----------------------vocabulary: celebrity lifestyles----------------
high salary
luxury goods
world travel
new career paths
advertisement campaign
perfect body
---------grammar focus---using voice for emphasis----------
"Star Struck" is a pharse we use to describe someone who gets very excited,
nervous or shy when coming close to meeting with a celebrity.
-------marilyn monroe------
autobiography states many truths about the star.
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2010-07-21 22:37 JavaCoffe 阅读(159) |
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------------------A blockbuster hit!-----------------------
types of films
blockbuster box office hit
cult film
straight DVD (not show in cinema)
independent film
---------------grammar focus----------------------------
I thought the acting was poor.
The story line was lacking any exciting twists.
----------------language point---------------------------
A blockbuster is a type of aerial bomb that if it explodes
destroys a large area.
In USA if we say a movie is a blockbuster then we mean the movie
was a huge hit or success.
lower budget film.
I feel the acting is better as the stars are still pretty down to the earth.
--------culture point: movie reviews
the people who write reviews take everything into consideration
and if the movie has famous stars who perform weakly then
the review will generally slate them.
Also ,if the movie has a huge budget for creating the film and the final product
is poor then again, the reviewers will be pretty harsh in their words.
It is very difficult for movies in the west world to get good reviews unless they
are absolutely out of this world.
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2010-07-20 23:04 JavaCoffe 阅读(261) |
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--------------------what's wrong---------------
deep in thought
exhausted: completely tired
furious:extremly angray
high strung
in great pain
nostalgic(not use commonly)
moody:change mood quikly
out of it: it is not focus on what they are doing
------------------------------grammar focus------------------------------
to "feel under the weather" is to feel sick or emotionally depressed.
if you are not too close to someone and they ask you what's wrong, you
could tell them you are "feel under the weather", you didn't need to go into details.
--------------culture point---------------------
Happy pills
some people say that America is a prozac Nation.
Prozac is commonly called "the happy pill",because it helps
get rid of depression.
Every year different brands of "happy pills" earn 5.5billion.
some people complain that it's not rignt for doctor to give everyone happy pills.
There are problems that cannot be ignored or hidden.
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2010-07-18 19:53 JavaCoffe 阅读(174) |
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i need to lose weight fast
vocabulary: fad diets
fad diets
zone diet
south beach diet
sugar buster
the pritikin weightlose breakthrough
cabbage soup diet
grapefruit diet
bevery hills diet
food pyramid
sugar fat
grammar focus
Not sleeping enought
can result in poor concentration.
Having too many things to do
can result in stress levels increasing.
Too much unhealthy food and not enough exercise can cause people to put on weight.
-----------------language point---------------------------
we often refer to them as "hellow legs".
This is because they eat loads and loads but never seem to put on weight.
H2O ,hydrogen,oxygen
hygrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.
Living things can not live without oxygen.
what about cabbage soup diet or the grapefruit diet.
i want to lose weight but i want to do it sensibly.
surely they can be that bad if you follow them properly otherwise they wouldn't so popular.
----------------------your own intake------------------------
we served some crakers and cheese as an appetizer.
main dishes
side dishes
------------------listening passage:who's to blame------
and metabolism will simply return to normal and cause you gain the weight again.
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2010-07-18 13:43 JavaCoffe 阅读(175) |
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