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Web Application Login Authentication
Select when no authentication is desired.
HTTP Basic Authentication (RFC 2617)
Select to specify browser authentication.
Enter the realm string. The web server then authenticates the user in the specified realm.
HTTP Digest Authentication (RFC 2617)
Select to specify digest authentication.
Form-based Authentication
Select to specify user-written HTML form for authentication.
Login Page
Enter an HTML page, JSP page, or HTTP servlet that is used to authenticate the user. The page must return an HTML page containing a FORM that conforms to a specific naming convention. This is done through the <form-login-config> tag in the <login-config> subelement of the generated web.xml file.
Error Page
Enter an HTML page that is sent to a user when authentication fails. This page contains information about the connection failure.
HTTPS Client Authentication (Public Key Certificate)
Select to specify client-side authentication.

Please refer to
posted on 2006-10-10 01:55 Sun River 阅读(246) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java EE Questions