Always will I bathe my days in the sea of enthusiasm
随着年龄和阅历的增加, 近来发现自己对生活越来越冷漠和麻木了, 完全没有了多年前的热情或激情,不禁有点怅然了!无意中, 看到了这篇短文, 刚好拿来鼓励自己 也鼓励大家了!
1.Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.
2.Without enthusiasm I am doomed to a life of mediocrity ,but with it I can accomplish miracles.
3.Some of us are enthusiastic at times and few even retain their eagerness for a day or week. All that is good but I must and I will form the habit of sustaining my enthusiasm indefinitely, honestly, and sincerely so that the success I enjoy today can be repeated tomorrow and next week and next month.
4.We first must make our habits and then, good or bad, they make us. Enthusiasm, the love for whatever it is I am doing at the moment, works in marvelous ways I need not ever attempt to understand but I do know that it will give additional vitality to my muscles and my mind.
posted on 2009-05-12 09:58
Werther 阅读(276)
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