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Posted on 2007-04-24 14:11 semovy 阅读(441) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: C++ Builder相关
String TUtilForm::getSQL(int recordCount ,int pageCount, int pageSize,int pageIndex,String tableName,String queryFields,String primaryKey,String ascending,String condition)
    int middleIndex = pageCount/2;
    int firstIndex = 0;
    int lastIndex = pageCount - 1;
    String SQLStr = "";
    if( pageIndex <= firstIndex )
        SQLStr = "select top " + IntToStr(pageSize) + " " + queryFields + " from " + tableName;
        if( condition != "")
        SQLStr += " where " + condition ;
        SQLStr += " order by " + primaryKey + " " + ascending;
    else if( pageIndex > firstIndex && pageIndex <= middleIndex )
        SQLStr = "select top " + IntToStr(pageSize) + " " + queryFields + " from " + tableName + " where " + primaryKey ;
        if( ascending == "asc" )
        SQLStr +=  ">(select max(";
        SQLStr += "<(select min(";
        SQLStr += primaryKey + ") from (select top " + IntToStr(pageSize*pageIndex) + " " + primaryKey + " from " + tableName;
        if( condition != "" )
        SQLStr += " where " + condition;
        SQLStr += " order by " + primaryKey + " " + ascending + ") TableA )";
        if( condition != "" )
        SQLStr += " and " + condition;
        SQLStr += " order by " + primaryKey + " " + ascending;
    else if( pageIndex > middleIndex && pageIndex < lastIndex)
        SQLStr = "select " + queryFields + " from (select top " + IntToStr(pageSize) + " " + queryFields + " from " + tableName;
        SQLStr += " where " + primaryKey ;
        if( ascending == "asc" )
        SQLStr += " < ( select min(";
        SQLStr += " > ( select max(";
        SQLStr += primaryKey + ") from (select top " +  IntToStr( recordCount - pageSize * (pageIndex + 1)) + " " + primaryKey + " from " + tableName;
        if( condition != "" )
        SQLStr += " where " + condition;
        SQLStr += " order by " + primaryKey + " desc) TableA)" ;
        if( condition != "" )
        SQLStr += " and " + condition;
        SQLStr += " order by " + primaryKey + " desc) TableB order by )" + primaryKey + " " + ascending ;  
        SQLStr = "select " + queryFields + " from (select top " + IntToStr(recordCount - pageSize*lastIndex) + " " + queryFields + " from " + tableName;
        if( condition != "" )
        SQLStr += " where " + condition;
        SQLStr += " order by " + primaryKey + " desc " + " )TableA order by " + primaryKey + " " + ascending;
    return SQLStr;

