Posted on 2008-12-30 11:23
Robert Su 阅读(936)
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Create an Ext.tree.TreePanel in the passed Element using
an XML document from the passed URL, calling the passed
callback on completion.
@param el {String/Element/HtmlElement} The tree's container.
@param url {String} The URL from which to read the XML
@param callback {function:tree.render} The function to call on completion,
defaults to rendering the tree.
function createXmlTree(el, url, callback) {
var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel(el);
var p = new{url:url});
p.on("loadexception", function(o, response, e) {
if (e) throw e;
p.load(null, {
read: function(response) {
var doc = response.responseXML;
tree.setRootNode(treeNodeFromXml(doc.documentElement || doc));
}, callback || tree.render, tree);
return tree;
Create a TreeNode from an XML node
function treeNodeFromXml(XmlEl) {
// Text is nodeValue to text node, otherwise it's the tag name
var t = ((XmlEl.nodeType == 3) ? XmlEl.nodeValue : XmlEl.tagName);
// No text, no node.
if (t.replace(/\s/g,'').length == 0) {
return null;
var result = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
text : t
// For Elements, process attributes and children
if (XmlEl.nodeType == 1) {
Ext.each(XmlEl.attributes, function(a) {
var c = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
text: a.nodeName
c.appendChild(new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
text: a.nodeValue
Ext.each(XmlEl.childNodes, function(el) {
// Only process Elements and TextNodes
if ((el.nodeType == 1) || (el.nodeType == 3)) {
var c = treeNodeFromXml(el);
if (c) {
return result;