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After reading the story of the last class, I saw the news and some pictures about war of Iraq that describe the vivid scene that people were killed, children were crying, soldiers were standing with mercy but uselessness. who started the war? who can control the proceeding of the war? Nobody know about it.

The Unite State is a great nation, but she is too self-confident and too selfish. I don't know what the American think when seeing blood in the pictures from the battle field. if I were an American , I would not consider our country as the God giving people hope and happy. But, if a nation is full of violence and unjustice, whether do the other country turn down the government of that country or pay a little attention to that country. Maybe no matter how strong condemnation is not sufficent to stop the its confusion. However, a declaration of war to that country ,even for justice, will make it loss more.

people's natural charactors not only are positive,full of affection, with mercy,but also selfish, competitive, ambitious and so on. The govenment all over the country fight for their people. however, there are few authority which never serve for their people but control people with centralization of state power. War is not a perfect solution. I believe the revolution of nature will break down the govenment and principle which restrict the freedom of people. we should either wait for the change of history, or speed up its coming.


posted on 2005-05-18 19:50 c.c. 阅读(216) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

