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这五项基本原则是:consideration, conciseness, clarity, courtesy, correctness。即:体贴、简明、清晰、礼貌、正确。

1. 信头(Heading):包括写信人地址和写信日期。位置在信笺的右上角。地址从小到大,按单位换行,比如第一行写门牌号和街道,第二行写城市和省(州),第三行写国家和邮政编码。日期按照下列格式:June 1,2000(美国),1 June,2000(英国)。

2. 封内地址(Inside Address):如果是比较正式的信函,信笺上还要写上对收信人的称呼和他的地址。它一般位于信头的下方,信笺的左边顶格的位置。

3.称呼(salutation):封内地址低两行,靠左边顶格自成一行。如果是公函,则称呼对方的职位,如果是一般朋友则可称呼为My dear XX,如果是比较熟悉的朋友则可以用Dear XX。
4. 正文(The body):有什么写什么即可。但注意五项基本原则。

5.结尾词和签名(Complmentary close and Signature):一般信函的结尾词用Yours sincerely/truely/faithfully)。如果是公函则以Yours respectfully结尾为多。亲密一些的私人信件则可以根据情况以Yours ever/ affectionaely,love,等结尾。

6. 附件和再启(Enclosure and Postscript)
如果有附件,则可以按照这样的格式写:Enclosure: XXX。如果有另外的事情需要补充,则可以用P.S.开头,表示“又启,又及”的意思。

7. 信封的格式(superscription):写信人的姓名地址位于信封左上角(或信封背面中上方)。收信人的姓名地址位于信封中央或偏右。

8. 收转:在收信人姓名下方写上收转人的姓名,并在前面写上c/o字样。



--------------------------------------------- October 24, 1994

Dear Professor Qian:

I am pleased to inform you that the Culture Regeneration Research Society is organizing an academic exchange coference entitled " The Conflicts of Cilvilization and Cultural China" on 6-7 January 1995 in Cancouver, Canada.

You are cordially invited to participate in this important academic event of North America as our guest. Your round trip air ticket, accommodation and meal expenses will be subsidized. Should you be interested, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

Look forward to seeing you in this conference, and to having you as an important part of this event.

------------David Raymond
------------Organising Committee of the Conference

Encl. Conference Announcement, Timetable, Member List


Dear Mrs. Hudson:

Will you and Mr. Hudson be able to join us and a couple of friends on Saturday evening, October 5 th, for dinner? Later we plan to go to the City's Performance Hall to see a Huangmei opera.

Dinner starts at sitx-thirty to allow plenty of time for the drive into town and arrival before curtain time. We do hope you can come.

------------Sincerely yours,

------------Ma Mingcheng (签名)




---------------------------------------July 20, 2000

Changjian Road 23,Hefei

Anhui Province


Dear Mr. Li:

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of 29th May. We have pleasure in enclosing our latest prospectus. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Professor Cook



-------------------------------------July 20, 2000

Dear Sir,

I have obtained your address from the British Council. I intend to study Engnish next year, and am intrested in your summer school English class. I would be most grateful if you could send me your latest prospectus.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,

Jame Li




-------------------------------------------July 20, 2000

Dear Sir,

I am writing in reference to the recent order I placed with your company. I was most disappointed to note that on examining the set of wine I ordered, four of them were badly damaged.

I request that replacement be sent as soon as possible. It is essential that I receive these goods as soon as possible as they are intended as a wedding gift for a relative.

I have previously received a high standard of service from your company and I trust that this matter may be brought to a swift and satisfactory conclusion.

Yours truly,

Cester Chen




----------------------------------------July 20, 2000

Dear Miss Wilson,

We have received your letter of 10th May in which you say that you are in receipt of fault goods. We have investigated the matter and found that the damage was cause by an oversight on our part. A new set of six wine glasses has now been dispatched to you and you should receive them by the end of this week.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this problem and will endeavor to prevent it happening again.

Yours truly,



-------------------------------------------July 20, 2000

Dear Mrs. Smith,

My name is Chencheng.I am a final student of Anhui Agricultural University. I am currently seeking employment in which I could make full use of my English language skills. For this reason, I would be interested in any job vacancies available in your company. I am confident and enthusiastic, so although I have little work experience, I believe that my personal qualities will allow me to make a valuable contribution to your company.

I wish to work for Haier in particular because as a newly opened joint venture company in Hefei, I feel you could offer me the chance to work among Chinese and overseas employees in a morden and friendly environment.

I enclose my curriculum vitae; I am available for interview at any time. If there are no positions available at this time, I would be most grateful. If my application could be considered for future vacancies.


Yours sincerely,



July 20, 2000

Dear Mrs. Janes,

I am writing in interest of the vacancy in your company for an English interpreter. My name is Chencheng. I am currently studying for an English degree and will graduate from Anhui Agricultural University this July. I have passed Band Four and Band Eight examinations.

I enjoy using English and am confident that my experience of interpreting part time for the university Foreign Affairs Office will allow me to make a valuable contribution to your company.

I wish to work for Imagination Computer Company in particular because I believe that such a reputable joint venture company could offer me the travel and career advancement prospect I am looking for.

I enclose my completed application form, giving full details of my experience and qualifications I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,





--------------------------------------------July 20, 2000

Dear Sir,

Our Director will be visiting Spain on business in the near future. We have obtained your address from the Spanish Embassy. I would be grateful if you could reserve a double room with ensuite bathroom facilities for him and his wife from 17th to 20th August inclusive. Please could you confirm this booking and let me know the full cost.

Yours faithfully,




-----------------------------------------Augest27, 1998

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your letter of 27th August. I hereby confirm the conservation for my Director and his wife of double room in your hotel for the night of17th to20th August inclusive is definite. I shall contact you nearer the date of departure for further details.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. F Johnson

范例八: 英文求职信


April 13,2000

P.O. Box 36

Tsinghua University

Beijing,China 100084

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.


According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.


During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.


I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


With many thanks,


Wang Lin


April 13,2000

Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084


Ms. Yang:


I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.


I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.


I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.




Cheng Dan


April 13,2000


P.O. Box 36

BIIT University

Beijing,China 100000


Dear Sir/Madam:

Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional who's been around for a while.


If you've been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:


Ten years of working experience. Solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.

Know new technologies that show instant profit, such as CAD/CAM.

This is but a brief summary of my abilities. And there is much, much more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. Please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.


With many thanks,


Huang Yan


April 13,2000


P.O. Box 36

BIIT University

Beijing,China 100000


Dear Sir/Madam:


Please consider me for your Sales Management Program. My background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential.


Attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. If this holds true, I am sure to be as successful in sales management as I am in my college endeavors. My unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives.


Because of my "can do" attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. Please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. I guarantee you'll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management . Thank you for your attention.





Fei, Chen


April 13,2000


P.O. Box 36

BIIT University

Beijing,China 100000


Dear Sir/Madam:


Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?


I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.


I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company's Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:


Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


Chen Fei

posted on 2006-01-05 17:16 EricWong 阅读(540) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

