本来还要自己写一个auto-complete,但是大多数此类功能并没有提供类似google suggest提供的键盘选择功能,auto-complete便失去了一大半的交互改善。于是前两天还特意扒了google suggest来看ac.js 发现google定是用了混淆器。虽然代码没有压缩,但是代码的回车空行和函数名字全部混乱。正在要自己写的时候发现了此中国自产的AutoAssist。Very Cool!
AutoAssist is an auto completion web widget that written in pure JavaScript. It can help enhance the accessibility of existing website, let the users to work effective and feel comfortable. AutoAssist Javascript only and is built upon prototype and rico. Its main features are :
* improve the User Experience
* Don't require an Ajax experience
* pretty managed JavaScript, easy to understand and customize
* works well on Mozilla/FireFox, IE and Opera
* have a nice solution for fast user typing, reduce a lot of corresponding server loading (20% - 80% *)

The code for the screenshot is very simple :
var foo = function() {
var tt = new AutoAssist("t", {setRequestOptions: function() {
var pars = "name=" + this.txtBox.value;
return { url: "/country.php", parameters: pars };
Event.observe(window, "load", foo);
You can find a ten minutes tutorial for AutoAssist explaining in details how to use this script to create an auto-complete list based on country data.
By the way,script.aculo.us also has it's impelmention:http://demo.script.aculo.us/ajax/autocompleter