1 <%@ page pageEncoding="GBK"%>
2 <%@ include file="../public/appcontext.jsp"%>
3 <html>
4 <head>
5 <title>模块基本信息</title>
6 <logic:notEqual name="moduleInfoForm" property="maModbaseinfo.ar"
7 value="1">
8 <script language="javascript">
9 //记录页面展示条数
10 var count=0;
11 /**
12 *校验页面输入的合法性,通过则保存
13 */
14 function toSave(operation) {
15 with (document.forms[0]) {
16 //循环判断输入信息是否合法
17 for(i=0;i<count;i++){
18 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].mon')!=null) {
19 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].mon').value=trim(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].mon').value);
20 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].mon').value==""){
21 alert("警告:请输入[模块名称]的值!");
22 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].mon').focus();
23 return false;
24 }
25 }else{
26 alert("警告:请输入[模块名称]的值!");
27 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].mon').focus();
28 return false;
29 }
30 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smce')!=null) {
31 var str =trim(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smce').value);
32 if((str=="0.00") || (str=="")){
33 alert("警告:请输入[估计模块规模]的值!");
34 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smce').focus();
35 return false;
36 }
37 if(str.length>6){
38 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smce').value = str.substr(0,1)+str.substr(2,str.length);
39 }
40 }else{
41 alert("警告:请输入[估计模块规模]的值!");
42 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smce').focus();
43 return false;
44 }
45 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu')!=null) {
46 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu').value=trim(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu').value);
47 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu').value=="2"){
48 var str=document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smce').value;
49 var s = str.substr(str.length-2,str.length-1);
50 if(s!="00"){
51 alert("警告:[代码规模单位]选择功能点时,[估计代码规模]应为整数!");
52 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu').focus();
53 return false;
54 }
55 }
56 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu').value==""){
57 alert("警告:请输入[代码规模单位]的值!");
58 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].smu').focus();
59 return false;
60 }
61 }
62 var ontext=trim(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].on').value);
63 if(ontext==null||ontext=="") {
64 alert("警告:请输入[操作人]的值!");
65 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].on').focus();
66 return false;
67 }else{
68 var patrn=/^[0-9]{6}$/;
69 if (!patrn.exec(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].on').value)){
70 alert("警告:[操作人]的值为6位员工号,请重新输入!");
71 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].on').focus();
72 return false;
73 }
74 }
75 if(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].operdateStr')!=null) {
76 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].operdateStr').value=trim(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].operdateStr').value);
77 if((document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].operdateStr').value=="")||(document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].operdateStr').value==null)){
78 alert("警告:请输入第"+(i+1)+"行[操作日期]的值!");
79 document.all('moduleInfoList['+i+'].operdateStr').focus();
80 return false;
81 }
82 }
83 }
84 action ="<%=root%>/moduleInfoAction.do?method="+operation;
85 submit();
86 }
87 }
88 /**
89 *删除方法
90 */
91 function toRemove(modid) {
92 with (document.forms[0]) {
93 if(confirm("确定删除此条信息?")){
94 count--;
95 action ="<%=root%>/moduleInfoAction.do?method=doDel&id="+modid;
96 submit();
97 }else{
98 return false;
99 }
100 }
101 }
102 </script>
103 </logic:notEqual>
104 </head>
105 <body>
106 <common:form action="/moduleInfoAction.do" method="post">
107 <html:hidden name="moduleInfoForm" property="inid" styleId="inid" />
108 <html:hidden name="moduleInfoForm" property="maModbaseinfo.ar"
109 styleId="shFlag" />
110 <html:hidden name="moduleInfoForm" property="proQueryFlag"
111 styleId="proQueryFlag" />
112 <div align="center">
113 <table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
114 <tr>
115 <td colspan="5" align="left" class="line2">
116 <html:errors />
117 <html:messages id="message" message="true">
118 <bean:write name="message" filter="false" />
119 </html:messages>
120 </td>
121 </tr>
122 </table>
123 <logic:equal name="moduleInfoForm" property="proQueryFlag" value="1">
124 <table>
125 <tr>
126 <td colspan="9" align="center" class="line2">
127 <font color="red"> 请先录入项目信息! </font>
128 </td>
129 </tr>
130 </table>
131 </logic:equal>
132 <logic:notEqual name="moduleInfoForm" property="proQueryFlag"
133 value="1">
134 <table width="95%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
135 <thead>
136 <tr>
137 <th align="center" colspan="12" class="line2">
138 模块基本信息
139 </th>
140 </tr>
141 <tr>
142 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
143 模块编号
144 </td>
145 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
146 模块名称
147 </td>
148 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
149 估计模块规模
150 </td>
151 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
152 代码规模单位
153 </td>
154 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
155 操作人
156 </td>
157 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
158 操作日期
159 </td>
160 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
161 审核人
162 </td>
163 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
164 审核日期
165 </td>
166 <td class="td1" align="center" nowrap>
167 审核意见
168 </td>
169 <logic:notEqual name="moduleInfoForm" property="maModbaseinfo.ar"
170 value="1">
171 <td class="td1" align="center" width="34" nowrap>
172 操作
173 </td>
174 </logic:notEqual>
175 </tr>
176 </thead>
177 <logic:notEqual name="moduleInfoForm" property="maModbaseinfo.ar"
178 value="1">
179 <logic:notEmpty name="moduleInfoForm" property="moduleInfoList">
180 <tbody id="docTbody">
181 <logic:iterate name="moduleInfoForm" property="moduleInfoList"
182 id="moduleInfoList" indexId="index">
183 <%int idx = index.intValue();
184 String nodel = "nodel_"+ idx +"_";
185 String del = "del_"+ idx +"_";
186 %>
187 <tr>
188 <td nowrap>
189 <common:hidden name="moduleInfoList" property="operFlag"
190 styleId="operFlag" indexed="true" />
191 <common:hidden name="moduleInfoList" property="ar"
192 styleId="ar" indexed="true" />
193 <Script language="javascript">count++;</script>
194 <common:text name="moduleInfoList" property="id"
195 styleId="id" empty="true" label="模块编号"
196 style="border:none;background:none;" validator="text(0,6)"
197 size="6" indexed="true" readonly="true" />
198 </td>
199 <td nowrap>
200 <common:text name="moduleInfoList" property="mon"
201 styleId="mon" empty="false" label="模块名称"
202 validator="text(0,20)" size="11" indexed="true" />
203 </td>
204 <td nowrap>
205 <common:text name="moduleInfoList" property="smce"
206 styleId="smce" empty="false" label="估计模块规模"
207 validator="Decimal(6,2)" size="6" indexed="true" />
208 </td>
209 <td nowrap>
210 <param:select name="moduleInfoList" property="smu"
211 label="代码规模单位" empty="false" nullStr="请选择" styleId="smu"
212 type="smuTag" indexed="true" withCode="false" />
213 </td>
214 <td nowrap>
215 <common:text name="moduleInfoList" property="on"
216 styleId="on" empty="false" label="操作人" validator="text(0,6)"
217 size="6" indexed="true" />
218 </td>
219 <td nowrap>
220 <common:text styleClass="input" name="moduleInfoList"
221 property="operdateStr" styleId="operdateStr" empty="false"
222 label="操作日期" size="10" onclick="setday(this)"
223 validator="text(0,10)" readonly="true" indexed="true" />
224 </td>
225 <td nowrap align="right">
226 <common:text name="moduleInfoList" property="an"
227 styleId="an" empty="true" label="审核人" validator="text(0,6)"
228 size="6" indexed="true"
229 style="border:none;background:none;" readonly="true" />
230 </td>
231 <td nowrap align="center">
232 <common:text name="moduleInfoList" property="adStr"
233 styleId="adStr" empty="true" label="审核日期"
234 validator="text(0,10)" size="10"
235 style="border:none;background:none;" indexed="true"
236 readonly="true" />
237 </td>
238 <td nowrap>
239 <common:textarea styleId="ac" label="审核意见"
240 validator="text(0,255)" empty="true" name="moduleInfoList"
241 property="ac" readonly="true"
242 style="border:none;background:none;overflow:auto"
243 indexed="true" />
244 </td>
245 <td width="34">
246 <div id="<%=nodel%>" style="display:inline">
247 <logic:equal name="moduleInfoList" property="operFlag"
248 value="1">
249 --
250 </logic:equal>
251 <logic:equal name="moduleInfoList" property="operFlag"
252 value="0">
253 <a href="#"
254 onclick="toRemove('<bean:write name="moduleInfoList" property="id"/>')">删除</a>
255 </logic:equal>
256 </div>
257 <div id="<%=del%>" style="display:none">
258 <a href="#"
259 onclick="if(confirm('是否确定删除此费用信息?')){editableTable.removeRow(<bean:write name='index'/>);count--;}"
260 style="CURSOR: hand;">删除</a>
261 </div>
262 </td>
263 </tr>
264 </logic:iterate>
265 </tbody>
266 </logic:notEmpty>
267 <tr>
268 <td nowrap colspan="10" align="right">
269 <a href="#" onclick="addRows()">添加 </a>
270 </td>
271 </tr>
272 <tr>
273 <td nowrap colspan="10" align="center">
274 <input type="button" value=" 保存 " name="btnSave" class="btn"
275 onclick="toSave('doSave')" />
276 </td>
277 </tr>
278 </logic:notEqual>
279 <logic:equal name="moduleInfoForm" property="maModbaseinfo.ar"
280 value="1">
281 <logic:notEmpty name="moduleInfoForm" property="moduleInfoList">
282 <tbody>
283 <logic:iterate name="moduleInfoForm" property="moduleInfoList"
284 id="data" indexId="index">
285 <tr>
286 <td nowrap align="center">
287 <bean:write name="data" property="id" />
288 </td>
289 <td nowrap>
290 <bean:write name="data" property="mon" />
291 </td>
292 <td nowrap align="right">
293 <bean:write name="data" property="smce" />
294 </td>
295 <td nowrap align="right">
296 <bean:write name="data" property="smu" />
297 </td>
298 <td nowrap align="right">
299 <bean:write name="data" property="on" />
300 </td>
301 <td nowrap align="center">
302 <bean:write name="data" property="operdate"
303 format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
304 </td>
305 <td nowrap align="right">
306 <bean:write name="data" property="an" />
307 </td>
308 <td nowrap align="center">
309 <bean:write name="data" property="ad" format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
310 </td>
311 <td nowrap>
312 <html:textarea name="data" property="ac" readonly="true" />
313 </td>
314 </tr>
315 </logic:iterate>
316 <tr>
317 <td colspan="9" align="center">
318 <font color="red"> 审核已通过,如需改动,请联系审核人! </font>
319 </td>
320 </tr>
321 </tbody>
322 </logic:notEmpty>
323 </logic:equal>
324 </table>
325 </logic:notEqual>
326 </div>
327 </common:form>
328 <logic:notEqual name="moduleInfoForm" property="maModbaseinfo.ar"
329 value="1">
330 <script language="javascript">
331 /**
332 *添加一行
333 */
334 var editableTable=new EditableTable("docTbody",false,"id_0_","operFlag_0_");
335 function addRows(){
336 editableTable.addRow();
337 count++;
338 //得到新加的行号
339 var new_idx = document.all("docTbody").childNodes.length - 1;
340 //清空
341 document.getElementById("id_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
342 document.getElementById("mon_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
343 document.getElementById("smce_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
344 document.getElementById("smu_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
345 document.getElementById("on_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
346 document.getElementById("operdateStr_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
347 document.getElementById("an_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
348 document.getElementById("adStr_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
349 document.getElementById("ac_"+new_idx+"_").value="";
350 //显示删除连接
351 document.getElementById("nodel_"+new_idx+"_").style.display="none";
352 document.getElementById("del_"+new_idx+"_").style.display="inline";
353 }
354 </script>
355 </logic:notEqual>
356 </body>
357 </html>