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Environment Requied:

JDK, Tomcate, JDBC Driver, SQL Server2000. (For example: jdk1.5.0_04, Apache Tomcat 5.0.28)


       1)  Set Class Path:


      Path :-< Tomcat’s location>

(e.g.: - C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0)

b)      JAVA_HOME
   Path :-< Java location>

(e.g.: - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04)

c)      JAVA_OPTS

      Path :- -Xms256m -Xmx768m

2)      Deploy Application:

a)       Copy file “prweb.war” which is located “PegaV4Installation\PRPC INSTALL\PRPC_v0402_SP4_Software\PegaRULES\archivesNoApp” to “<CATALINA_HOME>\webapps”.

b)      Restart Tomcat. If there is a new folder “prweb” in “<CATALINA_HOME>\webapps”, you are successful.

3)      Upload Application Files:

a)       Start Tomcat, Open the URL: http://localhost:8080/manager/html/, Click “/prweb” link which is in Applications Path.

b)      Click hyperlink “Upload Application Files”, open a new page “PegaRULES Upload Manager”, Upload the file “PRPCV4.jar” which is localed “PegaV4Installation\PRPC INSTALL\PRPC_v0402_SP4_Software\PegaRULES\applicationJar\”.

4)      Create a Connection of Database:

a)       Create a new registration of database server(IP: in SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

b)      Import the DDL code which is in “PegaV4Installation\PRPC INSTALL\PRPC_v0402_SP4_Software\schema\DDL\mssql\mssql_install0402.sql” to SQL Server Query Analyzer Editor and execute it, it will create several PRPC table in SQL Server.

c)      Copy the three JDBC driver file msbasse.jar, mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar to “<CATALINA_HOME>\common\lib”.

d)      Restart Tomcat.

5)      Load PegaRULES Application Instances:

a)       Open URL http://localhost:8080/prweb/admin/FirstSteps.html, Click hyperlink “Load PegaRULES Application Instances”.

b)      In the new page, set “Database Driver” as “MS SQL Server”, set “URL or DSN” as “jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;SelectMethod=cursor;SendStringParametersAsUnicode=false”, input Username and password and then submit. The installation is achieved until the progress complete

6)      Connect to PegaRULES:

a)       In previous page, Click “Connect to PegaRULES” or open URL http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet, it will show a PegaRULES’s entry page, login with & password:install.

b)      After that the PRPC will demand you to install some program, Please click ‘yes’ to install all

c)      The installation is OK.

posted on 2006-08-24 17:35 阅读(1581) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

