I am trying to run wireshark in linux using sudo, but was told: i am not in the sudoer files. So I must edit this file to add my own user into this file. Steps as follows:
1. su to root: su-
2. open sudoers: visudo /etc/sudoers
3. add my user name: testuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
This lines means that the user "testuser" can execute from ALL terminals, acting as ALL (any) users, and run ALL (any) command.
The detail is in paper: http://www.go2linux.org/sudoers-how-to
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2009-08-28 04:28 SmileFace 阅读(233) |
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In order to supports internationalization (I18N), on Tomcat some additional configuration is necessary. You must
ensure that Tomcat's URI encoding is set to UTF-8. You can do this by editing the Tomcat configuration file
conf/server.xml and adding URIEncoding=”UTF-8” to each connector element, as shown below:
<Connector port="8080"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" debug="0"
acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000"
URIEncoding="UTF-8" />
And make sure you do this for every connectort.
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2009-08-20 13:45 SmileFace 阅读(286) |
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I planned to install Roller in my centOS which need tomcat6. But centos5.3 has tomcat5 in it's yum. So I have to install tomcat6 using other way. I searched and found this good install guide in:
http://cloudservers.mosso.com/index.php/CentOS_-_Tomcat_6 ( or http://de0ris.blogspot.com/2008/08/installing-tomcat-6x-on-centos-5.html )
which give detail instructions. I choose some important part and paste here in case for late use.
1. install appache ant: (note: download and put the tar file in /usr/share first )
tar -xzf apache-ant-1.7.1-bin.tar.gz
2. install tomcat:(note: download and put the tar file in /usr/share first )
tar -xzf apache-tomcat-6.0.18.tar.gz
3. create a symbolic link for Ant so other applications can easily find
it. Be sure to select the correct version when you create your link.
ln -s /usr/share/apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant /usr/bin
4. set JAVA_HOME:
cd /usr/share/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/bin
vi catalina.sh
enter insert mode. Enter the following:
cd /usr/share/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/bin
5.Automating atartup: Right now Tomcat will not start up on it's own so we need to create a startup script for this. To do this:
cd /etc/init.d
vi tomcat
Press i to enter insert mode and paste in the following:
# chkconfig: 234 20 80
# description: Tomcat Server basic start/shutdown script
# processname: tomcat
export JAVA_HOME
start() {
echo -n "Starting tomcat: "
echo "done."
stop() {
echo -n "Shutting down tomcat: "
echo "done."
case "$1" in
sleep 10
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 0
Be sure to change the following items in the above file:
* JAVA_HOME path
Once you have those changes made, save the file and quit.
Now we need to change the permissions on the file.
chmod 755 tomcat
We need to set the script to start with other system services and set the runlevels.
chkconfig --add tomcat
chkconfig --level 234 tomcat on
You can verify that it is listed by typing chkconfig --list tomcat.
tomcat 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:off 6:off
Test your shutdown and startup script.
sudo /sbin/service tomcat stop
sudo /sbin/service tomcat start
Tomcat 6 should now be installed under CentOS.
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2009-08-20 13:12 SmileFace 阅读(702) |
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1.Agile model driven development(AMDD): focus on model
2.Extreme programmning: focus on full development life cycle.
3.Jconsole: c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin\jconsole, which could dectect the memory issue, class loading, garbage collection...
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2009-08-20 01:43 SmileFace 阅读(127) |
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1 想大致了解DNS,ARP,router等网络知识的人;
2 有闲但是对于网络感兴趣的人;
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2009-08-19 14:08 SmileFace 阅读(156) |
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0. /sbin/ifconfig
1. mysql :
*remove: yum -y remove mysql mysql-server
*insatll: yum -y install mysql mysql-server
*check: chkconfig --list | grep mysql
*Set to Start on Boot:
chkconfig mysqld on
*start service:
service --status-all
service mysqld start
check: mysqladmin version
*setup root password:
mysqladmin -u root password ***(this is new password)
mysql -u root -p
*commands:ep t
show databases;
drop database ***;
2. Tomcat:
yum -y install tomcat5 tomcat5-webapps tomcat5-admin-webapps
*You can find these packages using
yum list available tomcat5*
yum search tomcat5
service tomcat5 start
view: http://localhost:8080/.
/usr/share/tomcat5 .
3. JDK:
* Originally, centOS only install jre. so we need install jdk by ourselves.
*To install from the command line:
$yum install
You can also install all
the OpenJDK 6 packages, including the API documentation, by
using the wildcard java-1.6.0-openjdk*.
*location: /usr/lib/jvm...
*check: java -version
posted @
2009-08-13 07:31 SmileFace 阅读(170) |
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1.Agile model driven development(AMDD): focus on model
2.Extreme programmning: focus on full development life cycle.
3.Jconsole: c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin\jconsole, which could dectect the memory issue, class loading,
garbage collection...
Java profilers: analyze the heap for memory usage and leaks, CPU utilization, trace object and methods,determine performance bottlenecks...
4.Ant new feature:
<exec command="date"/>
Get: fetch a file using HTTP GET.
<get src="http://visualpatterns.com/comics/funny.gif" dest="funny.gif" verbose="true"/>
Sleep: pause processing.
<sleep seconds="2"/>
FTP: use FTP directly. The example transfe the files to ftp server automatically using windows scheduled tasks
<ftp server="mirror.kernel.org"
remotedir=...> </ftp>
MAIL: ...
5. JMX: my thought: I can use it to track how many user signed into, and so on.
6.unchecked exception: do not need to be caught by the code. Checked exception require the code to either cathch the exception or throw it up the call chain using throws. "If a client can reasonble to recover from an exception, make it a checked exception. If client cannot do anything to recover from the excepetion, make it unchecked"
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2009-07-25 07:38 SmileFace 阅读(211) |
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在windows和fedora 4下都安装了postgresql,有2点体会:
2。在fedora 4 下安装,要么用rpm安装低版本的postgresql,要么用source逐步安装最新版本的。用rpm比较简单,不说了;
如果安装source,不要到网上到处找帮助,直接在postgresql的网站上找到权威文档就行:http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/installation.html。 我觉得很实用。按照它的步骤做下来,ok。 尤其是,注意看里面14.2中关于requirments的说明,在configure时记得使用--without-readline option,否则会出错的。
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2007-05-25 22:42 SmileFace 阅读(360) |
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前天开始在fedora 4 下安装java的这一套开发环境,满以为很简单,后来发现里面还是有点小trick的,而且在网上并没有找到类似的完整讲解的文章,所以写出来共享。希望对大家有所帮助。
安装的版本: jdk1.5.0_11+Tomcat5.0.28+Eclipse3.2.2+Sysdeo3.2.1
1 安装jdk: 参考文档:
http://www.sitepoint.com/article/jakarta-tapestry su 到root用户:
1.1 下载jdk-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin;
1.2 要执行文件,须先change文件的perrmissions: chmod +x jdk-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin
1.3 执行文件:./jdk-1_5_0_11-linux-i586-rpm.bin
1.4 在etc/profile.d新建java.sh,如下:
if ! echo ${PATH} | grep -q /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin ; then
export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin:${PATH}
if ! echo ${PATH} | grep -q /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/bin ; then
export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/bin:${PATH}
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11
export CLASSPATH=.:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/lib/tools.jar:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/lib/rt.jar
3、安装eclipse: 没有trick。
3.1 su到普通的开发用户;
3.2 unzip即可。
3.3 ./eclipse即可启动。
重新启动eclipse,小猫的图标在。再在window/perferences下配置一下。运行,就出问题了。原因是:tomcat的启动只有root有权限,现在是普通用户的模式下,权限受限。solution: 让普通用户接管tomcat的权限。
chown -R test:test /opt/tomcat
这里的 test:test是我自己的用户名和用户组,opt/tomcat是catalina_home。
注意:如果这里的/opt/tomcat是sambolic link的话,真正的目录也需要chown。即,如果是opt/jarcartar_tomcat_1.5.0指向opt/tomcat,那么opt/jarcartar_tomcat_1.5.0也要chown。
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2007-05-25 11:32 SmileFace 阅读(421) |
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Java数据库接口JDBC入门基础讲座-第六讲 PreparedStatement接口
该 PreparedStatement 接口继承 Statement,并与之在两方面有所不同:
PreparedStatement 实例包含已编译的 SQL 语句。这就是使语句“准备好”。包含于 PreparedStatement 对象中的 SQL 语句可具有一个或多个 IN 参数。IN参数的值在 SQL 语句创建时未被指定。相反的,该语句为每个 IN 参数保留一个问号(“?”)作为占位符。每个问号的值必须在该语句执行之前,通过适当的setXXX 方法来提供。
由于 PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象。因此,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。
作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能。另外它还添加了一整套方法,用于设置发送给数据库以取代 IN 参数占位符的值。同时,三种方法 execute、 executeQuery 和 executeUpdate 已被更改以使之不再需要参数。这些方法的 Statement 形式(接受 SQL 语句参数的形式)不应该用于 PreparedStatement 对象。
1、创建 PreparedStatement 对象
以下的代码段(其中 con 是 Connection 对象)创建包含带两个 IN 参数占位符的 SQL 语句的 PreparedStatement 对象:
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE table4 SET m = ? WHERE x = ?");
pstmt 对象包含语句 "UPDATE table4 SET m = ? WHERE x = ?",它已发送给DBMS,并为执行作好了准备。
2、传递 IN 参数
在执行 PreparedStatement 对象之前,必须设置每个 ? 参数的值。这可通过调用 setXXX 方法来完成,其中 XXX 是与该参数相应的类型。例如,如果参数具有Java 类型 long,则使用的方法就是 setLong。setXXX 方法的第一个参数是要设置的参数的序数位置,第二个参数是设置给该参数的值。例如,以下代码将第一个参数设为 123456789,第二个参数设为 100000000:
pstmt.setLong(1, 123456789); pstmt.setLong(2, 100000000); |
一旦设置了给定语句的参数值,就可用它多次执行该语句,直到调用clearParameters 方法清除它为止。在连接的缺省模式下(启用自动提交),当语句完成时将自动提交或还原该语句。
如果基本数据库和驱动程序在语句提交之后仍保持这些语句的打开状态,则同一个 PreparedStatement 可执行多次。如果这一点不成立,那么试图通过使用PreparedStatement 对象代替 Statement 对象来提高性能是没有意义的。
利用 pstmt(前面创建的 PreparedStatement 对象),以下代码例示了如何设置两个参数占位符的值并执行 pstmt 10 次。如上所述,为做到这一点,数据库不能关闭 pstmt。在该示例中,第一个参数被设置为 "Hi"并保持为常数。在 for 循环中,每次都将第二个参数设置为不同的值:从 0 开始,到 9 结束。
pstmt.setString(1, "Hi"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pstmt.setInt(2, i); int rowCount = pstmt.executeUpdate(); } |
3、IN 参数中数据类型的一致性
setXXX 方法中的 XXX 是 Java 类型。它是一种隐含的 JDBC 类型(一般 SQL 类型),因为驱动程序将把 Java 类型映射为相应的 JDBC 类型(遵循该 JDBCGuide中§8.6.2 “映射 Java 和 JDBC 类型”表中所指定的映射),并将该 JDBC 类型发送给数据库。例如,以下代码段将 PreparedStatement 对象 pstmt 的第二个参数设置为 44,Java 类型为 short:
驱动程序将 44 作为 JDBC SMALLINT 发送给数据库,它是 Java short 类型的标准映射。
程序员的责任是确保将每个 IN 参数的 Java 类型映射为与数据库所需的 JDBC 数据类型兼容的 JDBC 类型。不妨考虑数据库需要 JDBC SMALLINT 的情况。如果使用方法 setByte ,则驱动程序将 JDBC TINYINT 发送给数据库。这是可行的,因为许多数据库可从一种相关的类型转换为另一种类型,并且通常 TINYINT 可用于SMALLINT 适用的任何地方
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2006-12-23 01:47 SmileFace 阅读(289) |
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