I was having a trouble starting webserver using StartManagedWebLogic.sh command. I see "weblogic.nodemanager.NodeManagerException: [[NodeManager:300034]Could not execute command getState for server PIA using the node manager. Reason: SecureCommandInvoker: Could not create a socket to the NodeManager running on host 'localhost:5555' to execute command 'getState PIA', reason: Connection refused. Ensure that the NodeManager on host 'localhost' is configured to listen on port '5555' and that it is actively listening.]"
When I start using the console (start this server from control page), I get "SecureCommandInvoker: Could not create a socket to the NodeManager running on host 'localhost:5555' to execute command 'online PIA', reason: Connection refused. Ensure that the NodeManager on host 'localhost' is configured to listen on port '5555' and that it is actively listening"
Solution 1:
To make a managed server start, we need to start the node manager on that machine. You can find the script to start the server in WLS_HOME\server\bin\startNodeManager.cmd or sh.
The order in which we need to start the servers are
1.Start the node manager
2.Start the Admin server
3.Start the specific managed server we need to start.
Solution 2:
Have you set up a "Machine" for each of the managed servers ?
You need to do that (extremely simple: Machines --> Config. New (Unix) Machine ), and then under your new machine, configure the listen address under Nodemanager Tab, with the IP of the machine running the ManagedServer.
The problem seems to be with the adress which the N.M. listens:
if you telnet localhost 5555, you'll get nothing ("conn refused"), but if you telnet X.X.X.X 5555, you'll get the prompt for the NM ( "Escape character is ]" )
So, if you dont configure the managed server to speak with the nodemanager via real ip address instead of localhost (, you get nothing.