Importing a Grails Project
automatically creates Eclipse project and classpath files for you. The
Groovy plugin is helpful for working with Grails projects, but not
required in order to import a project: do not rely on it for
assistance.To import a Grails project just right-click in the "Package
Explorer" and select "Import" then "Existing project into Workspace"
and "Browse" to the location of your project.
immediately click "Ok" followed by "Finish" and your project will be
set-up. Using other methods of importing the project may prove to be
problematic due to compile location.
There is a known issue that Grails will
not run properly if you try to use the root directory of your drive as
your project, or paths with spaces.
Setting up Eclipse Environment Variables
will need to create an Eclipse classpath variable called GRAILS_HOME
that points to the location where you installed Grails for the project
to build successfullly by going to Windows -> Preferences… ->
Java -> Build path -> Classpath Variables -> New.
you don't already have GRAILS_HOME as part of your standard
environment, in order to run your Grails project, you will need to
establish that value in the Run dialog (Run...) under the Environment
tab, to the same value as above.
If your Grails
project has Grails plugins installed then you will need to add the
directories directly under the plugins/src/ folder to your Eclipse
source path. This is done through right clicking on the folder (usually
called "Groovy" or "Java") then selecting build path -> source
folder. Otherwise you may get errors in the import statements.
if you are using JSP you will need to add your JDK's tools.jar library
to your project classpath otherwise jetty will display compilation
errors. See this page for info:
If you are using the Eclipse Groovy plugin then make sure you enable
the preference 'Disable Groovy Compiler Generating Class Files' (newer
versions: Project -> Preferences -> Groovy Project Preferences /
older versions: Windows -> Preferences -> Groovy Preferences). By
default this option is disabled and generates class files for your
groovy files, and stores them in the basedir of your Grails project.
When these class files are generated, unexpected behaviour is
encountered like not able to generate controllers and views for your
domain classes.
THIS DOES NOT APPLY IF YOU INTEND TO USE DEBUGGING (read the section 'Step debugging' below)
Running a Grails application
also automatically creates an Eclipse run configuration for you. To run
the project you are in use the "Run" dropdown to open the "Run" dialog
then under "Java Applications" find the name of your project select it
and click "Run". The Grails application will load embedded inside
Eclipse, any changes made inside the Eclipse project can be auto-reloaded.
If you are getting exceptions like
org.mortbay.util.MultiException[ {yourpath}/web-app]
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at grails.util.GrailsMain.main(
then you need to do is run the ant target:
which will package up grails into the web-app directory in the same way
as the "grails run-app" command will. This is then used as the base for
eclipse to execute.
For some other errors or quirky behavior, it is often helpful to run the command
Step Debugging with Eclipse
You can step debug a Grails application if you install the latest build of the Groovy Eclipse plug-in.
Eclipse debugging depends on the class files generated by the Groovy
compiler, so make sure 'Disable Groovy Compiler Generating Class Files'
is not
checked (Project -> Properties -> Groovy Project Properties) and
the output folder is set to e.g. "bin-groovy". Then edit the
".classpath" file in your project directory and manually remove the
entry for "bin-groovy".
To debug an application, do the following:
- Open up the Groovy file you want to debug (lets say a controller
called {{BookController.groovy}}) then set a break point on the line
you want to stop at. (set a breakpoint by double clicking in the far
left "gutter")
- Now debug the application in the same way as you did in the above
section on "Running a Grails application" except with the "Debug" menu.
- Load your browser and navigate to the action that calls the code.
Eclipse should then stop at the appropriate place and you can then
inspect variables and step through the code. If you have the Grails
source code set-up on your Source path you can step into that code too.
Adding domain classes etc.
You can configure grails as an "External Tool", allowing you to create domain classes etc. from within Eclipse:
- Select "Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations...".
- Double-click "Program"
- Enter a name of "Grails".
- Browse the file system for the location of grails or grails.bat.
- Set the working directory to "${project_loc}".
- Set the arguments as "${string_prompt}".
- Under the "Refresh" tab, set to refresh the "project containing the selected resource" upon completion.
- Under the "Common" tab, tick "Display in favorites menu".
You can then run Grails by clicking the down arrow next to the
external tool icon (run with a suitcase) and selecting "Grails", for
- Choose "Grails" from the external tools drop-down.
- Enter "create-domain-class" in the dialogue box.
- In the console window, follow the prompts as normal.
- Open your new class from grails-app/domain.
Editing GSP files
The gsp files are just jsp files with a special taglib. The extension gsp has to be added as follows:
- General -> Editors -> File Associations: add *.gsp and link the JSP Editor to it.
- General -> Content Types Fold out Text -> JSP and add *.gsp
This enables jsp editing for the gsp files. To enable code
completion add the following at the start of the gsp (Grails before
version 1.1 only):
<%@ taglib prefix="g" uri="/web-app/WEB-INF/tld/grails.tld" %>
Since Grails 1.1 this
no longer works.
Unit Tests
run Grails/Groovy unit tests, the easiest way is just to create a junit
run configuration, but specifying "groovy.util.AllTestSuite" as the
main class. More info on general groovy unit testing in grails here
run a single test, create a run-config as described above or duplicate
an existing entry. Select "Run a single test", select your project and
the test class. Save and test your config. You can also rerun a single
test in the (g)unit test view by clicking with the right mouse button
on an single test and selecting "Run".
- If you getting the following error every time you save *.groovy file in your project:
An internal error occurred during: "Building workspace".
BUG! exception in phase 'conversion' in source unit '...' Error:
duplicate class declaration for name: … and class:
try the following:
- Right click on package explorer's project name and open "Properties..." dialog.
- Select "Builders" and make sure that "Groovy Builder" is checked.
- Select "Java Compiler/Building" and check "Enable project specific settings".
- Append "*.groovy" to "Filtered Resources" text field, to prevent ".groovy" files being copied to the output directory. Note that the path separator is "," not ";"
- Apply changes and close dialog.
- Clean your project. Make sure that the output directory doesn't contain "*.groovy" files
- If Eclipse complains that it can not find the sources where breakpoints are set ensure the following:
- Step filtering is enabled for groovy.*, org.codehaus.* (more about this )
- Build out put for the project is in a separate folder (say /bin ).
Make sure this is present for Project->Properties->Groovy Project
- Few other recommendations:
- Make sure to add all the libraries from grails-app/lib folder to the project
- Using verbose logging/tracing through until
everything works from the Eclipse IDE. Sometimes if some library is not
found, unless it is printed in the console, it is difficult to find out
what went wrong.
- Make sure to use the same JDK for tools.jar as well as the runtime
jar rt.jar. Do note sometimes using the JRE instead of rt.jar causes
- Sometimes "launch configuration" generated by grails is not in sync
with the way ant's build.xml works. In Grails 0.3 ensure that following
VM parameters (do note not program arguments, but VM arguments ) are
set "-Dorg.mortbay.xml.XmlParser.NotValidating=true". Without this
there will be XML Parser exception thrown when launched from the IDE.
Brute Force method:
running from IDE has issues, most likely it is because some library is
missing. Ensure that all libraries under GRAILS_HOME/dist,
GRAILS_HOME/ant/lib, GRAILS_HOME/lib and your project folder/lib are
added to the build path of the project.