
shenAwesome@hotmail.com 纵不能,将醉做生涯,休拘束

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recently we got some problem in the BLF project, which I took part in and finished the web service module.
The issue is it works well in tomcat but not in the web shpere 6 which is required by client.
after research I found that exception: NoSuchMethodError: javax/wsdl/Operation.getExtensibilityElements

and the really reason is the jar conflict.

so the solution is:

configure web sphere , in application details properties, chose class loading and update details,
  • Classes loaded with application class loader first

  • Single class loader for application
then restart application.

and ,after that change , if you get "class is not servlet" error. just remove the servlet-api jar in you war.

posted on 2008-10-06 12:03 泥巴麒麟 阅读(96) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

