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A private conversation

private school  私立学校

It's a privacy.隐私

private citizen.普通公民 ;private life:私生活;private solder:大兵

they having a conversation;China and Korea are having a dialogue,

Is this seat taken? Yes/no

take your seat please;be seated please;seat sb.[让某人就座]

When all those present were seated,he began his lecture.

I was very angry/cross;I am blue in the face

Attention,please;You must pay attention to that girl;pay much attention;pay more attention;pay no attention;

I can't bear/stand you.

I got divorced,I cound not put up with him :[put up with=bear=stand]

give sb a bear hug[热情的拥抱]

I went to Guangzhou on business

go to the doctor's;go to the dairy[牛奶店];go to the butcher's[去买肉]

I am/was angry[it's a fact];I got angry[the process];It is hot;It got hot

She didn't say a word[means not say a sentence,not just word]

May I speak to Jim/May I have a word with Jim?

he is sitting behind me
  • behind: he is sitting behind me
  • in front of
  • before:must related with time:before he came back
  • above
  • ahead of: He goes ahead of me.
I don't have any friends;I have no friends

I suffer the headeache;He often suffers defeat

posted on 2006-06-19 09:03 Alex 阅读(330) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: English

