                     concat('Welcome ', Name, '!'):字符连接
                     substring-before(string, pattern)
                     substring-after(string, pattern)
                     tarts-with(string, pattern)
                     substring(string, i, len?)
                     translate(string, from-pattern, to-pattern)
                     大小写转换:translate(“Hello”, “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”,
2.布尔运算:<         >     =    <=       >=       !=
         &lt;    &gt;    =   &lt;=    &gt;=    !=
3.算术运算:+, -, *, div, mod
   算术函数:sum(node set)  this function sums up all the values in the set of nodes
                  floor(number) returns the largest integer that is not greater than number
                                      Example.  floor(2.5) returns 2
                  ceiling(number) returns the smallest integer that is not less than number
                                      Example.  Ceiling(2.5) returns 3
                  round(number) returns the integer closest to number
                                      Example. round(2.3) returns 2