
JSF will hibernate in spring.

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2009年7月23日 #


物料用于表示成品、原料或中间产品。每个物料对应于一个最小存货单位(SKU)。例如,同一个库存中的两个不同模型的白衬衫,如果尺寸不同或款式不同,则它们为两个不同的 SKU。两个不同库存中的同一模型的衬衫也是两个不同的 SKU。因此如果您要表示不同仓库中的同一衬衫的库存,您需要创建不同的物料,并在需要时将它们分在一个物料分组中,从而便于在报告中集合结果。






有关物料清单和程序安排的配方组信息配方通常建模了生产流程,并由活动原型和关联的约束所组成。每个活动是批大小为 1 的规范生产订单的原型。每个活动可能会使用一个可供选择的模式按不同的费用在可供选择的资源上执行。模式可从不同的储存单元进行生产或消耗。


单元用来表示消耗或生产的物料数量的量度单位。这个编辑器允许创建和编辑一个单元,并且在适用的条件下,也允许从公制的标准单位换算成其他单位。一个度量单位没有维度或标准换算系数。例如,托盘、被子或盒子根据里面包含的物料可能有不同的换算系数。其他的度量单位有维数,因为可按照标准的方式换算成公制,如长度、表面积、体积和质量。例如,公制的吨是一个质量的维数,在公制(公斤)中来自维数的标准单元的换算系数总是1/1000,它不依赖于被量的物料。 质量的标准单位是公斤,长度的标准单位是米,表面积的标准单位是平方米,而体积的标准单位是立方米。











posted @ 2009-07-23 14:24 Tauruser 阅读(309) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年7月22日 #

ILOG's supply chain applications provide powerful and easy-to-use supply chain planning and scheduling capabilities that are complementary to SAP and utilize ILOG's optimization, scheduling and visualization technologies.

ILOG LogicNet Plus XE

ILOG LogicNet Plus XE is a network design and planning solution that combines the advanced optimization technology of ILOG CPLEX with an easy-to-use graphical user interface to manage the world’s most complex supply chain.
ILOG LogicNet Plus XE facilitates quick analysis of the tradeoffs between production, warehousing, transportation costs, carbon footprint, and service requirements; as well as the calculation of the optimal network configuration for different cost and service objectives. A model’s solutions can be viewed, compared and easily exported to tables and graphs for presentations and further analysis.

ILOG Inventory Analyst

ILOG Inventory Analyst is a Web-based, multi-echelon inventory optimization solution that provides end-to-end functionality for manufacturers, retailers and distributors. It combines the advanced optimization technology of ILOG CPLEX with an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI), to manage the world’s most complex supply chains. It handles both inbound/outbound and distribution-focused business models, allowing companies to answer a broad range of business questions—from determining the right inventory policies and strategic positioning of inventory, to the ongoing setting of safety stocks and inventory levels in operational environments.

ILOG Product Flow Optimizer

ILOG Product Flow Optimizer (PFO) is a part of ILOG’s LogicTools Suite of Supply Chain Applications. It is a powerful and easy-to-use integrated stocking and distribution strategy solution for supply chain and inventory optimization. It helps facilitate both strategic and tactical planning, with built-in integration capabilities to easily connect plans to other systems. Users share a common database that fosters fast movement from one module to another.

With ILOG PFO, businesses can analyze tradeoffs between transportation, warehousing, inventory carrying costs, and service requirements to arrive at the optimal product delivery path for customers. Companies improve profitability and meet their customers' requirements. Solutions can be viewed, compared and easily exported to tables and graphs for presentations and further analysis.

ILOG Plant PowerOps

Extend the value of your existing IT investments with ILOG Plant PowerOps (PPO). ILOG Plant PowerOps takes production planning to a new level for managing demand variability and building executable schedules. It's the only application that offers integrated planning and detailed scheduling for the difficult production challenges associated with the fast-moving consumer goods, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. No other supply chain application contributes as much to the efficient management of tanks, cleaning or sterilization-in-place and process step changeover procedures.

ILOG Plant PowerOps is based on the most effective optimization models ever built for these challenges. It is the perfect extension to your enterprise resource planning (ERP) or supply chain management (SCM) system and it performs beyond the capabilities of traditional advanced planning and scheduling solutions. ILOG Plant PowerOps helps you address key issues in the food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, and other consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries.

ILOG Transportation Analyst

Companies must analyze their transportation network strategies and compare multiple what-if scenarios across many dimensions. Existing transportation solutions focus on the operational and are overly complex for strategic use. Spreadsheet analysis is too limited to find the most economical solutions.

ILOG Transportation Analyst lets you quickly analyze many different strategies so you can promptly determine the best way to deliver your products and utilize your transportation assets. Manage your vehicle shipment assignments and determine your company's pickup and delivery sequencing to minimize costs while adhering to business constraints.

posted @ 2009-07-22 15:13 Tauruser 阅读(409) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Through its Java, .NET, Ajax, C++, Eclipse and Adobe Flex/AIR graphics libraries and components, ILOG provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of graphics tools for creating sophisticated, interactive user displays. ILOG's graphics products enhance decision-making speed and ability by making vast quantities of complex data more comprehensible and manageable for users.
Including ILOG JViews Diagrammer, ILOG JViews Maps , ILOG JViews Gantt , ILOG JViews Charts , ILOG JViews TGO , ILOG JViews Maps for Defense , ILOG JViews Graph Layout for Eclipse, ILOG Gantt for .NET , ILOG Diagram for .NET , ILOG Views Component Suite , ILOG Server , ILOG DB Link , ILOG Elixir .
posted @ 2009-07-22 14:51 Tauruser 阅读(297) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

ILog Optimization Suits is Integrated Tools and Engines for Optimization Modeling and Application Development.
ILOG has long offered the world's most advanced optimization engines for solving tough business and research problems. ILOG OPL Development Studio provides the most complete integrated development environment (IDE) for developing, debugging and tuning optimization models.
With the introduction of ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM), ILOG offers complete support for the optimization model-based application development process. Modelers and IT personnel can collaborate in entirely new ways to rapidly develop and deploy state-of-the-art planning and scheduling applications that take decision support to a new level.

ILOG OPL Development Studio
ILOG OPL Development Studio is a complete, integrated development environment (IDE) for building, debugging and tuning optimization models across the full range of planning and scheduling problems. ILOG OPL Development Studio supports the complete model development and deployment process and is required in order to use ILOG ODM. It is designed to take maximum advantage of ILOG CPLEX's and ILOG CP Optimizer's advanced features.

ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM)
ILOG Optimization Decision Manager (ODM) is a specialized application development and deployment tool that help ILOG OPL Development Studio users build highly interactive, state-of-the-art decision support applications. Business users can participate easily in the model and application development process, ensuring the final planning or scheduling application accurately captures decision-making problems while providing excellence in scenario creation and comparison, constraint relaxation and goal balancing.

ILOG CPLEX delivers high-performance, robust, flexible optimizers for solving linear, mixed-integer and quadratic programming problems in mission-critical resource allocation applications.

ILOG CP Optimizer
ILOG CP Optimizer uses domain reduction and constraint propagation to efficiently solve problems that are highly combinatorial with highly logical content—problems that are usually difficult or impossible to represent with linear expressions.

posted @ 2009-07-22 14:36 Tauruser 阅读(375) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Automated decisions, ranging from whether to accept a loan application or pay a health care claim, to whether a credit card transaction should be flagged as suspect or awarded loyalty points, are the lifeblood of business. But defining and changing those decisions (business rules) can be a challenge with traditional software solutions.
ILOG BRMS solutions allow your organization to make easy, safe and reliable decision changes. We give you the right tools in the right environments for every stakeholder with a role in managing automated decisions.
With a BRMS, developers and architects can extract the business logic from the traditional code of an application. When business policies are hard-coded into an enterprise application, the process of updating the system requires specialist programming staff, puts the stability of the system at risk, and can take a long time. By externalizing the business logic from a business application with business rules, IT users can develop and run the business logic independently of the application.
ILOG JRules is a Business Rule Management System (BRMS) that allows both business and IT users to manage the rules that drive business.
posted @ 2009-07-22 14:16 Tauruser 阅读(368) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年7月15日 #


Defines activities in the data model.
An activity is a task to be completed. Activities are hierarchical in nature. This means that a main activity, called parent activity, can be broken down into subactivities. A subactivity, or child activity, can in turn be a parent activity of other subactivities or, if it is at the very end of a branch of the hierarchy, it is a leaf activity. A leaf activity is an activity that has no child activity.
In addition to its name and identifier, an activity is defined by its start time and end time, which determine an interval called the duration of the activity. If the start and end times are identical, the duration is equal to 0. A zero-duration activity is commonly called a milestone. Typically, milestones are not rendered by the same renderer as activities with a non-zero duration.


A resource is a means by which an activity can be completed. Resources can be persons, premises, equipment, and so forth. Like activities, resources are also hierarchical in nature.
If resources are people, the parent resource is a department while the child resources are the individual employees. Likewise, you may want to group resources by physical location or by type of machinery.


A constraint is a type of condition set between two activities. Constraints are represented by arrowed polyline links.
Constraints can have one of the following types:
  • start to start
  • start to end
  • end to start
  • end to end

The source activity—that is, the activity whose start or end controls the start or end of another activity—is called the From activity. Conversely, the target activity—that is, the activity whose start or end depends on the start or end of another activity—is called the To activity.


When a resource is assigned to an activity, this assignment is called a reservation. In the terminology of JViews Gantt, a reservation represents the assignment of one resource to one activity.
An activity can have multiple resources reserved and similarly, a resource can be reserved for more than one activity. The activity that reserves the resource cannot be changed after the reservation is created.

posted @ 2009-07-15 16:15 Tauruser 阅读(362) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

4、打到Eclipse ODM Enterprise,在首选项->Java->已安装的JRE中添加我们新安装的JDK。


posted @ 2009-07-15 10:37 Tauruser 阅读(399) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年2月9日 #

posted @ 2009-02-09 19:44 Tauruser 阅读(393) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年2月1日 #

dojo.style(dojo.byId("mapRegion"), "height")
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" id="mapRegion">

posted @ 2009-02-01 21:35 Tauruser 阅读(498) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

function createButton(id, params){
var button = document.createElement("span");
"id", id);
new dijit.form.Button(
createScenicSpotButton('button1',{id: "html_Button1",label: "",alt: "My button",title: "Button1",onClick: HandleFunction});

posted @ 2009-02-01 13:26 Tauruser 阅读(638) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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