
one platform thousands thinking

Mock void method

I have a method that returns void in a class that is a dependency of the class I want to test.

This class is huge and I'm only using this single method from it. I need to replace the implementation of this method for the test as I want it to do something different and I need to be able to access the parameters this method receives.

I cannot find a way of doing this in EasyMock. I think I know how to do it with Mockito by using doAnswer but I don't want to add another library unless absolutely necessary.

If I understand what you want to do correctly, you should be able to use andAnswer():

mockObject.someMethod(eq(param1), eq(param2);

    publicObject answer(){
//supply your mock implementation here

        SomeClass arg1 
=(SomeClass) getCurrentArguments()[0];

        AnotherClass arg2 
=(AnotherClass) getCurrentArguments()[1];


//return the value to be returned by the method (null for void)




posted on 2010-04-21 18:23 lau 阅读(539) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Unit Test

