0. /sbin/ifconfig
1. mysql :
*remove: yum -y remove mysql mysql-server
*insatll: yum -y install mysql mysql-server
*check: chkconfig --list | grep mysql
*Set to Start on Boot:
chkconfig mysqld on
*start service:
service --status-all
service mysqld start
check: mysqladmin version
*setup root password:
mysqladmin -u root password ***(this is new password)
mysql -u root -p
*commands:ep t
show databases;
drop database ***;
2. Tomcat:
yum -y install tomcat5 tomcat5-webapps tomcat5-admin-webapps
*You can find these packages using
yum list available tomcat5*
yum search tomcat5
service tomcat5 start
view: http://localhost:8080/.
/usr/share/tomcat5 .
3. JDK:
* Originally, centOS only install jre. so we need install jdk by ourselves.
*To install from the command line:
$yum install
You can also install all
the OpenJDK 6 packages, including the API documentation, by
using the wildcard java-1.6.0-openjdk*.
*location: /usr/lib/jvm...
*check: java -version
posted on 2009-08-13 07:31
SmileFace 阅读(170)
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