RichFaces has been developed with an open architecture to be compatible with a wide variety of environments.
RichFaces 4 requires either of the following server technologies:
An application server compliant with Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (JEE6 or JEE6), such as JBoss Application Server 7.
A major servlet container, such as Jetty 8 or Apache Tomcat 7. (看到这个只能对自己的TOMCAT 6 望望, 7 还支持 Servlet3.0 规范,不知道现在支持servlet3.0 的框架有哪些 还没注意 一直用2.5)
Clients accessing RichFaces applications require a web browser. RichFaces supports the following web browsers:
Linux environments
Firefox 3.6 or Firefox 7.0 and higher
Google Chrome 14 and higher
Mac OS environments
Safari 5.1 and higher
Microsoft Windows environments
Internet Explorer 8.0 and higher 这个中国的用户真是要注意了 如果需要支持IE6+ 只能使用richface3.3.
Other browsers and versions are partially supported.
Developing applications with the RichFaces framework requires the Java Development Kit (JDK), an implementation of JavaServer Faces (JSF), and a development environment.
RichFaces supports the following JDK versions:
JDK 1.6 and higher JDK1.5 的用户只能望望了
RichFaces supports the following JSF implementations and frameworks:
MyFaces 2.x
Seam 3.x 2.* 的seam 还是byebye
Mojara 2.x
RichFaces can be developed using most Java development environments. The following are recommended, and used for examples in this guide:
JBoss Tools 3.3 and higher (这个肯跌,连带Eclipse的版本都要更新,需要3.7 如果没记错的话, 还有webtool)
Maven 3.0.3 and higher
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