
做好软件为中国 #gcc -c helloworld.c -o helloworld.o //编译目标文件 #gcc helloworld.o -o helloworld //编译成可执行exe #helloworld //运行exe

encountered SQLException [weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceLimitException: No resources currently available in pool cp_baggage to allocate to applications, please increase the size of the pool and retry..]; nested exception is weblogic.jdbc.extensions.PoolLimitSQLException: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceLimitException: No resources currently available in pool cp_baggage to allocate to applications, please increase the size of the pool and retry..{ exceptionClass=org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException}


问一下, after checkout a new project from cvs how to use Maven to deploy the web ear to the weblogic? what is the first,second 

copy build.properties.sample to build.properties
then modify it to fit your environment.

2. install weblogic plugin for weblogic (if not installed ) by
maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-weblogic-plugin -DgroupId=footmark-plugins -Dversion=0.1.1

3. invoking maven weblogic:prepare-domain to prepare weblogic runtime 

4.invoking maven:create-launcher to create weblogic launcher which can be used to debug or run weblogic application server 

that's all 

catch me immediately if you have further more questions.

ok,i see

posted on 2006-03-16 09:04 bluesky 阅读(3749) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 工作总结

