
做好软件为中国 #gcc -c helloworld.c -o helloworld.o //编译目标文件 #gcc helloworld.o -o helloworld //编译成可执行exe #helloworld //运行exe
use eclipse to develope c or c++ On Windows platform

use eclipse to develope c or c++ On Windows platform
of course you need j2sdk
1 download eclipse platform and cdt plugins from eclipse official site http://www.eclipse.org/
2 download GNU c/c++ compilers I use MinGW http://www.mingw.org
I use the MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe
2.1 Install MinGW say:D:/MinGW
2.2 set environment
 Path D:\MinGW\bin;
 C_INCLUDE_PATH D:\MinGW\include;
 CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH  D:\MinGW\include\c++\3.2.3;D:\MinGW\include\c++\3.2.3\mingw32;D:\MinGW\include\c++\3.2.3\backward;D:\MinGW\include;
 change the D:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe file name to make.exe
3 also download the Msys from MinGW.org
3.1 Install Msys

4 downloads wxWidgets-2.6.3.zip from http://www.wxwidgets.org/ 
4.1 building it
 unzip it first say:D:\MinGW\wxWidgets-2.6.3
 > cd D:\MinGW\wxWidgets-2.6.3\build\msw
   > make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release
   > cd D:\MinGW\wxWidgets-2.6.3\samples\minimal
   > make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release
4.2 use wxWidgets-2.6.3 in eclipse
 Properties for a c++ project
 GCC C++ Compiler
  Preprocessor(-D)  _WINDOWS
  Directories  "D:\MinGW\lib\gcc-lib\mingw32\3.2.3\include"
 GCC C++ Linker
   Library search path(-L)

5 Install some libs tools on eclpise
ACE_wrappers build with Msys  http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html
mysql++-2.1.1 build with makefile and need the mysql source src zip file http://www.tangentsoft.net/mysql++/ 
STLport-4.6.2 http://stlport.org
STLsgi-3.3 http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl
boost_1_33_1   http://www.boost.org/

look the readme file will help you build


posted on 2006-05-09 09:40 bluesky 阅读(3169) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: C/C++

