
html 和htm文件的区别

               html was the original extension for HTML pages on Unix Web hosting machines.
               htm was created by Windows/DOS because of it's requirement for 3 character extensions.

参考网址 :http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningtutorials/a/aa072700a.htm


HTML documents use the .htm or. html file extensions, e.g. index.htm or index.html can be used to name your opening page. It also a good idea to use lowercase lettering when naming files. In short, a link specifying a file called History.htm will not work if the file is named history.htm, and a link specifying a file called history.html will not work if the file is named history.htm.


  • HTML tags should be in Upper Case letters to help differentiate from ordinary text.
  • All HTML files in your project should be named with either a .htm or .htmlextension. Do not use both extension types in the same project.
  • All HTML file names should be in lower case, with letters and numbers only. Do not use spaces or odd characters (%$£&*).
  • Backup your Web Site regularly. If you have WinZip or another compression program, you can achieve this by right-clicking on the folder and choosing "Add to Zip". A few seconds later you have a disaster-management and contingency program.

Note: While there are many excellent HTML editors available, it is useful to know enough HTML to code a document before you begin such an editor. The web pages created by such editors may require some "tweaking" of the HTML code in order to work as you would like them to, and it is much easier to do this if you have a grounding in HTML basics.

参考网址 :http://www.ncte.ie/wpc/start_html.htm

posted @ 2006-04-14 20:24 NaturalNumber 阅读(3088) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at d:\easyphp1-8\www\vote\hostreg.php:6) in d:\easyphp1-8\www\vote\hostreg.php on line 25
这个警告在我移植到学校的机器上才出现的,可是找了半天信息,大都是用Java Script来解决(但是以前我用的都是改写php.ini 呵呵,这个比较简洁方便,最近比较忙也烦,所以没空仔细看那些Script)后来被我找到了我想要的东西就是打开php.ini一开始找到的output_buffering都是设置的buffering的大小,没看到由output_buffering=off的项,没关系,我自己填写了output_buffering=on ( 为了安全,这个选项应该是关的) 然后还要把output_buffering = 0 删掉.OK! Sans Marche 
posted @ 2006-03-22 16:55 NaturalNumber 阅读(494) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏