Is that a No
gestures and meanings
shake head,side to side or left to right
shrug shoulders,
yawn,means sleepy tired,bored
cross arms, means angry,no
nod head , no
wave hands
cup ear
finger to mouth
furrow eyebrows
grammar focus:degrees of probability
a little likely
it might/may mean he's bored maybe it means he's bored
it could mean she's angry perhaps it means she's angry
it must mean he agrees it probably means he agrees
very likely
A common saying in English is "action speak lounder than words",
it means that what you do it more import than what you say.
i presented my project outline to her.
she didn't make eyecontact with me once during the entire meeting.
pick up what people are taking.
i don't mean to offend you.
referee make sure player follow the fule of the game.
body language varies quite a bit from country to country.
in Asia, when gesturing for someone to come here,you should do it with your palm down.
in the U.S.,however,that might be misunderstood as "go away" because come here is usually
done with palm up.
posted on 2010-04-06 21:29
JavaCoffe 阅读(166)
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