115) |
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cooperate means descripe some one work togother.
play cards,
billiards(pool, snooker)
party like it's 1999(it means ,when you are young,you have a lot of party)
throw a party(have a party)
may by hire band,musicians
invite guests
go to a party
bring a gift
RSVP(it means i need your confirm)
Describing a party
up all night: i was up all night
it sounds blast
Tina showed up too(go to that party too)
obsesse with (focus on)
clumsy(means behaviors not very quikly)
knock over
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2010-03-07 22:28 JavaCoffe 阅读(135) |
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traffic circle
cross walk斑马线
lefe turn lane,bicycle lane,side walk lane
do you often travel to tourist places or other citites in China
do you have good sense of direction?
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2010-03-06 19:38 JavaCoffe 阅读(104) |
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raise family
settle down
eg:mortage payment can be less than rent.
the hardest part about buying is saving initial deposit.
therefore people buy to rent which means that they buy the house,decorate them in hopes they can
tenants who want to rent the apartment and live there.
the rent at least the amount of the mortage.
some landlord also set rents a little higher in order to have some excess cash to pay for any damages,
wear and tear,or breakages.
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2010-03-05 00:16 JavaCoffe 阅读(130) |
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would you like to be a model?
voice coach
interior designer
landscape designer
fashion model
personal trainer
personal shopper && secrect shopper(for improve service)
game tester
movie extra:some actor is not major character,
toilet(bathroom)attendant:service in the bathroom,or clear the bathroom
stuntma:in some danger situation,the big star maybe don't to want to act by himeself ,
so use other people who looks like him.
defuse bomb& explore expert
army recruiter<top gun>
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2010-03-04 23:23 JavaCoffe 阅读(175) |
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function dateDiff(interval, date1, date2)
var objInterval = {'D' : 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, 'H' : 1000 * 60 * 60, 'M' : 1000 * 60, 'S' : 1000, 'T' : 1};
interval = interval.toUpperCase();
var dt1 = Date.parse(date1.replace(/-/g, '/'));
var dt2 = Date.parse(date2.replace(/-/g, '/'));
return Math.round((dt2 - dt1) / ('(objInterval.' + interval + ')'));
catch (e)
return e.message;
interval :D表示查询精确到天数的之差
interval :H表示查询精确到小时之差
interval :M表示查询精确到分钟之差
interval :S表示查询精确到秒之差
interval :T表示查询精确到毫秒之差
alert(dateDiff('D', '2007-4-1', '2007/04/19'));
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2009-09-27 15:35 JavaCoffe 阅读(1360) |
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select deptno,job,avg(sal),max(sal) from emp group by rollup( deptno,job);
select deptno,job,avg(sal),max(sal) from emp group by cube( deptno,job);
select deptno,job,avg(sal),max(sal) ,grouping(deptno),grouping(job) from emp group by cube( deptno,job);
select deptno,job,avg(sal),max(sal) from emp group by GROUPING SETS( deptno,job);
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2009-06-23 17:27 JavaCoffe 阅读(744) |
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insert into <tabler>[(column,[column,...])]values(value,[value,....])
使用default 插入数据,在values当中使用default会插入默认值,或者NULL
INSERT ALL insert_into_clause [value clause]subquery
INSERT conditional_insert_clause subquery
insert all
when deptno = 10 then into dept10
when deptno = 20 then into dept20
else into others
select * from emp;
INSERT FIRST(如果先前的数据已经被使用过,那么在后续当中则不会再使用这些数据)
when deptno = 10 then into dept10
when deptno = 20 then into dept20
else into others
select * from emp;
另外提供create table as subquery;
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2009-06-23 11:37 JavaCoffe 阅读(662) |
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一、增加AJAX特征,开 发人员可以轻松地在程序中应用Ajax,甚至不需要学习JavaScript;并且将远离单独使用Ajax时潜在的bugs和性能问题。
二、开始使用EJB 3.0的最简单方式 EJB 3.0是成熟的事务组件模型,也是最新JPA(Java持久层API)关注的技术,但支持EJB 3.0的Java Web应用框架却很少。你可以无处不在地使用整合的EJB 3.0组件模型。
三、充分挖掘JSF特性的最佳方式,JSF没有涉及访问事务资源,Seam考虑到了这一点,将JTA、JPA和EJB 3.0与JSF无缝地整合起来。
五、使得CRUD同样简单 Seam也同样处理复杂企业应用中的棘手问题。
七、注释功能 Seam是第一个从始至终、从持久层到表示层,都使用Java 5注释功能的程序模型。
九、开放性标准与开源的结合 Seam建立在实现开放标准的、像JSF和 EJB 3.0这样的开源项目基础上
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2009-06-22 13:38 JavaCoffe 阅读(308) |
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6、享元模式(fly weight)
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2009-06-19 11:45 JavaCoffe 阅读(179) |
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摘要: 原文地址:
1、开发者都知道,hibernate让我们以oo的方式操作数据库,这让我们看到了hibernate的强大之处,体验到操作数据的方便。但Gavin King说,hibernate最耀眼之处是hibernate的缓存机制,而不是以oo的方式操作数据库。Hibernate的缓存机制不外乎是一级缓存session,二级缓存sessionFactory,和第三方缓存如ehcache.也就是hibernate的最强大的地方是它的缓存,理解了这个才能真正的理解hibernate.缓存实在太难了,我
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2009-06-19 10:09 JavaCoffe 阅读(771) |
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1、spring expression language
2、spring rest
3、spring boo
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2009-06-15 16:06 JavaCoffe 阅读(274) |
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2009-06-12 10:14 JavaCoffe 阅读(274) |
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1、optimistic lock 实际上并没有锁定记录,任何事务都可以对数据进行访问和更新。在事务提交阶段,潜在的对同一数据的写冲突会被检测出来,所以当第一个事务提交,其他事务只能够回滚。
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2009-06-12 09:32 JavaCoffe 阅读(679) |
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To start standalone help At the command line execute the following. (Execute this command on a single line; it is broken into multiple lines here for readability.)
%BEA_HOME%\jdk160_05\bin\java -classpath %BEA_HOME%\tools\eclipse_pkgs\2.0\eclipse_3.3.2\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.help.base_3.3.2.v20070813_33x.jar org.eclipse.help.standalone.Infocenter -command start -eclipsehome %BEA_HOME%\tools\eclipse_pkgs\2.0\eclipse_3.3.2\eclipse -port 7034 -noexec
Open a web browser and go to the following URL: http://localhost:7034/help/index.jsp
To shut down standalone help At the command line execute the following. (Again, execute this command on a single line.)
%BEA_HOME%\jdk160_05\bin\java -classpath %BEA_HOME%\tools\eclipse_pkgs\2.0\eclipse_3.3.2\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.help.base_3.3.2.v20070813_33x.jar org.eclipse.help.standalone.Infocenter -command shutdown -eclipsehome %BEA_HOME%\tools\eclipse_pkgs\2.0\eclipse_3.3.2\eclipse -port 7034 -noexec
Note that after you shut down the help server, links in the help browser will be unavailable until you restart the server.
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2009-06-05 16:39 JavaCoffe 阅读(180) |
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2009-6-2 13:31
打算认真学习一下EJB3.0,所以就看了《精通EJB3.0》罗时飞翻译,英文名《mastering EJB3.0》.觉得当中有很多理论自己还不是很理解。
EJB3.0仍然包括会话bean,实体bean,消息驱动bean。与ejb2.0相比其主要的是编程模型发生的变化,更加趋向于pojo的风格,同时支持annotation。 ejb 采用的通信协议是rmi-iiop协议。
ejb可以通过webservice发布,webservice包括两种方式,jax-rpc(比较早的版本),jax-ws(新版本) webservice主要包括 WSDL,UDDI,SOAP,一般主要用WSDL和SOAP。
SOAP,主要是webservice使用的通信协议。simple object acess protocal,这种翻译并不完全准确,因为其并没有用到object的概念。
session bean :主要包括stateful bean,stateless bean,这两者只是在生命周期的管理上的不同,以及所采用的算法不同。具体我忘了
entity bean: 生命周期的管理上主要体现在两个方面:
2、与数据库的同步上 主要包括4中状态,
1、new 新建 2,merge 合并 3、detached 游离 4、remove 删除
new状态与数据库没有联系,merge 同过上下文保存或者更新到数据库当中去,
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2009-06-02 13:30 JavaCoffe 阅读(364) |
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以前只是在项目中使用过到ext的treePanel,以及gridPanel,打算最近研究一下他,暂时不打算用买市面上的中文版,决定从一本英文电子书开始《Learning EXT JS》开始。
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2009-05-27 15:00 JavaCoffe 阅读(163) |
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- public int executeUpdate(final String hql, final Map pMap) {
- int result = 0;
- Object o = getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
- //实现HibernateCall接口当中的方法,自己实现接口当中的方法的
- //具体业务流程
- public Object doInHibernate(final Session session)
- throws HibernateException {
- int result = 0;
- Query queryObject = session.createQuery(hql);
- String[] params = queryObject.getNamedParameters();
- for (int i = 0, max = params.length; i < max; i++) {
- queryObject.setParameter(params[i], pMap.get(params[i]));
- }
- result = queryObject.executeUpdate();
- return result;
- }
- }); //end of method execute()
- Integer i = (Integer) o;
- result = i.intValue();
- return result;
- }
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2009-05-19 17:21 JavaCoffe 阅读(154) |
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我想实现类似 查询的时候 出现一个 正在查询中的小页面。。。。。。
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2008-04-21 11:41 JavaCoffe 阅读(573) |
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但是我设定了一个参数 var url = "111";
document.getElementById('f_firstPage').innerHTML='<a onclick=changePage('+url+') href=#></a>';
确提示错误,说缺少 ')' 唉,烦人啊。
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2008-04-15 21:14 JavaCoffe 阅读(872) |
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