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  1. configure web.xml,insert following tag:
    codes above enable localization.
  2. configure web.xml,insert following tag:
    codes above indicate where default resource(ApplicationResources.properties) file reside in.If a specific resource locale is required, the actionServlet will look for resource file named ApplicationResources_xx_XX.properties according to locale. for example:ApplicationResources_en_us.properties
    hint:the default path of resource file is WEB-INF/classes/.
  3. using the struts framework locale object.
    after above two steps, struts stores a locale object in session context,you can get the object using following codes:
    Locale locale=(Locale)request.getSession().getAttribute(Action.LOCALE_KEY);
  4. changing user's locale
    Since locale is immutable ,you must create a new locale object to replace existing one:
    Locale locale=new Locale(myForm.getLanguage(),myForm.getCountry());
    HttpSession session=request.getSession(true);
  5. placing labels and messages in properties files.
  6. creating language-specified properties file for every locale you will support. if properly named,these files will be loaded automatically.if the application can't find a key in the resource for a user's locale,it will use the resource for the default locale.
  7. localization-aware components VS other components
    usually,most struts components support I18N automatically.for the components that do not have lacalization built in,you can usually use<bean:message> to provide localized message.
  8. localizing other components: validation and tiles
    validation:all the labels and messages used by validator are linked to resource file and will be localized automatically.if additional localization be needed ,say to verify the format of a postal code or telephone number ,you can define a locale-specfic formset element like this:
    <form name="testform" locale="fr" country="CA">...
    tiles:you can define xml file according to locale like resource file :
posted on 2006-04-20 17:03 TrampEagle 阅读(344) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 技术文摘

