- Install XMLBeans.
- Compile your schema. Use scomp to compile the schema, generating and jarring Java types. For example, to create a employeeschema.jar from an employeesschema.xsd file:
scomp -out employeeschema.jar employeeschema.xsd
- Write code. With the generated JAR on your classpath, write code to bind an XML instance to the Java types representing your schema. Here's an example that would use types generated from an employees schema:
File xmlFile = new File("c:\employees.xml");
// Bind the instance to the generated XMLBeans types.
EmployeesDocument empDoc =
// Get and print pieces of the XML instance.
Employees emps = empDoc.getEmployees();
Employee[] empArray = emps.getEmployeeArray();
for (int i = 0; i < empArray.length; i++)
如何修改编译shema 产生的java 类的package 目录结构?
Can I change the default package names for the java classes generated from my schema?
You can create a file that ends in .xsdconfig to map targetnamespace to packagename. Put the .xsdconfig file in the same directory as the .xsd that you are compiling. Here is an example .xsdconfig:
<!-- An xsdconfig file must begin with a "config" element in the
http://www.bea.com/2002/09/xbean/config namespace. Also, be sure
to declare any namespaces used to qualify types in your schema (here,
the namespace corresponding to the pol prefix. -->
<xb:config xmlns:pol="http://openuri.org/easypoLocal"
<!-- Use the "namespace" element to map a namespace to the Java package
name that should be generated. -->
<xb:namespace uri="http://openuri.org/easypoLocal">
<!-- Use the "qname" element to map schema type names to generated
Java type names. In these examples, the name attribute's value is the
XML element name; the javaname attribute's value is the Java type
that should be generated. -->
<xb:qname name="pol:CUST" javaname="Customer"/>
<xb:qname name="pol:PURCH_ORDER" javaname="PurchaseOrder"/>
Notice that you can also map specific element/attribute names to java names.
Note: If schema doesn't include targenamespace then use
<xb:namespace uri="##any">
to specify package names
Note: XmlBeans doesn’t support using two or more sets of java classes (in different packages) mapped to schema types/elements that have the same names and target namespaces, using all in the same class loader. Depending on the direction you are using for the java classes to schema types mapping, some features might not work correctly. This is because even though the package names for the java classes are different, the schema location for the schema metadata (.xsb files) is the same and contains the corresponding implementing java class, so the JVM will always pick up the first on the classpath. This can be avoided if multiple class loaders are used.
先看一下 scomp 命令: xmlbeans-home/bin 要加入到path 中,

scomp 参数图
<!-- This XML Schema describes xml documents
containing either weather details or latlong
details of a location based on Zipcode Two Global
elements Weather and Latlong, and one Global
Attribute Zipcode are declared.-->
<xsd:element name="Weather">
<xsd:element name="Temperature"
<xsd:element name="Humidity"
<xsd:element name="Visibility"
<xsd:element name="Datetime"
<xsd:attribute ref="ct:Zipcode"/>
<xsd:element name="Latlong">
<xsd:element name="Latitude"
<xsd:element name="Longitude"
<xsd:attribute ref="ct:Zipcode"/>
<xsd:attribute name="Zipcode"
编写myconfig.xsdconfig 存放同一目录
<xb:config xmlns:xb="http://xml.apache.org/xmlbeans/2004/02/xbean/config"

<xb:namespace uri="http://beans.jhalo.com http://services.jhalo.com">

<xb:namespace uri="##any">

<xb:qname name="ct:Zipcode" javaname="Zip" />
<xb:qname name="ct:Datetime" javaname="Today" />

如果不使用myconfig.xsdconfig 进行编译
scomp -out weather.jar weather_latlong.xsd
生成的 weather.jar 为:com/jhalo/beans/xxxx
使用 .xsdconfig 编译
scomp -out weather.jar weather_latlong.xsd myconfig.xsdconfig
生成jar 结构为: org/jhalo/

在写测试程序发现, Datetime -->Today 也改变了。
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.jhalo.XmlLatlongDocumentBean;
import org.jhalo.XmlWeatherDocumentBean;

XmlWeatherDocumentBean wdoc;
XmlWeatherDocumentBean.Weather w;
wdoc = XmlWeatherDocumentBean.Factory.newInstance();
w = wdoc.addNewWeather();