
TOP Java Books
前面有个朋友说看书总是希望要看4 Star以上的(Amazon Reviewed),一直想拟一个Book List,不过一直没有付诸行动。不过大家可以先看看这些数据排名:

1 TOP Java Books:

(Head First系列非常之好,可是也很难以搞到。不知为什么一直没有引进中文的计划。)
Average review:  stars Head First Design Patterns
Average review:  stars Head First Java, 2nd Edition
Average review:  stars Java How to Program (6th Edition) (How to Program (Deitel))
Average review:  stars Hibernate in Action (In Action series)
Average review:  stars Core Java(TM) 2, Volume I--Fundamentals (7th Edition) (Core Java 2)
Average review:  stars Effective Java Programming Language Guide
Average review:  stars Head First SCWCD
Average review:  stars Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide (Exam 310-035 & 310-027)
Average review:  stars Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework
Average review:  stars Java : An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (4th Edition)
2 TOP Selling J2EE Book

Average review:  stars Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Programmer to Programmer)
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 5.0     
Average review:  stars Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 5.0     
Average review:  stars Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.5     
Average review:  stars J2EE Web Services
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.0     
Average review:  stars Beginning J2EE 1.4: From Novice to Professional (Apress Beginner Series)
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.5     
Average review:  stars J2EE 1.4 : The Big Picture
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 5.0     
Average review:  stars Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 3.0     
Average review:  stars Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.5     
Average review:  stars The J2EE Architect's Handbook
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.0     
Average review:  stars Java for the Web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB: A Developer's Guide to J2EE Solutions
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.5
3  8月TOP Selling:
Average review:  stars Java(TM) Programming Language, The (4th Edition) (Java Series)
Average review:  stars Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide
Average review:  stars Hibernate Quickly
Average review:  stars Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 2.0     
Average review:  stars Java Precisely : Second Edition
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 4.5     
Average review:  stars Making Jboss Work
Average review:  stars ECOOP 2005 - Object Oriented Programming : 19th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, July 25-29, 2005.
Average review:  stars Easy Java Debugging : Java Testing & Development for Speed and Quality
Average review:  stars Code First : Java
Average review:  stars Java Programming: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition
Avg. Review: Avg. Rating: 1.0

JavaOne 2005大会上的书店有一个临时排行榜。以在此看到这些书的情况,http://jroller.com/resources/h/habuma/j1sia.jpg


posted on 2005-08-24 10:33 铁手 阅读(1477) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

