


  • 能正确声明包、import、类(包括内部类)、接口、方法(包括用于开始一个类的执行的main方法)、变量,并正确使用修饰符。
  • 能够正确使用实现了接口的类,包括java.lang.Runnable接口或题目中指定的接口。
  • 知道命令行参数是如何传递给类的main方法的。
  • 知道哪些是JAVA的合法keyword。注意:考试中不会出现要你解释keyword和各种常数这种深奥的问题。
  • 明白如果没有显式地赋值,各种变量或者数组的默认值是什么。
  • 掌握所有原始数据类型的取值范围,如何声明各种数据类型。


1. What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

public class Static




int x = 5;


static int x,y;

public static void main(String args[])




       System.out.println(x + y + ++x);


public static void myMethod()


y = x++ + ++x;




a. Compiletime error

b. prints : 1

c. prints : 2

d. prints : 3

e. prints : 7

f. prints : 8


1) D is the correct choice. The above code will not give any compilation error. Note that "Static" is a valid class name. Thus choice A is incorrect. In the above code, on execution, first the static variables (x and y) will be initialized to 0. Then static block will be called and finally main() method will be called. The execution of static block will have no effect on the output as it declares a new variable (int x). The first statement inside main (x--) will result in x to be -1. After that myMethod() will be executed. The statement "y = x++ + ++x;" will be evaluated to y = -1 + 1 and x will become 1. In case the statement be "y =++x + ++x", it would be evaluated to y = 0 + 1 and x would become 1. Finally when System.out is executed "x + y + ++x" will be evaluated to "1 + 0 + 2" which result in 3 as the output. Thus choice D is correct.



Considering the following code, Which variables may be referenced correctly at line 12?

1.public class Outer


3.public int a = 1;

4.private int b = 2;

5.public void method(final int c)


7.int d = 3;

8.class Inner


10.private void iMethod(int e)

11. {







a. a

b. b

c. c

d. d

e. e

A, B, C and E are correct. Since Inner is not a static inner class, it has a reference to an enclosing object, and all the variables of that object are accessible. Therefore A and B are correct, even if b is private. Variables in the enclosing method are only accessible when they are marked as final hence c is accessible but not d. E is obviously correct as it is a parameter to the method containing line 12 itself.



What will be the result of executing the following code?

// Filename; SuperclassX.java

package packageX;

public class SuperclassX


protected void superclassMethodX()



int superclassVarX;



// Filename SubclassY.java

1.package packageX.packageY;


3.public class SubclassY extends SuperclassX


5.SuperclassX objX = new SubclassY();

6.SubclassY objY = new SubclassY();

7.void subclassMethodY()



10.int i;

11.i = objY.superclassVarX;




a.Compilation error at line 5

b. Compilation error at line 9

c. Runtime exception at line 11

d. None of these


D is correct. When no access modifier is specified for a member, it is only accessible by another class in the package where its class is defined. Even if its class is visible in another package, the member is not accessible there. In the question above the variable superclassVarX has no access modifier specified and hence it cannot be accessed in the packageY even though the class SuperclassX is visible and the protected method superclassMethodX() can be accessed. Thus the compiler will raise an error at line 11.



 Consider the class hierarchy shown below:


class FourWheeler implements DrivingUtilities

class Car extends FourWheeler

class Truck extends FourWheeler

class Bus extends FourWheeler

class Crane extends FourWheeler



Consider the following code below:

1.DrivingUtilities du;

2.FourWheeler fw;

3.Truck myTruck = new Truck();

4.du = (DrivingUtilities)myTruck;

5.fw = new Crane();

6.fw = du;

Which of the statements below are true?


a. Line 4 will not compile because an interface cannot refer to an object.

b. The code will compile and run.

c. The code will not compile without an explicit cast at line 6, because going

down the hierarchy without casting is not allowed.

d.The code at line 4 will compile even without the explicit cast.

e.The code will compile if we put an explicit cast at line 6 but will throw an exception at runtime.


C and D are correct. A and B are obviously wrong because there is nothing wrong in an interface referring to an object. C is correct because an explicit cast is needed to go down the hierarchy. D is correct because no explicit cast is needed at line 4, because we are going up the hierarchy. E is incorrect because if we put an explicit cast at line 6, the code will compile and run perfectly fine, no exception will be thrown because the runtime class of du (that is Truck) can be converted to type FourWheeler without any problem.



What will be printed when you execute the following code?

class X


Y b = new Y();






class Y







public class Z extends X


       Y y = new Y();





       public static void main(String[] args)


               new Z();




a. Z

b. YZ

c. XYZ



D is correct. A difficult but a fundamental question, please observe carefully. Before any object is constructed the object of the parent class is constructed(as there is a default call to the parent's constructor from the constructor of the child class via the super() statement). Also note that when an object is constructed the variables are initialized first and then the constructor is executed. So when new Z() is executed , the object of class X will be constructed, which means Y b = new Y() will be executed and "Y" will be printed as a result. After that constructor of X will be called which implies "X" will be printed. Now the object of Z will be constructed and thus Y y = new Y() will be executed and Y will be printed and finally the constructor Z() will be called and thus "Z" will be printed. Thus YXYZ will be printed.



What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

class Base


int i = 99;

public void amethod()









public class Derived extends Base


int i = -1;


public static void main(String argv[])


     Base b = new Derived();




     public void amethod()






a. Derived.amethod()



b. Derived.amethod()




d. Derived.amethod()

e.Compile time error


B is correct. The reason is that this code creates an instance of the Derived class but assigns it to a reference of a the Base class. In this situation a reference to any of the fields such as i will refer to the value in the Base class, but a call to a method will refer to the method in the class type rather than its reference handle. But note that if the amethod() was not present in the base class then compilation error would be reported as at compile time, when compiler sees the statement like b.amethod(), it checks if the method is present in the base class or not. Only at the run time it decides to call the method from the derived class.



Given the following code fragment:


  1) public void create() {


  2) Vector myVect;


  3) myVect = new Vector();


  4) }


  Which of the following statements are true?

  A. The declaration on line 2 does not allocate memory space for the

variable myVect.


  B. The declaration on line 2 allocates memory space for a reference to a

Vector object.


  C. The statement on line 2 creates an object of class Vector.


  D. The statement on line 3 creates an object of class Vector.


  E. The statement on line 3 allocates memory space for an object of class




  A. 第二行的声明不会为变量myVect分配内存空间。

  B. 第二行的声明分配一个到Vector对象的引用的内存空间。

  C. 第二行语句创建一个Vector类对象。

  D. 第三行语句创建一个Vector类对象。

  E. 第三行语句为一个Vector类对象分配内存空间。


  答案 A,D,E








   2.执行类体中的初始化。(例如在类中有一个成员声明int a=10;在第一步后a=0







Which of the following statements about variables and their scopes

are true?


  A. Instance variables are member variables of a class.


  B. Instance variables are declared with the static keyword.


  C. Local variables defined inside a method are created when the method

is executed.


  D. Local variables must be initialized before they are used.






  A. 实例变量是类的成员变量。


  B. 实例变量用关键字static声明。


  C. 在方法中定义的局部变量在该方法被执行时创建


  D. 局部变量在使用前必须被初始化。


















  public class Parent {

  int change() {…}


  class Child extends Parent {



  Which methods can be added into class Child?

  A. public int change(){}


  B. int chang(int i){}


  C. private int change(){}


  D. abstract int chang(){}







posted on 2009-10-16 11:40 李云泽 阅读(244) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 面试笔试相关的SCJP认证学习


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