worldwide festivals
eater , diwali, hannukah, ramadan , pass over
eid, tanksgiving , spring festival, national day
----------------grammar focus:during, for,in,over,throughout--------------------------------
a stress free occasion
they came back after all the hustle and bustle and they wash and take bath,then went to bed.
-------culture point
america is still quite a young country made of up of various races,ethnicities and cultures
and most months of year will have some festival celebration that allows all americans to learn about
------------diwali festival---------------
diwali is an Indian festival also known as the festival of light, as it is common practice to light
small oil lanterns and place them around the house,garden ,balcony,and even on the roof tops.
throughout the various provinces in india .
posted on 2010-07-10 16:17
JavaCoffe 阅读(165)
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