You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.

The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.

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2008年11月22日 #

     摘要: Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.0.M1 Released  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-12-23 11:09 钩子 阅读(1553) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

     摘要: 需求背景:通过树形菜单加载多个不同的module。问题现象:module页面存在拖动,Popup,Alert或者colorpicker出现错误信息:
TypeError: Error #1034: 强制转换类型失败:无法将 mx.managers::PopUpManagerImpl@7155ac1 转换为 mx.managers.IPopUpManager。  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-11-22 17:33 钩子 阅读(10446) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏