

















2006年5月14日 #



The install of IBM® Rational® Application Developer (RAD) version 6.x completed except for the WebSphere® Test Environment (WTE) version 6.0 server. There was no { RAD Install Directory}/runtimes/base_v6 created in the installation process.
Here is a list of things to CHECK first and then re-install if your install completed without installing the WTE. A complete set of WTE V6 MANUAL INSTALL instructions also follows, to help you isolate the problem if required.

Note: This information is also applicable if an update of the WTE WAS v6 server failed after an initial successful install of RAD v6 and WTE v6.

CHECK [ and re-install ]
  1. Check for any space constraints - especially if you tried installing before. Check the disk space available as per the provided install instructions.
  2. On Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or XP machines, check to see if the RAD/WTE install path exceeds the path length of 255. See Related Information Items: You cannot delete a file or a folder on an NTFS file system volume and File Names Seem to Be Limited to Less Than 255 Characters.
  3. Check to see if the error log indicates that the problem appears to be occurring when copying files to install dir (such as, it does not get to profile creation). Log files can be checked for a successful installation:
    {RAD Install Dir}\logs\was_v6_out.log

    ,then if {RAD Install Dir}\base_V6 gets created, check:
    {RAD Install Dir}\base_V6\logs\log.txt
    {RAD Install Dir}\base_V6\logs\wsprofile\wasprofile_crreate_default.log

    Check for INSTCONFSUCCESS messages at end of file(s) for successful installation.

    It is possible that the install image could be corrupted. For example, the disk 4 WTE version 6 install image directory: disk4\external\was6 , contains 420,185,074 bytes, 1013 files, 416 folders. If you are installing from CD or a network drive, you might want to copy the image to a local drive, which sometimes avoids these problems. Or, download the V6 WTE again and re-extract to get a clean copy. If you are downloading from Passport Advantage, it should look something like this:

    Download 3 of 21:
    Rational Application Developer V6.0 Windows Part 3 - OPTIONAL: Contains WebSphere Application Server V6.0 Integrated Test Environment. Multilingual.
    File Name C81CKML.bin
    File Size 384,736,660 bytes

  4. Manually Clean up the WTE/WAS v6 install before retrying (It might not be necessary to uninstall/reinstall RAD itself):
    • Uninstall WebSphere Application Server (WAS) version 6, if it is still installed. It can be uninstalled by running :
      • the RAD uninstall GUI wizard at the command prompt or using Windows Explorer on the icon for uninstall.exe:


        and uninstall only WAS V6 by insuring that only the IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.0 Integrated Test Environment checkbox is checked.

        OR . . .
      • Use the WAS v6 uninstall command directly if the RAD uninstall wizard has any problems.
        <at the command prompt> :


    • Edit the following files:
      • Open %USERPROFILE%\.WASRegistry with a text editor.
        If you find any line containing <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6, delete it.

        C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.WASRegistry
      • Open %WINDIR%\
        If you find any lines starting with WSBAA60 and containing: <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6 , delete them.

        (For Windows2000: WINDIR=C:\WINNT , Windows XP : WINDIR=C:\WINDOWS)
    • Delete the following registry key:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere Application Server
    • Remove the following line from %WINDIR%\IBM\RAT60\.sdpinst\
  5. [ re-install instructions]

    If the RAD v6.0.x install is otherwise well-behaved, try to just re-install WTE v6. This is a judgement decision local to your install and your use of RAD as it is now, that is, whether you can do most other things with it besides using the WTEv6. (Go to step 6 if your decision is to do a complete uninstall/install of RAD v6.)
    • Run the RAD install Launcher GUI Wizard from install disk1 by choosing IBM Rational Application Developer V6.0 and then install only WAS v6 by insuring that only IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.0 Integrated Test Environment box is checked.

      OR . . .
    • If there is any problem in using the RAD install Launcher GUI, go to the section WTE v6 MANUAL INSTALL and try to re-install WAS v6.0 from disk 4.
  6. If a complete uninstall/install of RAD v6.0 is necessary:
    1. Uninstall RAD version 6 using the Windows provided Add/Remove Programs from the Windows Control Panel, then delete the: {RAD Install Directory} and possibly: %WINDIR%\IBM\RAT60

      Note: %WINDIR%\IBM\RAT60 affects all Rational Software Development Platform (RSDP) products sharing this common platform, such as Rational Software Modeler, Rational Functional Tester and Rational Performance Tester. If that is not an issue, it is suggested that this directory be removed. Consult the related technote: How to manually un-install Rational Application Developer on Windows , if there are problems.
    2. Install RAD v6 again.
    3. There should be a fully populated { RAD Install Directory}/runtimes/base_v6 created in the installation process. Test that the WAS v6 server can be run:
      1. first standalone e.g.
        <at the command prompt> :

        <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default\bin\startServer server1
        <install_dir>\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default\bin\stopServer server1
      2. then Start it from the Servers view of RAD V6.
  7. [Optional] Apply any WAS server version 6.0.x provided update or RAD provided Rational Product Updater (RPU) WAS 6.0.x update again as required. If you have problems updating WTE/WAS version 6.0.x see the Related Information Item: Updating the WAS server instance in IBM RAD V6 fails

    Note: Update logs are kept in {RAD Install Dir}\runtimes\base_v6\logs\update\
    e.g. for WAS 6.0.2 Refresh Pack and WAS Fix Pack for Windows:



If the process above does not work, here are the manual steps to install the WTE using only WebSphere components (and if this still fails, then it will be necessary to consult RAD support, which at this point would most likely involve WebSphere Support to help resolve the issue.).

The RAD v6 WTE v6 server install is a very thin layer on top of a true stand-alone WAS v6 Base install. The main difference is that RAD disables the Windows Start menu and it selects the optional features that need to be installed. To manually install:
  1. <at the command prompt>
    cd <install_image>/disk4/external/was6
  2. <at the command prompt>
    set DisableWASDesktopIntegration=false ,

    This environment variable disables the creation of Start Menu shortcut for WAS v6 in Windows.
  3. Remove the <install_dir>/runtimes/base_v6 directory, where <install_dir> is the location where RAD is installed. Clean up the registry as described earlier in CHECK . . . Step 4. Manually Clean up. . . if you have not done so already, and stop any Java™ processes currently running that could interfere.
  4. Initiate the install:
    1. Using the GUI Install wizard :

      <at the command prompt>:
      install.exe -options "<install_image>\disk4\external\was6\rat_responsefile.txt"

      [Note: on the command line do not use the option:
      -P wasProductBean.installLocation="<install_dir>/runtimes/base_v6"
      There is a problem in the WAS installer in reading this option properly in a GUI install.]

      Then in the GUI Install wizard:
      1. When prompted for the install location, use:
        where <install_dir> is the location where RAD is installed.
      2. When prompted for features to install, select all the features except "Application Server Sample".
        The GUI Install, unlike the silent install, allows the user to directly see the install progress. If there is any problem related to user's machine, it will be shown to the user.

    2. This can also be done as a silent install:

      <at the command prompt>:
      install.exe -silent -options "<install_image>\disk4\external\was6\rat_responsefile.txt" -P wasProductBean.installLocation="<install_dir>/runtimes/base_v6"
      Note:-silentmust be placed before-options
  5. If the install succeeds but RAD does not automatically recognize the WTE, then add this WebSphere instance as a runtime, under the section Window > Preferences > Server > Installed Runtimes.

posted @ 2006-06-09 18:59 moon 阅读(1456) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏

插入时空指针,似乎与oracle driver的版本有关

[06-5-28 8:46:11:594 CST] 00000041 ExceptionUtil E   CNTR0020E: 在调用 bean“BeanId(AFCDAS_EAR#AFCDAS_FACADE.jar#LoginFacade, null)”上的方法“loginRegister”期间,EJB 抛出意外(未声明的)异常。异常数据:java.lang.NullPointerException
 at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBData.clearItem(
 at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSetImpl.clearItem(
 at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.clearParameters(
 at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getPreparedStatement(
 at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareStatement(
 at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareStatement(
 at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.prepareBatchStatement(
 at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.insert(
 at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.insert(
 at org.hibernate.action.EntityInsertAction.execute(
 at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.execute(
 at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.executeActions(
 at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.executeActions(
 at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener.performExecutions(
 at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultFlushEventListener.onFlush(
 at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.dao.base.HibernateDAOImpl.create(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.ejb.session.LoginFacadeBean.loginRegister(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.ejb.session.EJSLocalStatelessLoginFacade_4ee4fc9e.loginRegister(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.delegate.LoginDelegate.loginResgister(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.web.struts.action.LoginAction.loginAction(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.web.struts.action.LoginAction.appExecute(
 at com.mtrc.afcdas.framework.web.AppBaseAction.execute(
 at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
 at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at Code))
 at Code))
 at Code))
 at$ Code))
 at$ Code))

posted @ 2006-05-28 09:27 moon 阅读(1027) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Webshere 与log4J

websphere v6有自己默认的日志处理。

       这里引用一段译自文章( )的话:
       大部分的Log实现都有五种标准的日志消息级别,他们是DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, 和 FATAL。
        IBM的TrLog(Trace Log的简写)  支持这五种级别,并且还额外支持一种级别TRACE。Trace级别比Debug要低,如果你设置你的日志级别为Debug ,那么Trace级别的信息就不会输出到Log中。Trace 只是额外提供了一种用于解决复杂问题的日志级别。

1)在一个公共的项目(其他的项目都会引用它)中引入common-logging.jar ,log4j.jar
   并且把配置好的 和 放在根目录下面
    选中EAR项目,并将其类载入方式由原来的Parent_First改为Parent_Last ,其他的维持不变
    在"企业应用程序 > 你的应用程序 > 库引用"下添加刚才创建的共享库,将"类装入器方式 "改为最后装入父类

Utilizing the IBM Trace Log in Websphere Appliation Server                                                                                                                                       ( )
Integrating Jakarta Commons Loggin
( )
虽然这些文章里面介绍的是基于WAS 5 ,但是原理都是相同的

posted @ 2006-05-14 09:25 moon 阅读(719) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏