Sun River
Topics about Java SE, Servlet/JSP, JDBC, MultiThread, UML, Design Pattern, CSS, JavaScript, Maven, JBoss, Tomcat, ...
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    --. What in your opinion is the worst part of Java development? How would you fix it?

    --. What advice would you give a server side web developer wanting to ensure that new code was secure from external attacks?

    --. Do you think Component based frameworks are better than Action/Request based web frameworks?

    --. What recent technology trends are important to enterprise web development?

    --. What do you think of Struts?

    --. What's the difference between final, finally and finalize?

    --. Rank the following attributes in order of importance when designing new code. If you have time, please add a sentence to each explaining it's position:

  • performance
  • maintainability
  • correctness
  • ease of use
  • ease of learning

    --. Some performance tweaks serve only to make source code hard to read, without really making a significant difference, others are vital to a system returning results in a finite time. When in the development process should you consider performance issues?

  • A customer has asked you to write a toUpper function. The only requirement you have is:
    • It must return 'A' when given an input of 'a'.
    What questions do you need to ask to flesh out the requirements?
posted on 2009-03-17 11:41 Sun River 阅读(99) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏